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What's the word on .cn domain?

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Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
May 25, 2006
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.cn (chinese) domains, are there predictions that these are going to be big?

EM @MAJ.com

Visit MAJ.com for domain forsale.
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 10, 2002
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.cn (chinese) domains, are there predictions that these are going to be big?

I'm .cn investor, I buy generic domains and will hold for next 10 years.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 14, 2007
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shops.cn is here. not for sale. :)


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2007
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Chineese internet market will be bigger than US market near future, 2010 experts say.
So, many .cn will have a higher value than .com.

Here is the trick different from US Market. As a domain name seller at Europe market
i have more international experience than most US Market players or speculators.

Trick 1 : Language
-Chinese people speak Chinese and do not know English well.
-Every time in China, number of Chinese speakers will be higher than English speakers.
-I bet you or most generic .cn purchasers of US speculators have not seen a Chinese keyboard
or cannot write their own name and surname with Chinese letters.
Result 1 : You can never know what do China people love to type so you ll fail to catch interesting words for Chinese.
Result 2 : .cn speculators are mostly using .cn names to sell to US citizens.

Trick 2 : Generic domain names
This generic name rush was the worst failure of US domain name speculators at Europe market and at international markets.
In Europe and China it is really very difficult to take a suitable TM for generic names. And you cannot easily use them commercially. I know very famous US speculator companies that lost millions of dollars on generic names in EU Domain name Market. They wasted their funds on
generic Europe names and legally they cannot use those names except blank pages. (Parking is also a kind of violation TM issue)(Those US speculators nowadays try to sell these names to lessknowledged US citizens to lessen their losses-) I know a very very famous US speculator company which lost more than 5.6million USD only in one EU country on generic domain names.

Trick 3 : Politics
Yes in US Market you can find some generic names commercially operates under US Companies. But one reason is, the market started at US firstly and .com was only name for US companies once. Also many US politicians saw .com boom as a free and cheap way of promoting US companies internationally. So some rules are put into trash basket for US companies at .com cases.
But life is changing, many EU countries gave priority to their companies on domain name cases against US companies and i am sure it will be the same for .cn too. (imagine a China court needed your representation at a China Court, if you are not represented, you ll lose ur names.-As US Courts did to many people whole world- This is a very cheap and easy trick)

Newly, many international people see their countries extension as a more reputable and trustable brand on internet. Especially .co.uk of England and .com.tr of Turkey are preferable against .com in most cases.

As a result .cn can also be a big failure for non-Chinese, be very careful.


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2007
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.com is more popular in China.
Every time at every country .com was popular.
But such things are changing.
Chinese people have a luck that they have different style letters so they can have .com names at their language but it is very early to say .com will stay popular in china. After the rise of market, popularity will be seen more clearer.

One more addition;
Now we can write domainname w/o extension at famous internet browsers and they go directly to .com page. Governments have right to claim at Microsoft and Firefox to close this feature or use their local commmercial dot extension instead of .com.
ie i can claim a sample case from my court to Microsoft and Firefox. Because they are beating my commercial rights locally by their browsers. my customers want to type my brand but go to .com instead of me. Believe me this case also will have effect to reduce .com popularity.

Such things are temporary benefits of .com but only temporary. According to me most .com prices are balloon now at 2nd hand market.

What is future, i think Firefox and ie will make patches if not made yet. Every different language of browser will canalize domains w/o typed with extension to users language countries commercial domain name (ie german Ä°E user will see .de when typing domain name w/o extension)
Google made it already . At Germany google.de at China google.cn opens instead of google.com


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 14, 2005
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Chineese internet market will be bigger than US market near future, 2010 experts say.
So, many .cn will have a higher value than .com.

That might be possible, but not 2010, unlikely so quickly.

Trick 1 : Language
-Chinese people speak Chinese and do not know English well.

99% of Chinese people don't speak english at all. Yes, a few words that "man", "woman", "hello", "Good day", "how are you", but this isn't really speaking.

-I bet you or most generic .cn purchasers of US speculators have not seen a Chinese keyboard

Chinese keyword is the same as the US keyboard. Chinese characters are entered using a combination of keys, there is no one character one key.

As a result .cn can also be a big failure for non-Chinese, be very careful.

If you buy IDN.cn, i don't see how you will fail?


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2007
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Hi touchring
you have touched good issues.

You can buy any IDN.cn if available but you have to have a TM too to use it at China
u should have a good budget to represent yourself at Chinese courts against local TM
holders. This can reduce prosperity of preserved domain name.

user sitebuyer is an US citizen i think(portland). For an US domainname investor or speculator .cn can easily be a failure as i see from the experiences of US speculators at EU market.

One more thing is China is a real giant. They have their own technology or somekind of that ministry!. Politically they wanna control their own network and wanna make a new organisation like ICANN and IANA at long term. So they wanna rule their own internet and they have power to do this.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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China has made it quite known that they want more .cn in the world than any other domain extension. Based on the population of this country, this is very foreseeable. Other studies I have read also indicate the 2010 year but this may be achieved before this date. In addition, China also wants to have more computers than any other country.

A mega economic powerhouse like China is very capable of achieving this goal(s). Add the simple fact that China is practically giving away the .cn domain name at about 30 cents each and you will create a market.

Most importantly, China wants to control its own destiny and will not fail in this goal. It has already mandated that all Chinese official agencies from the state to the local level use the .cn domain and not the .com.

China is gearing up for the Beijing olympics in 2008 and will not make too many radical changes before then. Afterwards?

I would imagine that there is a strong possibility that china will mandate that all citizens and business in Mainland china use the .cn domain, including business not home based in china. For instance, if you work for some thing like General Motors in China, your url will be GeneralMotors.cn. Yes, that makes sense. But this will not be an option. China has already placed restrictions on Google and Yahoo. Anyone wanting to do business in this empire will do what they are instructed to do with out hesitation.

Now, add into this China's big push to adopt IDN and native script and characters and you have the makings of a changing internet. Then add in India, a country expected to surpass China in the population by 2015, who also is wanting more widespread adoption of the .in along with native language, character, and script (IDN) and it is not easy to just wave off this kind of talk.

That said, even if China was to have more .cn than .com, will that make them valuable? Some yes, some no.

There is currently an island nation who is giving away for free up to three domain names. In theory, giving away domain names they could possibly end up overtaking .com. Does that make them valuable?

But China and India both are quite different stories...and governments, and populations, and full of national pride. They have the power to institute and mandate how they want things done. And as far as ICANN goes, I really can't see ICANN having much say or influence in their decision making process.

So, I am not sure that any of us at this point can say with any certainty that this will happen, that will happen, this won't be and so on. All I can see is what I have been reading, what is being reported, and what could very well potentially happen based on what is happening along with current trends.

I believe one thing is for certain... the internet as we know it is in for some changes and about to become very fractured.


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2007
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That said, even if China was to have more .cn than .com, will that make them valuable? Some yes, some no.
We all know that domain name business do not only rely on just IT industry,

it depends on many variables some like governmental regulations, the whole economy, peoples trends, new technological developments(developments can also kick domain name out/away in 15 years ie).

most trends show india china us and europe brothers at internet next 20 years. Now US is the biggest brother. Europe is a good brother of US.
Last 5 years
Good bro EU wanted to find its own destiny so they have bite US Market but could not create efficiency as US. But good bro is giving big damages to US companies. Look Microsoft Media Player case. MS has to pay 400million or some like amount to Eu in current situation. Most EU officials use linux (me never used microsoft OSs last 5 year ie) it is not the only reason to keep competition also let EU to pay less to US companies.

Japan people adopted themselves to the situation and did not threaten the equation.

But China is very different from Good bro EU and Japan. EU and Japan accepted and used the rules written at US but China wants to write its own rules and struggle US to use Chinese rules. This political aim changes everything. As Doc Com states we can not predict the future now but can see some steps further.
.cn is coming like a typhoon with double percent growth rates. China people is getting richer.

Purchasing Power Parity(PPP) says China economy is 9.8 trillion USD and US is 13 trillion. If chinese would not stabilize their money value to USD, China had already passed over US economy last year (EU has 17 trillion USD, EU was smaller than US 5 years ago). Also money rushed away from US increased last 5 years. London Stock Exchange has passed trade volume of NY Stocks Market.

So as big brother changes values change, future change, culture change etc.. .cn is going to succeed more than .com next years.

Especially when WTO accept Chinese money as one international currency then it will be very easy to say .cn is valuable than .com


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 22, 2005
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I believe one thing is for certain... the internet as we know it is in for some changes and about to become very fractured.
Have you invested in IDNs? (As we know them)


Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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I just have a few, one of them is: Trading.cn

Thinking it can be used by an "English speaking" website as an entrance in to Trade with Chinese companies or maybe Trading Chinese financial markets in the future if they are ever opened to the english speaking portion of the west....anyone agree?


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Personally, I think that is a good pickup.

But I think it will be a huge "wait and see" approach.

On another personal note (and purely my opinion)...China is not going to make any radical changes prior to the Olympics. They are well aware of the stage and the world will be focusing on China.

At the same time, they have become so wired and readying themselves not only for the Summer games but also to take a giant leap into becoming the nation with the most domain names and computers.

All of this will ultimately be a big factor on the landscape of the internet in the very near future. And for the life of me, I can not envision anyone, any other government, any oversight body or organization like ICANN to dictate to China (or India) what they can and can not do.


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2007
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I just have a few, one of them is: Trading.cn

Thinking it can be used by an "English speaking" website as an entrance in to Trade with Chinese companies or maybe Trading Chinese financial markets in the future if they are ever opened to the english speaking portion of the west....anyone agree?

i have no idea on TM issue on name trading.cn currently at China.
this name is so generic that perhaps it is very difficult to use for any trade
related issue. Especially for UK, Germany and Turkey it is difficult to use it
as a site for trading, because any one of companies, even LLC s, have a legal
right to claim this name.

I see that you are using it on parking.
i checked trading dot com, its owners did not parked it. trade dot com and trade dot net are also parked if they are US citizens a simple claim will cause them to close their parking forwarding.

trading dot net forwards it to a chinese (i think it is chinese, i am not sure) site.
they are probably forwarding it like pirate. Any claim will stop their registrar to
forward such commercial sites.

By the way i have to mention, especially to US investors, that investing internet internationally is not like investing in US borders. Because if i say cases and US company names at EU you cannot believe how they lose funds with very easy legal tricks.

Within US really believe me US officials try their best to mean the rules on advantage of US citizens and companies and politically show efforts on US people side. But in international markets things change and you feel alone., Take a good advice from a TM lawyer also. If you had domain in EU for instance with an trading.** (one eu extension ) i can easily cause a court to charge you 200,000$ just for parking that name. Surely in the best scenario(scene that u won the court) you had to pay at least 25.000$ - 40.000 $ for court costs.
(Perhaps it is a time issue that u ll see court letter for that .cn name)
As i said before, some very famous US companies lost tens millions of dollars just for registering generic domain names. In one case a very famous US domainname speculator company 5.6million$ only in one country,

now i looked
trading dot co dot uk
trading dot de
trading dot com dot tr

none of them are forwarded to any place or brand. Even no one cared to register trading dot com tr


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 24, 2005
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now i looked
trading dot co dot uk
trading dot de
trading dot com dot tr
none of them are forwarded to any place or brand. Even no one cared to register trading dot com tr

The big money will be for 商业.com or 商业.cn ;)

But unfortunately it is taken in all extensions...but still time to find other nice Chinese idns before IDN goes full mainstream.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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But unfortunately it is taken in all extensions...but still time to find other nice Chinese idns before IDN goes full mainstream.
China and Chinese culture is rich in history, religion, and tradition. I have been looking at the traditional and culture of China and getting some decent regs with very good traffic in simplified Chinese IDN. Have been primarily dealing in the .com and .net. I have perhaps 2-4 .cn.

One issue I see with .cn are decent prices for me to register. If the cost is 1 yuan then there is no reason at all for me to be paying $10.00 or more for a new reg.

And seeing that simplified Chinese characters are common in Japanese and Korean culture and language, to me at the present it makes more sense to concentrate on .com IDN.

Unless someone wants to point me to a very reasonable and cheap (but ultimately secure) .cn registrar. Realistically, I don't think the cost of registering a .cn should be more than $0.99 to $1.99 USD considering 1 yuan is about 30 cents (if that much).


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2007
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Well this title happened to be a place to argue all about china.
this is very benefical because we are talking about a new future
in internet.

One argument is US had promised(or agreed with international community) to leave control of ICANN and all root servers, also registry data and internet governance policies to an international organization at September 2006(or late 2006).
This is main reason why Europe and other countries did not make much effort on building alternative ICANN and other technological etc...

But at year 2005 US refused to do so. This is seen as an empire action by most countries. Then now other countries, especially China, built its own structure. China wants to share all related info with international community but not its real control.
The fact is that now China has such ready alternative system.
They only need database from ICANN to start operation. And all we know that
US can not hold the control forever.

What is the worst case? The worst case is leave US alone with its cables and built a new internet. That is all .
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