Thing is I really do believe the reason this site succeeded was the owner who bought the site had the vision.Actually, yes I do. :-/
Yep, just a slightly immature kid who probably should never have sold the site when I did. I am almost 23, just finishing up university now. I am currently making a pretty decent living from my online business.. I guess it's only fitting that I am after countless years of being online trying to start sites/make money. I wish I had a bit more to show of course though.
Lol.All I know is that if Focus bought DNForum the logo would be:
Some people have moved on ...Dan, everyone wants to know what you doing now?
Some people have moved on ...
Hmmm- joined Jan 2008 ...
Personally I'd love to hear the story someday, how it went from the original DNForum site (what was used, members, how it was used, traffic, membership levels) to what we have today. I'm sure that in itself could make an interesting book.
Yes, quite adept.Arnt you good at counting & pointing profile stats?k:
OK time to register
Yes, quite adept.
Those who were actually here back in 2002 witnessed that first hand AS IT HAPPENED. Although there were quite some behind-the-scene activities, if you dig deeper (into the threads), it's not difficult to piece together the story.Personally I'd love to hear the story someday, how it went from the original DNForum site (what was used, members, how it was used, traffic, membership levels) to what we have today. I'm sure that in itself could make an interesting book.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators