If you own .com.cn,you can register .cn first for 3 month.Originally posted by DryHeat
Is that true? This is the first time I read this....
If you own .com.cn,you can register .cn first for 3 month.Originally posted by DryHeat
Is that true? This is the first time I read this....
Originally posted by DryHeat
Is that true? This is the first time I read this....
But if it was already happening it would be too late to speculate, wouldn't it?Originally posted by kvinsencius
So don't expect anything to happen for many years to come.
Just my opinion
Originally posted by Beachie
But if it was already happening it would be too late to speculate, wouldn't it?
China has one of the fastest growing internet populations in the world:
"China has surpassed Japan to become the second largest global at-home Internet population, the Internet audience measurement service Nielsen/NetRatings reported Monday in Los Angeles. China's Internet population is only next to the United States' 166 million, but only accounting for 5.5 percent of homes in the country"
Lots of room for growth...
Google returns over 2.5 Million websites using .com.cn, 800K using .net.cn, and 500K using .org.cn
Originally posted by kvinsencius
Would be interested to hear some comments on this from someone located in China. Regardless, when you are saying that it is market of 1 billion people, it is totally misleading. How many of those acutally have a computer or access to one? And those that do have a computer, how many of those have access to the Internet? Of course, it is a market for the future. But we are talking a lot of changes that involves culture, infrastructure, economy etc. It will take time. So don't expect anything to happen for many years to come.
Just my opinion
Originally posted by llew
Well, I'm a chinese american (born in the US), but I do know lots of popular .com.cn sites like
Tell that to the 4 Million+ sites currently using the roman character .cn namespace..Originally posted by izopod
Speculating on a romain character, chinese CCTLD is about the funniest thing I've ever heard.
Originally posted by izopod
No offense, but the the "marketing" behind .com.cn (.cn) is that we can now have a way to attract the 1 billion Chinese citizens in China. The sites you list are roman-character domains. To the average chinese citizen these names don't mean anything. To think we can "convert" 1 billion people to use "roman character" domains is absurd in my point of view.
Originally posted by Beachie
Tell that to the 4 Million+ sites currently using the roman character .cn namespace..
Originally posted by E-Promote
kvinsencius...look deeper
"It seems there are more people learning to speak English in China than there are English speakers in the whole of the United States."Originally posted by izopod
If you think the average english speaking person is going to buy a .com.cn/.cn site and adequately create a site to attract chinese visitors you are sadly mistaken. It costs $$$ to create a chinese language site. izopod
Seems to me that their own namespace is roman character. Unless you're gonna tell me 'c' and 'n' are Chinese characters..Originally posted by izopod To think we can "convert" 1 billion people to use "roman character" domains is absurd in my point of view.
Originally posted by kvinsencius
The figures does not surprise me. But to say that it is a potential market of 1 billion people is not correct in my opinion. I can see the bigger cites like Shang Hai, Hong Kong, Peking etc. having big invlovement in those figures. But I find it really hard to believe that it would grow much more after that. What I mean is when will the rest of the country catch up? I think if you look at the percentage of Internet users compared to the population China has, it still has a long way to go. If I'm not mistaken, I think Sweden is ranked either 1st or 2nd in that department. But still, a figure close to 100 million users is not bad for one country
Originally posted by izopod
Ok...you're going to laugh...
Guess how many of those .cn sites are chinese based?
Yup, probably most of them. Go figure, the chinese using their own ccTLD.
If you think the average english speaking person is going to buy a .com.cn/.cn site and adequately create a site to attract chinese visitors you are sadly mistaken. It costs $$$ to create a chinese language site.
If you think the average english speaking person is going to buy a .com.cn/.cn domain name (in great numbers) to sell to people in china you are again sadly mistaken. From what I gather the registry has been open for a couple of years to chinese citizens. If they haven't had the desire to purchase the names themselves by now, what "gems" could we offer them that they already haven't had access to.
My guess as to why China is opening the .cn CCTLD to everyone is because they wanted to sell their "unused" portion of their name-space. Now I wonder why after all this time that the some of the english-word space would still be available...
Originally posted by chinewang
If you have .com.cn,you can register .cn now.
.cn is the best,.cn=.com+.net
Originally posted by bidawinner
The ONLY thing I have been wondering about..what if in March the powers that be have a "sunrise" for owners of .com.cn !
if you own mysite.com.cn..what if they give those owners say 15 days to grab the mysite.cn ? !
Not saying they will..just something for consideration.
Unlikely...but..makes you wonder.."
Are YOU saying that this is how it IS going to work ?
And how do you know this? are you able to point us to any verifying links?
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