DotComGod said:
Even if he countered with 100k, tha would be better. A counter of 1 million tells m he does not wish to sell at all. This may be untrue but it is my interpretation and since I am the potential buyer, I walked away.
Exactly my view to. For example, I just checked my Sedo account and looked at the last 42 offers I made over a couple mos.
34 of them went like this: I offer say $300 for a name I would be willing to pay $800 for but the seller counters with say $20,000., or I offer say $1,000 for a name I would go up to $3,000 but get a $100,000 (or more) counter, so I cancel all negotiations rather than deal with such a high priced seller.
3 of them I purch thru Sedo because the sellers price was given and also near my price, i.e. seller lists for $3,000, I offer say $1,000., seller counters at say $2,000., we agree on $1,500 thru Sedo.
On 5 sales I emailed the owner direct from Whois after seeing it listed on Sedo (for a too high price vs my planned offer) and tell him if we agree to a sale he can get a better price since I can pay direct thru PayPal and no escrow will be needed.
All 5 were done successfully that way with the seller transfering to me the same day he got the money, all done with no trader ratings and neither one of us knowing each other (could tell he was honest by the way he worded his email or looking at his website, and other ways).