yes we all agree .com is king, people will buy the .com over other extensions because it is "the known" extension. but I find it hard to believe some ones choice over a name would come down to a $5 difference. Obviously Al must be a newly wed, because anyone who has been married for a while knows to ask his wife specifically what coffee she wanted even before he left...and even asked for a few alternatives - just in case they were sold out of Maxwell house. lol
I think you miss the point each time. It is not the $5 but the trigger to look for the .ca domain.
Now you own more than one .ca domain, which already makes you 'above average' in this regard. You also know .ca exists, which places you in a group which is smaller than the group of people who know that .com exists, and so on.
Al, on the other hand, only knows he should think about a web site. He does not know what HTML is, what a web designer does, or what an SEO should be. He only knows he should probably get an web address, just in case he needs it.
If he goes to GoBadly he will see absolutely
nothing informing him that .ca is a good choice, and most likely will see nothing about .ca at all.
How is he going to hear about .ca names, and if he does, why will he decide to register one?
Now if the GoBadly web site says 'Hey, **you are on a Canadian English or French browser/Canadian English or French operating system/Canadian IP address so** let me show you the great .ca deals we have on' then he might pay attention, but that is not what happens. They simply sell Al the first thing he picks and tries to add on to the order, and not once does it offer him a .ca domain as an option.
Setting a low price will create awareness, and awareness builds market share.