To domaining? No.Doc Com,
Are you knew to this?
I pay you for testing based on your revenue and I verify your income. Nothing else. Got it? I offer what you want.
I can appreciate a PM, but for clarity's sake I think this would need to be addressed openly.
For instance, I primarily park at Sedo. I have gotten as much as $32.00+ per click. How and where would you measure the revenue to arrive at a basis of your offer? And if I were to take 10 or 20 names offline and redirect to you for measure, on what basis would you pay me for that time and revenue lost?
What do you mean? If someone pays up front for testing based on your stats how can you not be compensated? lol
Makis, I like his flag better lol - that is not racists dude. Come down, I like you, but do not threaten me next time please.
If that's the case I'll take it for free lol
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators