It will never recover it's a goner, but the new green market has already started. You will start seeing big biz making very big investments, in going green as trillions are up for grabs.
This market crash is a good thing, it was the markets clearing the books. Take note how oil prices dropped faster then it sky rocketed, big oil stock took as big of hit as well. And big oil has started down sizing already as well, wind power been selling as fast as they can make them.
They are just now regrouping as well as moving ahead, auto makers should be able to do really great. Home builders and contractors, green techs will do great in the stock market. And electronic makers and many others, looks for big drops in wind power and solar power hardwares.
They got a window in witch to make a killing, and they will lower the hardware prices to sell large amounts. Also many works will be needed, to make all this stuff put it all up also look at getting ready to handle MMGWing. Many things will need to be done, much of the states have started already.
Things sure pick up around mid summer of next year, it will all start going faster after that. There is much going on right now, that not been in the stock markets at all though. Since obama is going to hit the ground running, that should speed things up a bit and by his terms end. Things will be going along very good, my guess is he will get another term. He has made it clear going green, is on the top of his list.
But don't look at a recovery this time, it's a change over to a new market. At first things will move slow but upwards, then things will start speeding up. This time people will be ok at first, and keep getting better to it reaches a point, then new techs start selling stocks and stuff.
My guess is many big biz's have stuff planed out already, as they seen this coming a mile away. This is why they needed to clear the books, and regroup so they can start moving into a green market much faster. Like auto makers I'm sure they can get autos, upto 80 to 100 miles per gallon in a very short time.