Originally posted by amhitvl
so every one have use snapname only
what happen to other company like expirefish, namewinner etc.
http://www.graveyard.com :cry:
Originally posted by amhitvl
so every one have use snapname only
what happen to other company like expirefish, namewinner etc.
so every one have use snapname only what happen to other company like expirefish, namewinner etc.
Originally posted by safesys
How dare they let the price of a domain in an open auction system reach the dizzying heights of a fraction of its market value - shame on them.
Originally posted by dodgeviper
hmm, what happens if you've got a snap on a name now and the WLS comes into action?
Originally posted by Domain
I believe I read that a SnapBack will not count towards a WLS
Originally posted by mole
That would be logical, since you may need to clean the slate to make it fair for everyone at the beginning? Snaps could convert SBs back to credits to buy WLS subs.
Since registrars will have a hand in reselling WLS subs, I wonder if the insider jobs are already being planned - if and when the slate is wiped clean. Figuring the out would make or break any of our speculative attempts to move in on the WLS.