normal flu kills a lot more people in world then this swineflu. And noone talks about normal flu?
This is not normal flu nor is this normal-flu season in many parts of the world.
The primary concern with travel would be mass transit or airline.
Essentially you are placed at risk by being in an enclosed environment for any length of time.
Remember a couple of years ago the jerk who had drug resistant Tuberculosis (TB) and was ordered not to fly? Yet he flew to France to get married, traveled to Rome for the honeymoon, was on an alert list of travelers, flew back to Canada, then rented a car to drive into the US.
This is how pandemics and epidemics get started. I can not believe this guy did what he did and then played the innocent victim when ordered to be confined to a hospital ward.
Honestly, people have NO idea what could, should, would have happened had he been infectious at any moment in the trip.
Be infected and infectious are two complete different terms and you may be seeing these terms quite a bit. Become familiar with them.
You can be
infected with a bacteria or virus in your system. That
infectious process is the concern. This implies that you can spread the condition as the disease process is communicable at the time. Many people who have had the flu but are on the recovery side of things have been infected but are not infectious to others.
If you are planning on traveling, just be aware of any risks - even threats.
On a side note, I have the domain flu dot travel that I plan on putting up a site for this very reason.