Dear Genki and Theo,
Thanks so much for replying to my question. As much as your explanations make incredible sense, the user logs suggest otherwise. The IP assigned to my computer is so different from 90% of the visitors that I'm not the culprit, although that's what I thought at first, too.
Furthermore, the "visitors" are also using quite different browswers and their systems are configured very differently from mine. I can tell exactly which visits are mine, and they do, of course, account for a percentage of the traffic.
The answer that seems to make the most sense in the little bit of "scientific" research I did a couple of hours ago is both exciting and sad. When I typed "forensic domains" into a number of search engines, what came up in the
#1 spot was not my new site, but any one of a buch of the 1,000 domain names that are registered to Forensic Domains, the name I started using as soon as I decided that that would be the name of my site.
Frankly, I didn't think it was the greatest name in the world, but it did a very good job of describing the major focus of my domain selling business... finding perfect domains for law firms and medical practices, with the two areas crossing over to one another in the area of expert witness services and testimony.
I think that what has been happening is that folks may have been searching for a particular name and they ran a "whois" on the name. Until a couple of weeks ago, doing so just told them that the domains were registered to Forensic Domains, but took them nowhere. (I know, how STUPID could I have been?). Had they done so and, as bright people would have done, decided to investigate more about a particular name by going to, they would have ended up nowhere. Now, they seem to be landing on a real site.
Does this make sense? I haven't been spending much time at all over the past week at the site, because my computer has been on the blink much of the time, yet the number of pages viewed, number of visitors, etc., keeps climbing.
So, it can't be me. The traffic seems to be coming from a real "other " set of places out there. Should I be excited about this or should I shoot myself right now for all of the time and potential business I wasted before I finally got my site up and running? Perhaps I should do both.
Perhaps, on the other hand, this explanation makes no sense either. I must say, though, that this phenomenon is not occuring at my other site, which probably would appeal to a much smaller audience, specifically just to attorneys looking for a psychologist expert witness or every high school kid who thinks that what I do is what the Profiler series has made so famous ... intuitively profiling serial killers by managing to conjure up visual images of crime scenes. :laugh: :laugh:
Thanks SO much for taking the time to respond to my question. I'll keep my eyes and ears open to see how much of the traffic is, indeed, explained by the factors you mentioned.