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news .xyz domain names now cost one penny

  • Thread starter Andrew Allemann
  • Start date

Andrew Allemann

Uniregistry drops the price on .xyz domain names to one penny each.

Apparently a dollar or two is just too expensive for some new TLDs these days.

Uniregistry is currently selling .XYZ domain names for one penny. Yes, that’s $.01.

Someone is losing money on that deal in the way of ICANN fees.

What’s next? XYZ will start giving away domains for free? Wait. Nevermind.

Word has it that Uniregistry is discounting a lot of other domains to just 85 cents starting tomorrow. (Update: the sale has started with domains from Radix, FFM and more for 85 cents.)

If you can’t wait until tomorrow and are willing to spend three cents more, NameCheap has an entire tab in its search results listing domains available for 88 cents each. It includes .xyz, .top, Radix (e.g. .site) and Famous Four Media (e.g. .trade) domains.

Of course, all of these offers renew at regular prices one year from now.

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The post .XYZ domain names now cost one penny appeared first on Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News & Views.

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