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41) You go out to the local diner to eat with your family and you mark down all the url's that are on the paper placemat onto a napkin and put it in your pocket.
42) At the public car garage you keep looking for Sedo Parking signs.
43) You are following your local morning news waiting for reports of your PPC traffic commute.
44) You keep telling ugly-looking women in Australia how Fabulous the are.
45) You believe WIPO to be as powerful as NATO.
46) You pre-ordered the unwritten Yun Ye's biography.
47) Your heart skips the beat when you hear the words "pending delete".
48) Every so often you take your car to the service-center in order to have its "search engine optimized".
49) Your favorite sport is "lowball".
50) You believe those bozos at Google to be in "detour-navigation" market.
51) You "appraise" sexy women on the streets.
52) You are convinced that you are actually flattering your new date when you tell her that her first and last name consist of less than 12 letters combined.
53) When deciding whether to turn serious with your girlfriend you keep thinking of her "development potential".
54) You put your engagement ring in escrow.
55) You keep reminding your wife in bed that it is the "quality" and not "quantity" of your portfolio that really matters.
56) You keep asking your pregnant wife of her "drop date".
57) You name your kids with three-letter names.
58) When preparing family taxes you ask your wife of her last year's revenues.
59) You are convinced your pissed-off wife puts you in her "redemption period" way too often.
60) You think of your mother-in-law as the "legal issue".
61) You talk about things that concern you and your family at domain name forums, instead of town hall meetings.
62) You tell friends you are in the "real estate" industry.
63) Your math consist of the ability to count yearly multiples.
64) You keep telling your recent immigrants' neighbor family that their kids' names are brandable.
65) You phone in escort agencies asking whether they offer a "regfee" special.
66) You keep having nightmares of yelling "Sold!" too quick.
67) You keep having nightmares of yelling "Sold!" too slow.
68) While in shopping mall you keep pestering retail merchants to make you an offer.
69) You like "pool" better than the ocean.
70) Your customized license-plate reads "$6.95".
71) You hold a steadfast opinion that "Julia Roberts" shouldn't be a trademark.
72) You instruct your own wife to P.M. you her divorce papers.
73) You ask John Berryhill to be your divorce attorney.
75. When naming your kids, you do a WHOIS to see if the name will be available before you decide on it.
76. Instead of taking out a second mortgage, you sell a domain name or two.
77. Instead of buying a house, you buy a domain name or two.