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You must have a domain getting 5,000+ uniques a day to make money!

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David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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I am posting this as a new thread as I feel this issue is likely the #-1 issue facing 98% of us at this forum who develop or plan to develop websites, and the old thread was getting too long and hard to follow.

Is it any wonder many here only want to sell names and there are few buyers! What Safesys has said in another thread makes participating in domains and websites a dubious activity if I am reading him right. Since he is an expert on this and very knowledgable his post on both selling products/services and PPC/Affiliate Programs is incredibly significant. Here it is:

Originally posted by safesys You would need the 5,000 hits to come from type ins to make any high ticket purchase worthwhile - don't confuse a site with 5k uniques from links as being the same thing as those links can dry up leaving you with just the domain itself. I'd be surprised if any non prime domain had that kind of traffic level and wasn't being sold with a vanity price ticket to match. I can't think of any worthwhile converters for low traffic non product specific sites - but if you did ramp your traffic overall then you could bring them into the fold too....

Safesy also said this regarding PPC - "...I don't know what level of revenue you'd be happy with, but typically traffic over 5k uniques a day would make ppc worthwhile..

So please let me phrase this in a way I am understanding it and correct me If incorrect. You are saying in not so many words, that unless a website has 5,000 hits, mostly from pure type-in's, it's highly unlikely the website/domain could make any serious money.

If so this is VERY depressing news :eek: to most everyone here as I would be willing to bet of the 600 members here only a small fraction have websites getting 5,000 uniques a day, especially if you subtract links and SE returns. As a guess I would say no more than a dozen of us, if that, have these heavy type-in numbers. :mad:

If this is really so perhaps 98% of us should drop out of here and leave the domain business as what is the point when only a fraction of us own websites with 5,000 uniques a day? :confused:

Realnames, you are twisting my words. I was talking about worthwhile revenue from PPC - nothing else. Maybe my idea of worthwhile is different to yours.

There are many other ways to make money, but you need some kind of consideration for the revenue you get - either from traffic volume, traffic quality, domain quality or *something*. Nobody is going to hand over cash for nothing.

But if you wanted to get 5k uniques a day, its entirely possible - just research it and work at it.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by safesys Realnames, you are twisting my words. I was talking about worthwhile revenue from PPC - nothing else. Maybe my idea of worthwhile is different to yours...There are many other ways to make money, but you need some kind of consideration for the revenue you get - either from traffic volume, traffic quality, domain quality or *something*. Nobody is going to hand over cash for nothing...But if you wanted to get 5k uniques a day, its entirely possible - just research it and work at it.

Sorry if it seemed I was doing that but you did in fact use the word WORTHWHILE in both post excerpts above. I think my idea of 'worthwhile' and yours may actually be similar. :)

You have now said you were talking only about PPC but the first post quoted you specifically said to make "high ticket purchases worthwhile," meaning selling products and services, not simply PPC as in the second excerpt. Right?

Then your subject title of "You must have a domain getting 5,000+ uniques a day to make money!" is misleading as the post I made related to PPC.

Like I said, there are many other ways to make money.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by safesys Then your subject title of "You must have a domain getting 5,000+ uniques a day to make money!" is misleading as the post I made related to PPC.
Like I said, there are many other ways to make money.

How could it be misleading when you said 5,000 type-in uniques a day was needed "to make high ticket purchases worthwhile."

I really do not think I twisted your words in any way.:confused:

P.S. I will alter the subject words slightly.

The "high ticket purchase" was in reference to your talking about a single domain being the gateway to ppc riches.

ppc is not the only game in town, but it is one that has a very clear and easy gameplan - traffic.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 22, 2002
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if this has been addressed forgive me but i think that as an average accross the board that may be a in the ballbark estimate.

however there are two factors skewing this serverly

worthless or non monetizable traffic where your only revenue op is a fraction of a cent on hits

and the catagorey and ticket value or pay per click rate some catorgies monetize much better than others.

seansonal traffic considerations

overhead costs

i had trouble believing that was such a thing as worthless traffic til i experienced. the only virtue is your stats look good.

if all else fails you can always resort to branding it or if somewhat generic optimizing.

then theres the ebay route prior to putting it to sleep and someone else buying for the same reason and trying again

can they put warning lable on these deceptive domains

caution (good from far far from good type of thing)

just my opinon

need a speell check hear



Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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I have never understood why webmasters go after PPC..it is true you need thosands of daily hits.. a waste of time for most web masters...

you can make a very nice side income of of sites with 50 visitors a day on ten small one page PRODUCT web sites..IF it's targeted ..


David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by bidawinner I have never understood why webmasters go after PPC..it is true you need thosands of daily hits.. a waste of time for most web masters...you can make a very nice side income of of sites with 50 visitors a day on ten small one page PRODUCT web sites..IF it's targeted ..BID

Not certain what you mean when you say 50 a day on 10 small 1 page product sites. Would you please explain in a little more detail. Thanks.

Also, did you see my old post to you soon after you joined here: ;)



Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
Mar 23, 2002
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There are such things as CPA advertising campaigns.

So you can definately make a large amount of money. You'd be surprised. Some one-hundred unique a day site's revenues far exceed those that get 5k uniques a day. As long as the site is heavily niched/targeted you should have no problems making a decent/good income.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 24, 2002
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There are lots of ways to make money beside PPC!

A) If you develop and promote a destination (i.e. real content) site effectively, and it becomes popular, you're creating traffic where none was there before - in other words, even with ZERO typeins a month you can be sitting on a very nice money-spinner. For example, my Emailaddresses.com site gets around 250,000 uniques a month and does very nicely revenue-wise from the targeted banner and text ads scattered around the site.

B) If you develop a mini-site as a previous poster was talking about, that can also be effective. For instance, my Free-Cellular-Phones.com "site" makes me $50-70 a month... not a lot, but that's from ZERO work i.e. I set it up, submitted it to the search engines and that's it. The point is that you don't stop at just ONE mini-site, you build dozens or hundreds (after all each only takes hours or even minutes to build) and then your OVERALL revenue looks nice every month!

C) If you plug domains with link traffic from old sites into a PPC page, you'll make money. Same thing if you plug in domains with typein traffic.

D) If you have domains with highly targeted typein traffic and a clear commercial proposition, you can make very good money (on a per visitor basis) by sending the traffic straight to an affiliate link (as well as to a PPC page as in C)

In other words, there isn't just "one right way" to succeed on the web, there are LOTS of ways! You also don't have to stick to just one way... you can build "real" sites AND mini-sites and collect domains with traffic and collect typein domains, and be doing very nicely indeed!


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 23, 2002
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blah blah blah ... you need good service and a good domain, thats it


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 22, 2002
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Originally posted by Nic
blah blah blah ... you need good service and a good domain, thats it

HAHAHA Short and sweet!! I have to agree :)


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 29, 2002
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Don't know about your reasoning on emailaddresses.com. I great and useful site to be sure. However, I'd hope that one could monetize that many hits far better given the targeted traffic.

I'd 250,000 unique hits per month in a targeted product site would allow the owner to make a killing! As an aside, don't you find vBulletin constrains a webmaster's ability to monetize the traffic given the difficulty in framing it around content, etc., and only allowing for the ability to have banners in a couple of locations.

Forums are often create huge traffic, and are very useful, but very few can produce decent revenues vs. hits and bandwidth.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 24, 2002
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NameBox, I'm confused as to why you say the traffic could be monetized better when you don't know how much money I make off it?

The Forums are just a small part of the overall site and traffic, since they generate a lot of pageviews but are visited by only a small sub-set of the overall number of visitors.

Overall, the site makes a lot less money than it did 2-3 years ago when companies were paying for people to give away FREE email accounts, but it still makes a good 4-figure amount every month consistently.


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 29, 2002
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Originally posted by Genki
NameBox, I'm confused as to why you say the traffic could be monetized better when you don't know how much money I make off it?

The Forums are just a small part of the overall site and traffic, since they generate a lot of pageviews but are visited by only a small sub-set of the overall number of visitors.

Overall, the site makes a lot less money than it did 2-3 years ago when companies were paying for people to give away FREE email accounts, but it still makes a good 4-figure amount every month consistently.


My point is that with 250,000 uniques a month, I'd be distressed if I weren't making five to six figures profit a month on product (no, I'm not joking). Assuming targeted product in a lucrative niche (and extrapolating from the real world), that many uniques is sorely wasted in PPC or Affiliate programs.

Now, you developed a useful site, and "self" generated the traffic. However, as we discussed key ins before with safesys, I'd venture that 5000 targeted uniques a day (fewer than your figures), would yield significant revenue, and consequent profit if the operator new what they were doing.

To give away 5000 + uniques a DAY seems shortsighted, unless the target market couldn't be parlayed into product.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 24, 2002
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I agree that if I had that amount of traffic oriented towards a PRODUCT I would expect to make a huge amount of $. But since it's people looking for FREE email, I don't think I do too badly :)


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 29, 2002
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Originally posted by Genki
I agree that if I had that amount of traffic oriented towards a PRODUCT I would expect to make a huge amount of $. But since it's people looking for FREE email, I don't think I do too badly :)

I wasn't beening critical of your site per se, but just commenting on traffic conversion into product. BTW, with email going more pay each day, maybe you'll do even better in the future!
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