I'm inside this domaining world from 2 years too.
I feel like is a new start everyday.
I feel like a newbie started yesterday, everyday I learn something (and meet great people teach me...some suckers too

I'm happy for the results I had in these 2 years...but I look at tomorrow, not at yesterday.
I feel lucky to do a work that like me and I feel lucky to work and stay all day with my family (it's not easy work at home but if you have discipline you can do right).
I've started without money and I'm happy too I can make a decent living with domains only.
I don't see a real reason to quitting domaining.
I don't want be blashpemy guys but...my dad worked 50 years to rise his only child...he worked 15 hours a day for give me the food in the table everyday and his stressing life burn him every minute...so I don't want repeat myself but If I can make xx,xxx with a "stupid" domain I feel happy and lucky.
I'm real about life...I can make money in front of a pc when some peoples struggle to do a work they don't love.
We are lucky to do this work.
I hope 10 years from now I can feel myself a newbie too.
Hungry = success.