You talk about me being emotional? Look at the tirade & assumptions you felt so compelled to rant on about. I could care less what you do for a living. I wish you luck with whatever it is although it is irrelevant to this conversation.
Actually, it is relevant. Your opinion was too harsh and was backed by nothing. If you were to have joined this thread with something more intelligent, some of us would have learned something. I will just state (for the billionth time):
I work in the mobile industry. My company works with clients trying to get exposure to mobile users. We have 10 "official websites" on the 3 largest mobile carriers (DoCoMo, AU, and Softbank). I personally have 2 mobile websites using .mobi that uses mobile affiliates: uta(.)mobi and watashi(.)mobi which generates some profit to pay for my beer, chocolate, etc. Although its not much now, it will later. I have one mobile website using .mobi that is currently in its patening stages. I regret at the moment not to tell my fellow .mobi colleaguesfriends what it is in order to protect this idea. I am the first to develop 3D animation on mobile devices and am driving Flash Lite technology on mobile devices experimenting and developing Flash Lite 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0 (soon to be released this year) for mobile devices. My company has one sns site that is gaining popularity in Japan. Ok, who gives a rats butt anymore. This is not directed to anyone except .mobi haters who know NOTHING about the mobile industry. My colleauges and friends here on the dnforum also have experience and are developing mobile websites. They are passionate and pioneering the mobile internet. I support them 1,000,000,000,000,000%. Im not in the hype of anything unless shes good-looking and hot and pays for my beer. .mobi is just helping the mobile industry which is expanding and PAYS MY BILLS.
I hear a lot of .mobi haters opinions about how crappy the .mobi extension is. Not only is this mean, but it is also unprofessional.[/QUOTE]
Calm your .mobi passion for a second & actually read what I'm saying. I am sharing an opinion based on common sense. I'm sure the most sane .mobi supporters can realize that many of the names being registered nowadays are not going to accomplish much if anything.
There is one thing to be confident about quality names in the extension & its potential. There is a totally different animal when talking about garbage names period.[/QUOTE] I have seen some crappy names come about and i admit some of my names seem crappy for "English speakers", but it has some potential elsewhere. You are not a master of naming domain names purely on judging it on "English-speaking value". Just because it seems like S**t to you could be worth a lot in other countries that sees English differently.
Brad Pitt is known very well here in Japan. BUT "" means NOTHING here. They know him as "burapito". So "" would be worth a lot more that "" in Japan.
So when you see a crappy name from your prospective, it doesnt mean its SH** elsewhere. And try to remember that .mobi is NOT for America or UK, its Worldwide.[/QUOTE]
Because ignorant people who know nothing about mobile technology or industry is teaching us something. Do you want to control the way that we think!? Are you a god or something!? You think that we are stupid so you write these F***ing stupid posts about how .mobi is crap. You just jumped in and stated an opinion that was not backed by evidence. And what you write also gets posted on search engines which reduces the value of the investment that we invested in. So you are basically telling us that "you know more based on no evidence" and you are "taking our profits away". big companies considering investing in a .mobi will read your post and thing twice before buying our names. Well, hell. List your domain names that you have and we will post how evil you are. its the same thing. you would be pissed off too. and as i said before, show us your domain names and then we will talk about your domain names. even if they look good, should we post how crappy they are!? We are not writing posts/threads to hurt your domain or piss you off, but people like you do this. you have NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to do such posts.Seriously why does any anti .mobi point of view get the masses wanting to go crazy? You would think someone had their first born attacked or something.
I get your point. So please post the .mobis you think are crap. Then lets talk about them.I'll break this down one last time.
In my opinion (I & everyone is entitled to have one whether you agree or not) I think the extension is being highly overrated at the present time.
Some real quality names have automatic potential mixed in with possible branding of certain names thrown in the mix.
A decent % have some quality names & will most likely end up ok.
A high % I think will have this be a losing investment because the quality of names being registered is quite low.
I'm not wishing .mobi death or something, I'm just questioning the logic of the daydreamers in general.
I think you started off to harsh. You can talk trash elsewhere, but not on .mobi threads. I do LOVE debates and welcome ANY debates, but i need debates that we can work from. not from PURELY opinions. They are not productive.
Anyhow, you seem intelligent and you challenged some passionate people. good timing.
Welcome. Lets start off neutral again. We are all here to make money and support each other giving workable advice. We are not here to piss each other off. Cool?