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$119,000 mobi sale of & !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 15, 2006
Reaction score
You talk about me being emotional? Look at the tirade & assumptions you felt so compelled to rant on about. I could care less what you do for a living. I wish you luck with whatever it is although it is irrelevant to this conversation.

Actually, it is relevant. Your opinion was too harsh and was backed by nothing. If you were to have joined this thread with something more intelligent, some of us would have learned something. I will just state (for the billionth time):
I work in the mobile industry. My company works with clients trying to get exposure to mobile users. We have 10 "official websites" on the 3 largest mobile carriers (DoCoMo, AU, and Softbank). I personally have 2 mobile websites using .mobi that uses mobile affiliates: uta(.)mobi and watashi(.)mobi which generates some profit to pay for my beer, chocolate, etc. Although its not much now, it will later. I have one mobile website using .mobi that is currently in its patening stages. I regret at the moment not to tell my fellow .mobi colleaguesfriends what it is in order to protect this idea. I am the first to develop 3D animation on mobile devices and am driving Flash Lite technology on mobile devices experimenting and developing Flash Lite 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0 (soon to be released this year) for mobile devices. My company has one sns site that is gaining popularity in Japan. Ok, who gives a rats butt anymore. This is not directed to anyone except .mobi haters who know NOTHING about the mobile industry. My colleauges and friends here on the dnforum also have experience and are developing mobile websites. They are passionate and pioneering the mobile internet. I support them 1,000,000,000,000,000%. Im not in the hype of anything unless shes good-looking and hot and pays for my beer. .mobi is just helping the mobile industry which is expanding and PAYS MY BILLS.

I hear a lot of .mobi haters opinions about how crappy the .mobi extension is. Not only is this mean, but it is also unprofessional.[/QUOTE]

Calm your .mobi passion for a second & actually read what I'm saying. I am sharing an opinion based on common sense. I'm sure the most sane .mobi supporters can realize that many of the names being registered nowadays are not going to accomplish much if anything.

There is one thing to be confident about quality names in the extension & its potential. There is a totally different animal when talking about garbage names period.[/QUOTE] I have seen some crappy names come about and i admit some of my names seem crappy for "English speakers", but it has some potential elsewhere. You are not a master of naming domain names purely on judging it on "English-speaking value". Just because it seems like S**t to you could be worth a lot in other countries that sees English differently.
Brad Pitt is known very well here in Japan. BUT "" means NOTHING here. They know him as "burapito". So "" would be worth a lot more that "" in Japan.
So when you see a crappy name from your prospective, it doesnt mean its SH** elsewhere. And try to remember that .mobi is NOT for America or UK, its Worldwide.[/QUOTE]

Seriously why does any anti .mobi point of view get the masses wanting to go crazy? You would think someone had their first born attacked or something.
Because ignorant people who know nothing about mobile technology or industry is teaching us something. Do you want to control the way that we think!? Are you a god or something!? You think that we are stupid so you write these F***ing stupid posts about how .mobi is crap. You just jumped in and stated an opinion that was not backed by evidence. And what you write also gets posted on search engines which reduces the value of the investment that we invested in. So you are basically telling us that "you know more based on no evidence" and you are "taking our profits away". big companies considering investing in a .mobi will read your post and thing twice before buying our names. Well, hell. List your domain names that you have and we will post how evil you are. its the same thing. you would be pissed off too. and as i said before, show us your domain names and then we will talk about your domain names. even if they look good, should we post how crappy they are!? We are not writing posts/threads to hurt your domain or piss you off, but people like you do this. you have NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to do such posts.

I'll break this down one last time.

In my opinion (I & everyone is entitled to have one whether you agree or not) I think the extension is being highly overrated at the present time.

Some real quality names have automatic potential mixed in with possible branding of certain names thrown in the mix.

A decent % have some quality names & will most likely end up ok.

A high % I think will have this be a losing investment because the quality of names being registered is quite low.

I'm not wishing .mobi death or something, I'm just questioning the logic of the daydreamers in general.
I get your point. So please post the .mobis you think are crap. Then lets talk about them.

I think you started off to harsh. You can talk trash elsewhere, but not on .mobi threads. I do LOVE debates and welcome ANY debates, but i need debates that we can work from. not from PURELY opinions. They are not productive.

Anyhow, you seem intelligent and you challenged some passionate people. good timing.

Welcome. Lets start off neutral again. We are all here to make money and support each other giving workable advice. We are not here to piss each other off. Cool?


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 25, 2005
Reaction score
Wow. Logic, common sense, AND the relevant experience and background to deliver his intelligent message? um...I'm on akaning3's team. :boxing:

I bet he could have typed his gospel just as quick from his mobile too.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Is the smartass comments your way of saying you don't get it? I'm curious as that is the vibe I'm getting.
My "smartass" comments are your own ****ing lame ass words. They are your quotes. Your mis-guided words or wisdom. You are hanging your self with the very bullshit you print.

The vibe you should be getting is me wondering why the hell you are even in this thread to begin with?

The vibe I am getting is someone who could care 2 shits about an extension, clearly sees that the post is about mobi, but wants to jump head into it without a ****ing parachute.

The vibe you should be getting is you are making a ****ing fool out of yourself. You make my point very clear. You are making my case.

Some of those .mobi examples posted above are exactly what I'm talking about. Real winners are people (not myself as I never wanted to get involved in .mobi) holding names like,, etc....
Not so damn fast? You summed up by saying that there are winners, losers, and suckers. So now what are you saying? You're a winner because you did not invest in or buy a mobi? No, hell, no. This is what you said.

As with anything you have your winners, losers, & just plain suckers.
If I am seriously misunderstanding you, then why do you seem to have to go back and re-clarify something. Do you think you are making yourself clearer for my benefit? Or are you perhaps digging deeper and deeper and deeper...

I'm a loser or a sucker because I did buy a mobi or two or three or a hundred. Okay. I suck. I'm a ****ing loser. Out of my portfolio, mobi makes up perhaps 3.5% of my holdings. It is a share. Just like stock. That is why I refer to my collection as a "portfolio".

I own perhaps 100 shares of .mobi, a couple of thousand shares of .com, a few hundred shares of .net, a few hundred shares of .us, perhaps a hundred shares of .info, perhaps a hundred shares of .org, perhaps a hundred shares of .biz, perhaps a hundred shares of, perhaps a hundred shares of .eu that do indeed suck, perhaps 10 shares .ms, .de, .cn, one share of .tw, 1 bz, and one

But you are not a loser, you do not suck because you did not buy into the hype that is mobi. Companies bought into it to protect their brand. Companies like BMW. After all, they want to protect their brand. ...curious, a redirect to example of protecting their brand. (redirect to their brand) (does not exist...not awarded) (redirect to their brand) (no site) (Not protecting their brand. BMW ads on a Chinese site.)

****ing idiots. What dumbassess. Who would waste their money on a stupid ****ing name like You would think that a mega international corporation like MB would secure their own damn name so no one else would take it. Look at that shit. The reg and redirect it but don't reg How stupid.

I'm thinking that is what a member of the .mobi ALL KNEE PAD TEAM would be saying. Did I get that right...ALL KNEE PAD TEAM? I would hate like hell to misquote anyone.

I guess those comments above would kind of shoot the shit out of the regging domain names for simply "protecting the brand" statement. One could easily use that as an argument for .mobi. To protect the brand or not...very good point.

These are quality names that fit the extension & make perfect sense. Unfortunately too many rah rah .mobi lovers think that the big sales & development of top notch names helps their crap .mobi when it really doesn't.
Of course, you don't have crap in anything. Crap (aka, shit) is a matter of opinion. I would say matter of taste but that would be a tasteless comment. Give the members of this forum as name to call you...RAH RAH MOBI HATER...the ANTI-MOBI ALL KNEE PAD TEAM.

Again, these are your own words that you chose to describe something and a group of forum members that you apparently have no interest in.

So what's in your portfolio? What makes them valuable? What makes them marketable? If you have a dot com and people not even in the domain business read about $3mil, $12mil, $200K...all of a sudden their is a new interest in the domaining world. Those big sales in any extension could possibly help elevate even what is percieved as "crap domains" by some.

Instead of people discouraging the wasting of money on names like (ovt 24264)
Amazing how quickly you picked up on this recent post to validate your claim.

This was a post on another forum. This was a newbie who wanted opinions. Even I agree that these are not ideal choices for names...but do you see me calling him a ****ing loser? Do you see me bashing his portfolio on that thread on the other forum?

He is asking for opinions, he may be misguided, and that is what alot of seasoned members do...offer opinions to hopefully get someone in the right direction.

They offered their opinions based on what they study, watch, trends, markets, sales, reports...just like the stock market. Hopefully one day this will become a hell of a domainer and can offer good advice to other domainers. Learn from mistakes. I have made a boat load of them over the past 10-12 years.

The domainers on that thread were offer advice, which is what the member sought. They don't just jump into the middle of something without having an interest in it and offer opinions. You won't see me in a .vg thread. I have no clue to the market of that domain, it viability, it successes, its weaknesses...why? I have no interest in it.

That's it. Its that simple. I have no interest in it. But I sure as shit am not going to jump into a .vg discussion and tell them they are a bunch of misguided ****ing losers and wasting their money and they should be buying something else and all they end up doing is swapping among themselves.

which won't be helped by anything .mobi accomplishes, it seems people want to just go for a ride where many will end up losing cash.
I'm on my second cup of coffee. So if that vibe or that tingling in your pants is still bothering you, come on back and sit a spell. Be more than happy to clear a few more of my "misunderstandings" up for you.


Level 10
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Most of us?...

I was just thinking there might be the odd newbie hanging around - it might be easy to get swept up into anything .mobi, I have seen some of what I would call bad regs here and there. "Most of us" just refers to those who have been around a while and are taking a calculated risk.

This makes me sad, this guy could have taken his $100 and bought a real domain.

... and anyone could probably show many more examples of bad regs in .com, .net, .org and other extensions. it's not a .mobi thing.

I hope that i only have to say this the 83rd time........: .mobi is not a new technology. It is only a better way to bring users in to their mobile website (that is when you get a real mobile phone). Yes, the majority of .mobis are forwarded to .coms. The database is already made so there is no reason to move the files to a .mobi domain (duhhhh). I have noticed that WAP is still being used for mobile devices. um, im sorry, but wap is not used widely internationally.

Here it is for the 84th time.

I'll break this down one last time.

In my opinion (I & everyone is entitled to have one whether you agree or not) I think the extension is being highly overrated at the present time.

Some real quality names have automatic potential mixed in with possible branding of certain names thrown in the mix.

A decent % have some quality names & will most likely end up ok.

A high % I think will have this be a losing investment because the quality of names being registered is quite low.

I'm not wishing .mobi death or something, I'm just questioning the logic of the daydreamers in general.

Now if you had started off posting your thoughts like that, I don't think anyone here would have a problem. The tone of your earlier posts was more harsh and attack-like.

.mobi attacks have been going on for almost six months now, it's amazing people feel the need to still bash an extension so heavily.

The truth is this whole .mobi section at dnforum is very active and full of a lot of people willing to help each other out in the .mobi market. Quite a few people here have some top tier .mobi's and have already made back their registrations with some sales. It will be interesting to see how much longer the bashing continues - and how the .mobi market evolves.

As for people wasting money on .mobi's, there aren't even a million .mobi's regged right now as far as I know, and there are over 100 million total domains regged worldwide, so .mobi is only a small sliver of the pie.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Actually, it is relevant. Your opinion was too harsh and was backed by nothing. If you were to have joined this thread with something more intelligent, some of us would have learned something. I will just state (for the billionth time):
I work in the mobile industry. My company works with clients trying to get exposure to mobile users. We have 10 "official websites" on the 3 largest mobile carriers (DoCoMo, AU, and Softbank). I personally have 2 mobile websites using .mobi that uses mobile affiliates: uta(.)mobi and watashi(.)mobi which generates some profit to pay for my beer, chocolate, etc. Although its not much now, it will later. I have one mobile website using .mobi that is currently in its patening stages. I regret at the moment not to tell my fellow .mobi colleaguesfriends what it is in order to protect this idea. I am the first to develop 3D animation on mobile devices and am driving Flash Lite technology on mobile devices experimenting and developing Flash Lite 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0 (soon to be released this year) for mobile devices. My company has one sns site that is gaining popularity in Japan. Ok, who gives a rats butt anymore. This is not directed to anyone except .mobi haters who know NOTHING about the mobile industry. My colleauges and friends here on the dnforum also have experience and are developing mobile websites. They are passionate and pioneering the mobile internet. I support them 1,000,000,000,000,000%. Im not in the hype of anything unless shes good-looking and hot and pays for my beer. .mobi is just helping the mobile industry which is expanding and PAYS MY BILLS.

I hear a lot of .mobi haters opinions about how crappy the .mobi extension is. Not only is this mean, but it is also unprofessional.

There is one thing to be confident about quality names in the extension & its potential. There is a totally different animal when talking about garbage names period.[/QUOTE] I have seen some crappy names come about and i admit some of my names seem crappy for "English speakers", but it has some potential elsewhere. You are not a master of naming domain names purely on judging it on "English-speaking value". Just because it seems like S**t to you could be worth a lot in other countries that sees English differently.
Brad Pitt is known very well here in Japan. BUT "" means NOTHING here. They know him as "burapito". So "" would be worth a lot more that "" in Japan.
So when you see a crappy name from your prospective, it doesnt mean its SH** elsewhere. And try to remember that .mobi is NOT for America or UK, its Worldwide.[/QUOTE]

Because ignorant people who know nothing about mobile technology or industry is teaching us something. Do you want to control the way that we think!? Are you a god or something!? You think that we are stupid so you write these F***ing stupid posts about how .mobi is crap. You just jumped in and stated an opinion that was not backed by evidence. And what you write also gets posted on search engines which reduces the value of the investment that we invested in. So you are basically telling us that "you know more based on no evidence" and you are "taking our profits away". big companies considering investing in a .mobi will read your post and thing twice before buying our names. Well, hell. List your domain names that you have and we will post how evil you are. its the same thing. you would be pissed off too. and as i said before, show us your domain names and then we will talk about your domain names. even if they look good, should we post how crappy they are!? We are not writing posts/threads to hurt your domain or piss you off, but people like you do this. you have NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to do such posts.

I get your point. So please post the .mobis you think are crap. Then lets talk about them.

I think you started off to harsh. You can talk trash elsewhere, but not on .mobi threads. I do LOVE debates and welcome ANY debates, but i need debates that we can work from. not from PURELY opinions. They are not productive.

Anyhow, you seem intelligent and you challenged some passionate people. good timing.

Welcome. Lets start off neutral again. We are all here to make money and support each other giving workable advice. We are not here to piss each other off. Cool?

I don't mind a good debate either. I will disagree on the purely opinions being an issue on debating. I like to hear what people are thinking along with any facts they would like to bring to the table.

I have no problem starting off neutral with you or anyone else. I can sometimes come out harsh but it isn't like I hate .mobi owners or anything.

I admit some of your ideas sound very interesting & GL with them.

Wow. Logic, common sense, AND the relevant experience and background to deliver his intelligent message? um...I'm on akaning3's team. :boxing:

I bet he could have typed his gospel just as quick from his mobile too.

I have to admit you are quite passionate when you believe in a point. I can respect that. I bet you will be excited about an announcement I'll be making very soon.


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
sounds promising :yes:
give us a hint ;)


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
My "smartass" comments are your own ****ing lame ass words. They are your quotes. Your mis-guided words or wisdom. You are hanging your self with the very bullshit you print.

The vibe you should be getting is me wondering why the hell you are even in this thread to begin with?

The vibe I am getting is someone who could care 2 shits about an extension, clearly sees that the post is about mobi, but wants to jump head into it without a ****ing parachute.

The vibe you should be getting is you are making a ****ing fool out of yourself. You make my point very clear. You are making my case.

Not so damn fast? You summed up by saying that there are winners, losers, and suckers. So now what are you saying? You're a winner because you did not invest in or buy a mobi? No, hell, no. This is what you said.

If I am seriously misunderstanding you, then why do you seem to have to go back and re-clarify something. Do you think you are making yourself clearer for my benefit? Or are you perhaps digging deeper and deeper and deeper...

I'm a loser or a sucker because I did buy a mobi or two or three or a hundred. Okay. I suck. I'm a ****ing loser. Out of my portfolio, mobi makes up perhaps 3.5% of my holdings. It is a share. Just like stock. That is why I refer to my collection as a "portfolio".

I own perhaps 100 shares of .mobi, a couple of thousand shares of .com, a few hundred shares of .net, a few hundred shares of .us, perhaps a hundred shares of .info, perhaps a hundred shares of .org, perhaps a hundred shares of .biz, perhaps a hundred shares of, perhaps a hundred shares of .eu that do indeed suck, perhaps 10 shares .ms, .de, .cn, one share of .tw, 1 bz, and one

But you are not a loser, you do not suck because you did not buy into the hype that is mobi. Companies bought into it to protect their brand. Companies like BMW. After all, they want to protect their brand. ...curious, a redirect to example of protecting their brand. (redirect to their brand) (does not exist...not awarded) (redirect to their brand) (no site) (Not protecting their brand. BMW ads on a Chinese site.)

****ing idiots. What dumbassess. Who would waste their money on a stupid ****ing name like You would think that a mega international corporation like MB would secure their own damn name so no one else would take it. Look at that shit. The reg and redirect it but don't reg How stupid.

I'm thinking that is what a member of the .mobi ALL KNEE PAD TEAM would be saying. Did I get that right...ALL KNEE PAD TEAM? I would hate like hell to misquote anyone.

I guess those comments above would kind of shoot the shit out of the regging domain names for simply "protecting the brand" statement. One could easily use that as an argument for .mobi. To protect the brand or not...very good point.

Of course, you don't have crap in anything. Crap (aka, shit) is a matter of opinion. I would say matter of taste but that would be a tasteless comment. Give the members of this forum as name to call you...RAH RAH MOBI HATER...the ANTI-MOBI ALL KNEE PAD TEAM.

Again, these are your own words that you chose to describe something and a group of forum members that you apparently have no interest in.

So what's in your portfolio? What makes them valuable? What makes them marketable? If you have a dot com and people not even in the domain business read about $3mil, $12mil, $200K...all of a sudden their is a new interest in the domaining world. Those big sales in any extension could possibly help elevate even what is percieved as "crap domains" by some.

Amazing how quickly you picked up on this recent post to validate your claim.

This was a post on another forum. This was a newbie who wanted opinions. Even I agree that these are not ideal choices for names...but do you see me calling him a ****ing loser? Do you see me bashing his portfolio on that thread on the other forum?

He is asking for opinions, he may be misguided, and that is what alot of seasoned members do...offer opinions to hopefully get someone in the right direction.

They offered their opinions based on what they study, watch, trends, markets, sales, reports...just like the stock market. Hopefully one day this will become a hell of a domainer and can offer good advice to other domainers. Learn from mistakes. I have made a boat load of them over the past 10-12 years.

The domainers on that thread were offer advice, which is what the member sought. They don't just jump into the middle of something without having an interest in it and offer opinions. You won't see me in a .vg thread. I have no clue to the market of that domain, it viability, it successes, its weaknesses...why? I have no interest in it.

That's it. Its that simple. I have no interest in it. But I sure as shit am not going to jump into a .vg discussion and tell them they are a bunch of misguided ****ing losers and wasting their money and they should be buying something else and all they end up doing is swapping among themselves.

I'm on my second cup of coffee. So if that vibe or that tingling in your pants is still bothering you, come on back and sit a spell. Be more than happy to clear a few more of my "misunderstandings" up for you.

Once again you obviously choose to read what you want out of my statements even when I lay out exactly what I mean by them.

I never claimed anywhere to be a winner in regards to .mobi. You choose to believe that is what I mean to use as a counter point.

Lastly anyone is welcome to read a public post & reply if they would like too. I didn't read any rules that someone had to be pro .mobi to respond.

I don't feel for a second I'm digging anything. From what I can tell, you are the one person who is misquoting everything I say.

I clearly posted my opinion of the extension as a whole. I have no problem that we disagree with each other.

As far as the sucker issue goes, I once again explained myself clearly that you can understand.

The examples given regardless of where they were posted at is just a good example. It is one thing to have top keywords & relevant names around those topics. It is a totally different animal to pick up names like the ones above or some random dictionary word .mobi

As far as your shooting holes into a theory, I disagree. One nicely posted example doesn't mean a whole lot as it is just one example.

I will say that I went overboard with the knee pad comment. I'll definitely give you that one.

I can understand your viewpoint about the big sales bringing interest into an extension. I am curious though, do you think such sales can help truly subpar names? I mean would a huge sale of lets say really help some random dictionary .mobi which doesn't fit the extension?

Maybe I'm reading this all wrong but I can't see how it helps. I could see how it would help relevant names to popular keywords.

I'm one who sometimes believes a cold dose of truth can be helpful. Some might see it in a bad light but if the message gets through to Roy from London lets say, was it so bad?

I'll just respectfully saying it isn't anything personal with you or any other domainers. I just offered an opinion on a thread & had others counterpoint their thoughts.

In the end I found it interesting & no bad feelings hopefully from any of us towards each other. Everything cool Doc?



Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Once again you obviously choose to read what you want out of my statements even when I lay out exactly what I mean by them. I read everything. Every word. My retort was my way of trying to make sense out of non-sense.

I never claimed anywhere to be a winner in regards to .mobi. You choose to believe that is what I mean to use as a counter point. did not claim to be a winner...but you pointed out some losers and some suckers. Not cool.

Lastly anyone is welcome to read a public post & reply if they would like too. I didn't read any rules that someone had to be pro .mobi to respond. Correct. But that is not an open invitation to jump in head first without knowing how deep the water is. I believe and honor the 1st Amendment. But honor it back. Keep in mind and be mindful that there are members of this forum from other countries, other backgrounds, and other languages that may need clarification.

I don't feel for a second I'm digging anything. From what I can tell, you are the one person who is misquoting everything I say. How can I be misquoting you when I am quoting you? Go back and look at your words. No misquoting...elobrating? Yeah, I do that. I take your words and use them. They are, after all, your words. Your quotes. My response to your words and your quotes.

I clearly posted my opinion of the extension as a whole. I have no problem that we disagree with each other.

As far as the sucker issue goes, I once again explained myself clearly that you can understand.Trust me, nothing needs to be explained clearly to me. I wanted you to explain everything VERY clearly for the benefit of all the other readers. I'm a big boy, acting like a little boy in a candy store when I see all this sweet stuff in front of me. And man oh man, did you throw a bunch of dandy candy out there to choose from.

Doubtful many of the readers needed anything at all explained to them as they seem like a pretty educated bunch.

The examples given regardless of where they were posted at is just a good example. It is one thing to have top keywords & relevant names around those topics. It is a totally different animal to pick up names like the ones above or some random dictionary word .mobi True...but tone it down. As mentioned, this was a person on another forum who was asking advice from members. It was and should have been a learning experience and hoperfully he took something away from it.

As far as your shooting holes into a theory, I disagree. One nicely posted example doesn't mean a whole lot as it is just one example. Okay, you did lose me on this ???

I will say that I went overboard with the knee pad comment. I'll definitely give you that one. Don't give me the dirty knee pads. See, your words can be fun to use .

I can understand your viewpoint about the big sales bringing interest into an extension. I am curious though, do you think such sales can help truly subpar names? I mean would a huge sale of lets say really help some random dictionary .mobi which doesn't fit the extension? First, only time will tell. No, crap is crap but my God, look at what you and I or anyone else would consider crap and look what it is selling for on TDNAM, Sedo, and any other auction venue. We need an influx of new blood and new money so we won't just be patting ourselves on the back and we won't just be swapping names among ourselves, as you put it.

Maybe I'm reading this all wrong but I can't see how it helps. I could see how it would help relevant names to popular keywords. I am amazed at how quickly many pronounced baby mobi dead. Hell, many thought the best thing to do was abort it.

I was not one of the landrush mobi-ites. I sat back on the sidelines for quite sometime. My first mobi reg came sometime in late January or early February.

I'm one who sometimes believes a cold dose of truth can be helpful. Some might see it in a bad light but if the message gets through to Roy from London lets say, was it so bad? I am still not quite sure what "truth" you want to deliver. If it is not all domain registrations are good registrations...not all domain extensions are good extensions...then there is truth to that. There's what, over 250 domain extensions? And ICANN is going to delete some? No shit? How in the hell did it get to this point to begin with? I question the validity and the worth of ICANN's oversight more than anything.

It's kind of like the state I live many damn special interest groups and so many organizations and so many points of interest that every one now has to have their own damn license plate. I can not even tell where half the people are from driving to and from work. North Carolina now has 77 different license plate designs! Why? because just having one and only one to chose from doesn't make everyone happy. Kind of like domain extensions...when will it end?

I'll just respectfully saying it isn't anything personal with you or any other domainers. I just offered an opinion on a thread & had others counterpoint their thoughts.Then don't make it personal.

In the end I found it interesting & no bad feelings hopefully from any of us towards each other. Everything cool Doc? Trust me, everything will be cool after I flush. Just kidding. Too much coffee



Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Lol I got a big laugh out of

"North Carolina now has 77 different license plate designs!"

Good stuff


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score

i ordered sweet popcorn not salty! yuk! :smilewinkgrin:


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score

i ordered sweet popcorn not salty! yuk! :smilewinkgrin:
:popcorn: Fine, fine, fine. Here you go you big wuss. I'll just go sit in the corner :couch2:


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
:popcorn: Fine, fine, fine. Here you go you big wuss. I'll just go sit in the corner :couch2:

:behindsofa::brick:sorry dude.........settees free.
i'm fresh out of popcorn. :smilewinkgrin:


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2006
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:grouphug: :fish: :hungry: :typing: :suspicious: :lie: :fencing: :confused: :boxing: :cheers: :amen:


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Thanks to people like Minjels and Acroplex, the quality of discussion in these forums has really dropped into the gutter lately. You have both stated your opinions. Anyone who reads these forums has heard your opinion plenty of times, and yet you both insist on returning to make comments that have the sole purpose of aggravating certain members.

Congradulations, you found a place that you can give people grief 24/7 with your comments that server no other purpose that to disrupt the forums. Now can you move along so the grownups can talk about something constructive?


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 25, 2005
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I agree that extreme comments are disruptive, childish, and incredible, but isn't your post, itself, inflammatory? Don't you think it is a baiting post that begs a response by the same people you wish would keep quiet?

dotMobi has certainly created something that motivates people on both sides of the fence like no other extension since the godfather, that I can recall. I am relatively new so someone correct me if I am wrong, but were there debates like this over .net, .org, etc? If so, what made people accept them? If not, why do those on the opposing side feel so motivated to lobby against dotMobi? Are they just being very nobel or are they protecting their investments in other extensions against a perceived threat or is there another spiteful reason?

Thanks to people like Minjels and Acroplex, the quality of discussion in these forums has really dropped into the gutter lately. You have both stated your opinions. Anyone who reads these forums has heard your opinion plenty of times, and yet you both insist on returning to make comments that have the sole purpose of aggravating certain members.

Congradulations, you found a place that you can give people grief 24/7 with your comments that server no other purpose that to disrupt the forums. Now can you move along so the grownups can talk about something constructive?


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 14, 2006
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After 8 pages of BS on a topic I would have liked to discuss, I'm not that worried that my post is also off topic.

Its not about .mobi at all. Its simply a few people who prefer to trade in some other part of the domain industry decide they want to disrupt the forum relating to .mobi on dnforum.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Thanks to people like Minjels and Acroplex, the quality of discussion in these forums has really dropped into the gutter lately. You have both stated your opinions. Anyone who reads these forums has heard your opinion plenty of times, and yet you both insist on returning to make comments that have the sole purpose of aggravating certain members.

Congradulations, you found a place that you can give people grief 24/7 with your comments that server no other purpose that to disrupt the forums. Now can you move along so the grownups can talk about something constructive?

who is Minjels ?


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
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