Finally talked to a very nice lady at CIRA. I was informed that my membership package should arrive shortly? I did apply early in July. Once this membership package arrives I will be a full member?
I believe the show of support (20 names?) has to be completed by Aug 20. The final election is in Sept 6
This is info from CIRA website. You can count on my show of support vote if I receive the "package" in time. I should be able to be able to vote on the main election. Here is that time table
Nomination Committee Nominations concluded on May 21, 2007 and a final list of Nomination Committee Candidates is available on CIRAâs website at
https://elections.cira.ca/2007/en/final_list.html. After July 23, 2007, CIRAâs Returning Officer will prepare a list of Member Nominees to be posted by August 6 prior to the opening of the Show of Support period. To advance to the Final Membersâ Slate, Member Nominees must receive 20 Shows of Support from CIRA Members before the close of the Show of Support period on August 20, 2007.
CIRA Board of Directors Election
CIRA Members will elect a total of four Directors during the 2007 CIRA Board of Directors Election: three Directors from the Final Nomination Committee Slate and one Director from the Final Members' Slate. All Director seats hold a three-year term.
CIRA Members can cast their Board of Directors Election votes from 6:00 pm (18:00h) Ottawa time on September 6, 2007 to 6:00 pm (18:00h) Ottawa time on September 13, 2007 through the CIRA Election website. CIRA Members attending the 2007 CIRA Annual General Meeting on September 6, 2007 at Le Royal Méridien King Edward Hotel in Toronto, Ontario, can cast their votes in person from 6:00pm (18:00h) to 7:00 pm (19:00h) Ottawa time.
Lets get voting. We need Adam on that board