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Anybody else have this problem with NameDrive? They lowered my reported revenue.

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Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 11, 2002
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I was testing out one domain at NameDrive from the 11th to the 16th. My stats showed the domain earned over $3 with between an average PPC of between 7-10 cents. But now today it says that I earned only $1.28 total. The 17th I moved the domain back to Sedo and I just went back in to my NameDrive account to maybe try some new domains there when I noticed that they changed the stats for that domain and lowered the AVG PPC rates for each day and lowered the revenue they owe me. That does not seem right. Has anybody else had this happen? Thanks for any input.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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hehe, that is quiet a serious "problem" but everything is ok here...

maybe a glitch? i'd contact one of the rep's and have them take a look at it and see whats goin on'


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 11, 2002
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Yeah Mike. I'll contact them and ask.


Mr Domeen
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 30, 2002
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You will not make the same revenue every day, one day You will make more, one day less. Thats the PPC. And thats not only namedrive.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 11, 2004
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stuff said:
You will not make the same revenue every day, one day You will make more, one day less. Thats the PPC. And thats not only namedrive.

I think he means that a specific date had certain stats, and later those stats changed.


Mr Domeen
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 30, 2002
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fab said:
I think he means that a specific date had certain stats, and later those stats changed.

And this I have seen also in other parking places

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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That happened to me too...my earnings for a couple days last week dropped when I viewed them today compared to what it showed previously for those same days


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 22, 2005
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Hi there,

I can appreciate that on the surface this doesn't look particularly positive.

It is because of the 48 hour delay in updating revenue stats. As I have mentioned, we give you a generic value for the first 48 hours before the stats get updated. If the actual click is lower than that generic value, then the earnings will obviously drop. Last week's stats took so long to update because we were concentrating on getting the compensation right. In our experience, the majority of our clicks lie well above this generic value (we naturally chose low values to ensure that the displayed revenue 'dropped' as little as possible). However, if Google pays us $ 0.02 for a click on a low-paying ad, the revenue will obviously go down, unfortunately.
Across the vast majority of our accounts, the revenue will go up once the revenue stats get updated. I also have to say that it's difficult to really test out our entire service by parking one domain with us, Greggish :)
I can appreciate that this may seem misleading, but we do it to ensure that we can pay you exatly your commission on what we earn without just paying you a generic 'per keyword' value. This basically leaves the door to the top open but, sadly leaves the limit to the bottom open too, meaning it is possible to get $0.02 clicks. As Stuff said, that is the PPC industry, one day you get a $7 and the next, on the same domain with the same set-up, you get a $0.07 click.
Last week was also a tricky week for stats due to the server attack which meant that domains parked during that period but not before may have gathered stats which are not particularly indicative. Greggish, as your domain was tested for precisely the period when the attacks were ongoing and then taken away again, it will have been very difficult for out tech team to estimate your traffic perfectly. If you want to discuss this on a more personal level, then send me a PM or email to [email protected] and we can look at it together. That goes for all of you.



DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 6, 2004
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As Stuff said, that is the PPC industry, one day you get a $7 and the next, on the same domain with the same set-up, you get a $0.07 click.
No it is not, speak on your own, and Stuff's behalf.

I do not need $7 clicks. My traffic/their respective markets/target create this "high end". Not anomalies in Googles system. Consistancy is what drives my income, and rarely does it decrease by 300% (as in your services case, even thereafter PPC adjustment). We're talking hundreds of dollars daily, lost, because I was swayed away from Sedo.

Is that my problem, my names are simply too good? Of course I find that hardly plausible, as I know my portfolio is a mere speck in the game. But it seems, owners with few visitors, hoping for that "one" lucky click, are the one's best suited for your service apparently.

Additionally - I love the high end/low end example. You compared a $.07 click to a $7.00 click. Obviously, to mislead/divert attention from the point, you pay so low. We all know $.07 is a lot closer to whatever the median Internet CPC average. Meanwhile, $7.00 is something that occurs once in a blue moon. It's an apples and oranges comparison, heavily leveraged in your own favor.

PM ED, I'd love to hear your input.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 27, 2005
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I am starting to see clicks that never get updated at all in this "48 hour" system , sometimes it displays .07 flat rate for this "48 hour" system and it just stays right there 10 days later, and for a "loans" click, this system is not working , sorry Ed but this system is going to drive most to leave eventually.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 6, 2004
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Searchsix.com said:
I am starting to see clicks that never get updated at all in this "48 hour" system , sometimes it displays .07 flat rate for this "48 hour" system and it just stays right there 10 days later, and for a "loans" click, this system is not working , sorry Ed but this system is going to drive most to leave eventually.
My sentiments exactly!

I'm contemplating packing my bags as we speak.
What remaining curiousity is left, is quickly fading.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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on another note... did anybody's stats decrease all of the sudden by a half if not more (the cpc dropped from say 10c to 5c) just the other day for the previous few days.... ?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 27, 2005
Reaction score
yes, that has happen to me as well , this 48 hour thing is NOT fun, and some of the clicks look to low to start with , then a few days later they are even lower , some things need to get straightened out soon I think.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 22, 2005
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Hi guys,

Mr. Administrator. This is another sea of text. However, I’m not trying to self-advertise in any way, simply defending ourselves. If you object, PM me and I’ll change it.
Here we go…..
I’m sorry to hear that some of you aren’t happy with the way things are going with us. I’ll answer you in turn. Before I do, though, I’d just like to point to what I said 4 weeks ago when we first broke onto the US scene:

I think a lot of people forget that we’ve only been in business for a month. We’re competing here on a smaller budget and with fewer resources against people who have been in business for several years and can afford to subsidize clients to keep smaller players out of the market, sit back and watch the cash roll in. To be quite honest, were it not for an ecstatic post from one of our members on here at the beginning of the September, you probably wouldn’t even have heard of NameDrive yet as we planned to grow slow and steady and wanted to be at 100% capacity before entering the cut-throat US market. Not only cut-throat because of the other companies in competition but because of the astronomically high expectations of US parkers and their apparent delight in smacking any program down before having a chance to prove itself.
In our fist 4 weeks, we have regularly beaten Sedo’s payouts, Domain Sponsor’s payouts, other parking companies’ payouts even direct Overture feeds
I said right at the beginning to test us with caution because we are hugely confident of our potential but will doubtless have teething problems – this didn’t foresee being knocked back for a week with the DoS attack. Our forward progress has sadly been affected by having to deal with this kind of thing, having to weed out the myriad of fakers who thought “new program. Excellent, they must be stupid, I can go and fake there” and not least having to deal with our own popularity. For the last 2 weeks, we have been in the top 10 of the fastest-growing DNS servers in the world and catering for such a massive influx of interest and traffic has slowed our potential to crank up the program to be as high-earning and perfect as we want it to be.
Despite all this, we still have a lot of clients who have praised our service and payouts, so we are on the right track. However, if people test two low-performance domains from elsewhere, it is hard to see how we can really help them to perform if other companies are also unable to do so.
Having said all of this, it does not mean that we are not capable of handling the traffic well and shouldn’t be tested. The fact is that we are very pleased with our first month’s results, as are a great number of our clients, but what we offer now is not the be-all and end-all. This is the first step from which we intend to improve significantly.
One of our main objectives is to offer 100% transparency in everything we do. That is why we maintain a high profile on the boards, answer every question asked of us and explain to you everything we do and why we do it. If people earn more with a less-transparent company who cover up clicks at either end of the spectrum, then you are free to leave, though we would very much hope that is not the case.

OK. Indvidual questions:

MJM: Having looked at our Google stats for the last 4 weeks, I can say that Google, in all their great wisdom, may decide that a click from Idaho on Monday is worth significantly more than a click from Berlin on Tuesday. We pay out practically everything that we receive from Google. If they pay us $7 on one day and $0.07 the next, we pay it out, simple as that. The decision on how much to pay for a click is based on what we are paid for the click, it is not regulated by us.

My point about the $7 was in no way meant to ‘lure’ people into trying us out in the hope of ‘super clicks’. My point was that we, unlike other parking companies, do not put a cap on potential earnings. Equally, we, unlike other companies do not subsidize our users by putting a minimum PPC price on there to keep people happy. We pay out exactly what we receive from the Goog. As I said in an earlier post on this thread, that has its pros and its cons.

I am not in any position to comment on your specific account because I don’t have enough information. If you email or PM me, then I’ll look into the 300% decrease and your potential loss of hundred of dollars lost daily compared to Sedo. I think that everyone here can vouch that we are extremely pro-active in support and will look into it immediately. I’m surprised you didn’t come to me earlier if we’re doing so drastically badly for you as it is obviously a concern for both you personally and us professionally, especially as we are regularly matching or beating Sedo on PPC.
I know you weren’t too impressed with my $7 – $0.07 example, but, surely if revenue drops 300%, then don’t you end up paying us money for your clicks? :) I read on another post by you that you always play the hero and never like to see smaller guys get bullied, but I think by posting that we are paying so abysmally and trying to con people by offering high PPC for clicks of a lifetime without first contacting me about the potential loss of hundreds of dollars daily is a little unfair.

Searchix – Non-updated PPCs. This is something that we’ve seen a bit of in the last couple of weeks. A couple of people have questioned why they have a number of domains with 1 view and 1 click which has not been updated. We asked ourselves this and looked into it and it turned out that some bots and been crawling our parked pages and clicking. We counted the click and Google didn’t, so we had no revenue to update for you. These should have been filtered and are now filtered. However, had our filtering been stronger in the first place, this view and click would never have been recorded at all, so I suppose you’re getting 0.11 cents that you wouldn’t normally. Though, I’m sure I’ll be taken to task for trying to put a positive spin on it now. That’s simply the explanation for non-updated stats.
I appreciate the 48 hour thing is not ideal, we are working to make it much faster.

Mike – I’m not sure why your PPC is sinking. I’d say one of the main problems is that they are both in low-PPC areas – namely music and adult. On your adult domain, a third of your clicks have come from Asia, Latin America and “Other” which I can’t believe is helping matters much. On the music domain, the clicks from these three regions are dragging down the average PPC from Europe and the US.

Is anyone still reading this essay? As I said, we are happy with our first month as ‘newbies’ but we will never sit back and relax. We are constantly looking to improve on our current status and will listen to anyone and everyone who wants to help us improve.

If you have any issues that you’d like me to look at individually, then send me an email and I’ll look into it.

Hope you all have a good weekend.

Thank you.



DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 6, 2004
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NameDriver said:
Hi guys,

I think a lot of people forget that we’ve only been in business for a month.
Proverbial, if you can't stand the heat.....well, you know the rest.

but, surely if revenue drops 300%, then don’t you end up paying us money for your clicks? :)
I like the sarcastic-laden retort. Problem is, your reply merely deflects/mocks my statement as untruth/fuzzy math. Meanwhile, if you took the time to look at my account, perhaps validity behind my claims "may" (just may), add up. Names like "*** *a*ne .com" for instance (do an overture check/sent in PM due to privacy reasons), makes upward of $90 a day with Sedo. $70 on avg. With your service, between $20-$30/daily avg (maybe less). Now, thats "one" domain. Apply it to about the eight domains I added to my account. I also had a BOA typo, the CTR was 5%, 1/4th of Sedo's. This Bank typo receives 500 uniques daily. Need I say more, do I want 100 banking clicks? Or 20? It's simple, regardless of those few "hopeful" $3 clicks. Moving back and forth, between DNS, losing time with a service paying much better. I mean, continue to do the math, and perhaps then you may see the Sedo/NameDrive 300% per day loss is in fact plausible. That I'm not picking numbers out of thin air. We're not talking about making $27 a day at Sedo, now making $9 with NameDrive. Hey, that hurts, and I empathize with whomever is coming up and has dealt with that. But I'm losing much more with my 300% Name "Driven" deficit. As stated, it's hundreds daily, lost because someone randomly emailed me, promised "higher payouts" (same as you do, referencing you constantly beat Sedo). Sure enough, under this pretense, I did it. My fault? ABSOLUTELY, I take full responsibility. They were my names, and I fell for a marketing ploy. But that won't deter my complaints of revenue loss, regardless.

without first contacting me about the potential loss of hundreds of dollars daily is a little unfair.
I have my own rep for one, Dom. He did not respond. No fault of his own, it's the weekend/only been about a day. Besides, his support has been phenomenal throughout our correspondence (10+ emails). But personalized, prompt support, although valued - is not worth a sacrifice of my revenue.

I've sent you a PM with my details. Take a gander.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 22, 2005
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Sent you a PM myself, MJM. I hope it will inspire you to re-address your comments here :)


MJM said:
Proverbial, if you can't stand the heat.....well, you know the rest.

I like the sarcastic-laden retort. Problem is, your reply merely deflects/mocks my statement as untruth/fuzzy math. Meanwhile, if you took the time to look at my account, perhaps validity behind my claims "may" (just may), add up. Names like "*** *a*ne .com" for instance (do an overture check/sent in PM due to privacy reasons), makes upward of $90 a day with Sedo. $70 on avg. With your service, between $20-$30/daily avg (maybe less). Now, thats "one" domain. Apply it to about the eight domains I added to my account. I also had a BOA typo, the CTR was 5%, 1/4th of Sedo's. This Bank typo receives 500 uniques daily. Need I say more, do I want 100 banking clicks? Or 20? It's simple, regardless of those few "hopeful" $3 clicks. Moving back and forth, between DNS, losing time with a service paying much better. I mean, continue to do the math, and perhaps then you may see the Sedo/NameDrive 300% per day loss is in fact plausible. That I'm not picking numbers out of thin air. We're not talking about making $27 a day at Sedo, now making $9 with NameDrive. Hey, that hurts, and I empathize with whomever is coming up and has dealt with that. But I'm losing much more with my 300% Name "Driven" deficit. As stated, it's hundreds daily, lost because someone randomly emailed me, promised "higher payouts" (same as you do, referencing you constantly beat Sedo). Sure enough, under this pretense, I did it. My fault? ABSOLUTELY, I take full responsibility. They were my names, and I fell for a marketing ploy. But that won't deter my complaints of revenue loss, regardless.

I have my own rep for one, Dom. He did not respond. No fault of his own, it's the weekend/only been about a day. Besides, his support has been phenomenal throughout our correspondence (10+ emails). But personalized, prompt support, although valued - is not worth a sacrifice of my revenue.

I've sent you a PM with my details. Take a gander.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 27, 2005
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Ed , your statement about beating Sedo , DS and others is simply not true , if needed I can produce stats to back that up.

I had to move a 250-300 daily domain out before the weekend here because I was loosing to much of a percentage in revenue after trying it a week, compared to what it was making at other programs.

As far as the click bots that are crawling your PPC pages , I don't think that has anything to do with the overall picture on revenue , and revenue updating for your "48 hour" system , if anyone follows their stats closely like I do then maybe they will see that a lot of clicks never seem to get updated at all , and the flat rate stays there which is way low.

Please keep in mind that my post is not for intentional Namedrive bashing , I am just stating facts that I see in my account , I do like some of your ideas at ND and can appreciate what your accomplishing in some areas , but the bottom line in the end is going to be revenue for most members , small or large.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 22, 2005
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I'm not sure the lack of responses on here is vindication or just people sitting around enjoying NameDrive getting shot to bits...

Searchsix, I never claimed to beat DS and Sedo every time. In your case, that's sadly not the case. I said "regularly", and having looked at the 600+ clients we have, we have plenty of clients large and small who are beating them to be able to make the claim "regularly". You fail to mention the large amount of time that I put into trying to help you out with your domains and if it didn't work, I'm sorry but, if anything has become clear with the parking industry, it is that not every service can be best for everyone in the industry, though we would love to be that. In your case, and in MJM's case, we certainly don't seem to have performed as well as we would've liked, but in Paul Roger's case, things are certainly going in the right direction.

As far as the bots and the stats are concerned, it would seem that we have not been as agressive as Google and have counted clicks that they haven't. If we had been more agressive, the clicks wouldn't have appeared in your account at all and many of these clicks seem to be bot clicks.

However, your last point is the crux of the issue. If we don't perform, people move away. We're well aware of this, as is every parking company. That is why all of us are working 14 hour days, 7 days a week to make sure that everything works well for our members. Sadly that doesn't always work and people move away, that's something we have to live with, however optimistic our outlook on our future is.

As far as my "sarcastic-laden" reply to MJM is concerned, I hope that the work I've put in today to try and resolve the issue proves what everyone on this forum who's dealt with me over the past year knows - namely that I treat all of our customers with the utmost respect, irrespective of portfolio size or status on the forum. It was simply a Sunday morning 'joke' that didn't go down too well.

Hope you all have a good rest of the weekend.



Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 29, 2004
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Like most people, I like to try a few domains at a time at new parking companies. I never move the "big hitters" unless I am confident they will have a chance to perform & similarly think it is daft to tout the crappy names that just aren't producing results anywhere.

So for the two dozen or so that have been tried at ND so far results have been mixed....

about a third make more than Sedo - some up to 3X :cheeky:

about a third make the same :huh:

and the final third make less. - especially adult names :dead:

Now even a college dropout like me can figure that if I keep the improved performers at ND & return the others to the Sedo stable, then I will be a richer man for just a little extra effort.

As for CPC variations, well for anyone who, like me, is used to the €0.10/click day in day out at Sedo, then it can be quite a shock to see a domain make $4.72/click one day & $0.08/click the next!

On the whole things even out & the CTR at ND is comparable to any other service.

The bottom line is that like all other programs ND will suit some domains/people better than others. If you move your domains anywhere you are taking the chance of losing a few days revenue if they don't perform.
If you are not prepared to take that chance then stay where you are, but if you do change & it doesn't work out then hey, you're a little poorer & a lot wiser :wink:
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