whatchamacallit said:...most 'big players' are no different that compulsive gamblers or rare stamp collectors who are into the thrill of the chase. for them the outside world does not exist. it's not about end users, it's all about them and their inner circle. the latest thrill is in competing who will overpay the most. just because they feel like it. it's the journey they enjoy, not the end. you would be ill advised to 'model your business plan' after them. remember, most 'big players' are bored, white men well into the middle age crisis. this is their rediscovered life purpose. without it they are just anonymous nobodies with bad breath, receding hairlines and pot-bellied guts.
You know you can get busted for smoking that stuff.
Most of the comments sound like "sour grapes" that they can't play in the sandbox
with the big boys.
Personally, I don't think any 3 letter .com, .net or .org should sell for more than
$ 100. But, I want to be charitable so I will pay $ 150 for them.
Bottomline, if you think the big boys are overpaying for the 3 letter domains, then don't bid against him.