Surely SnapNames wouldn't be that unethical??Halvarez = Snapnames.
This thread is full of nonsense so let me enlighten you guys:
Halvarez does only PENDINGDELETE domains.
Deadline of PENDINGDELETE domains is about 10:45 AM PDT (give or take).
You still CAN place backorder on pendingdelete domains after deadline and if someone else backordered before deadline it you will be added into it, if nobody backordered it before deadline, you have "missed" it (there are exceptions if Snapnames catch the name in their tasting operation you will get it for $59, but as this tasting after $0.20 fee became small-scale there are only few exceptions, before that there were high chance you would get the domain anyway).
Also when you backorder after deadline, then go to "bulk delete" and try to delete it, it allows you to delete everything except those who someone else already backordered (and you will be in the auction NOT as #1).
True, but simply backorder after deadline and also backorder on Pool. What Snapnames does not catch, Pool will. I do this for quite some time and since then never had a solo auciton with Shmalvarez but never missed anything because Pool caught all for me which Snapnames did not. The only way to miss it would be Namejet (Enom) will catch it, I have trick for Namejet too: take a list of all domains, backorder it and delete all which nobody else backordered. I am talking only dropping, pendingdelete domains of course.Basically there is no way to avoid halvarez on Snapnames.
Did halvarez snipe it?
just wanted to post it also, avoid adding domains in right time to snapnames. This is the only way something can be done. I mean they allow it and they tell that this is ok. so why not do it. You can still always backorder everything in pool or namejet. Why do the job for others, at least thats what I am going to do now.
And they admit, thats its not so big case, or problem. I mean what the ****... I scan lists daily - manual work, then add them and the suckers simply use it againist me...
Namejet allows anyone to see which domains are backordered and promotes domains with backorders. I try to place backorders 1 minute before the deadline to avoid auction hijacking.
Unbelievable, 10 domains today
Added all to pool and
Then did the trick in snapnames, 7 got deleted, 3 backordered snapnems got
All that 3 and + some kind redemption account off snapnames.
6 others I got without any auction with pool and namejet.
Thank you Denny !
Did he win it?
Why are you still obsessing with halvarez? Pending delete domains are almost over. And namejet is giving the list to halvarez without an hassle.