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Big Money Confusing Public On Global Warming

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DNF Addict
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Oct 4, 2003
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Regardless of whether one believes it's occurring or not ... global warming beats global cooling...

According to many theories, the Earth is due (even overdue) for a cooling cycle ... it's very likely that human activity is delaying, perhaps even prevent, the next cooling cycle...

This is an aspect that should be researched and discussed further ... for if and when global cooling occurs, based on past data, it will be rapid and very extreme ...

Imagine a shorter / cooler summer ... in higher latitudes, that would result in some snow not melting each year ... after only a few years, the effects would be very noticeable ... after a few decades, if even that long, the results could be devestating ... large swaths of land becoming unusable for agriculture, etc.

While the causes of long-term cooling cycles is not understood, the cause of some shorter ones is believed to be caused by volcanic eruptions ... some large eruptions in a short time could potentially cool the Earth to the extent of wiping out all effects of the alleged warming, at least for awhile.

It's important to always keep in mind that humans are part of nature regardless of what we do to it ... not everything humans do is necessary bad.



Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2007
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Yea, human activity doesn't come close to the effects of a good volcanic fart like Mount St Helens in 1980. If we had few dozen of those worldwide within a years time scientists would be scrambling to figure out how to warm the planet.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 1, 2005
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Big money confuses all stories.

Australia TOPS the Hotest list (yesterdays news after climate 06 report)

500 million dollar wind farm prevented from being set up because of;

The blades may harm one type of bird- according to Aus govt. (conveniently conservationalist on that one)

So, Our inventors only sell the technology to europe/elsewhere-

AUS could run out of water in 3 years(international study)

Can't wait for that............as long as we have coal burning electricity who needs water?

From clever country to bignorant country in 10 glorious years of conservative leadership. Three cheers for big ears!



Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2007
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Time Magazine, July 1 1935:

"Not since October 1930 when a drill crew sprinted from under the first gusher in the East Texas field have U. S. oil companies discovered a petroleum pool of any magnitude. Some have talked of a petroleum famine as early as 1950."

Time Magazine, Nov 19, 1956

"As the fighting tapered off in the Middle East last week (see FOREIGN NEWS), the oilmen of the free world faced up to a huge problem: How can the West be supplied with all the oil it needs?"

Time Magazine, Feb 11, 1957

"THE U.S. was in the grip last week of an oil-production shortage that kept it from shipping enough oil to Europe and reduced domestic reserves to dangerously low levels."

In 1977, President Jimmy Carter opined that within a decade, we wouldn't be able to import enough oil, "from any country, at any acceptable price," to meet our needs.

This is a very small sample of the doom and gloom we've all been told about oil and other resources for a very long time. It is a very old song. By now our planet should be empty of any petroleum reserves, all our water should be gone, all the trees should be dead, all animals except cockroaches and coyotes should be extinct and most of the people too. People are ultimately very resourceful and figure out ways to meet challenges. Otherwise we would all be still sitting around trying to figure out how not to be eaten by large carnivores instead of chatting in an internet forum.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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Global warming is real, and to say other wise makes you look foolish.

The only reason anyone would say there is no global warming, would be if you have a investment in oil. Or if you are to old to get with the times, and the fact that oils high price is rising the price of everything. And if left go will bring us all down, the good news is that things are being put into place right now.

That will fix the oil problems, reducing how much oil that will be needed. And also using much greener fuels, to also cut oil usage as well so that CO2 gases will be reduced a lot. Infact we should be able to cover all the fuel needed, from right here in the good old USA. Good old OPEC can kiss USA you know what, and I'm 110% they need to sell us oil more then we will need to buy it.

Infact OPEC thinks china is their ace, but china also knows they must also cut CO2 out put. Because they are already feeling some of what global warming can do, and know what is coming so they are already looking for ways to reduce it. And the TECH stuff is being made right now, that will take care of this oil madness we find our selfs in once again. Big oil did not learn anything from the early 70's, when the gov't slapped them on it. But this time the markets will deal with big oil, they put it on them selfs that is for sure.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2007
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It is easy to check thermometers and conclude that the Globe is Warming. That is simply an observation. The science fiction starts with guessing why. It is an educated guess, that's it. Why did the planet warm and cool so many times before? Had nothing to do with auto emissions that's for sure. Meteors, dinosaur farts, who knows. I've been hearing educated guesses by professionals being proved wrong all my life and for hundreds if not thousands of years before but somehow I am now a fool to question this guess. Whatever. I hope you have air conditioning in that ivory tower.


It is easy to check thermometers and conclude that the Globe is Warming. That is simply an observation. The science fiction starts with guessing why. It is an educated guess, that's it. Why did the planet warm and cool so many times before? Had nothing to do with auto emissions that's for sure. Meteors, dinosaur farts, who knows. I've been hearing educated guesses by professionals being proved wrong all my life and for hundreds if not thousands of years before but somehow I am now a fool to question this guess. Whatever. I hope you have air conditioning in that ivory tower.

The difference between now and before is that the earth has warmed more in the last 30 years than it ever did in any 1000 year period before. The co2 caused by the burning of fossil fuels in the last 100 years or so is the cause of it. Its pure and simple facts....even a cave man could understand it, lol :)



Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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Well I can agree with what you just said, and for a few years that is all it was guessing.

But after all the guessing came checking, checking from different fields for the data. To see what side of the guessing it was on, and then after that having all the others checking that data. After all the study to prove and disprove global warming, 90% of the pro's agree a good bit of it is man made global warming.

You must then add the ways man, is pushing the earth to it's limits. First we got all the CO2 from burning fuels, then we got wipping out trees at a unfounded rate. Then we got clearing of land, and the usage of land that takes the top soils off the ground. We know that citys and towns, and roads are warmed a few degrees by man made stuff.

We also that smog is a problem in big citys, we also know we are losing land as well. We can also keep track of CO2 levels, and the levels keep going up with the level of fuel that we burn. CO2 gases act much like a green house, it makes the suns rays warm the earth more. Kind of like it may be a little cool out side, but when the suns out good and you get into your car.

The inside of your car is nice and warm, it's the sun and glass that does that, and the CO2 gases do the same thing. Only it's warming the earth at places, where there is higher levels of CO2 gases in the skys. If you look at that map I posted some time back, you can see the places that burn the most fuels. Are warming up the most, and having very strong weather patterns. It also show, how the lower middle states are also having cooler weather.

This cooler weather, is due to CO2 gases pushing aerosol gases to them few states. I live in a state PA where we see global warming, changing the weather patterns here. It's also a state the burns more fuels, so it's easy for us to see what is happening. But it's not as bad as they claim yet, to where we must stop all usage of CO2 fuels so fast. Cutting back will slow it down, and give us the time needed to get to where we can stop using it. But we will still be hit hard by global warming, but hopefully in a much more control way.

The good news is, the tech is being made right now that will cut it. The bad news is, we can not stop it and will have to deal with some pretty hard stuff. We are dealing with some places, hit the hardest by global warming and funds are being used up fast. Soon it will be to the point, the gov't's will have to rise funds to pay for lots of it. Insurance incs are taking steps right now, to deal with global warming. Many people are find they no longer will insure them, in places where global warming will likely hit with worst weather.

State gov't's are also taking steps to deal with global warming, many are having really bad trouble already with funds. Many have over spent dealing with it, and had to under take big projects already to deal with it going ahead. FEMA has been hit hard, and don't have the funds to deal with the peoples loses already. Like here in pa this year, the 2nd biggest flood hit us that was very bad. There was a story about this one guy, that lost every even his house.

The city told the guy he has to take the house down, and it cost $15,000 to get it taken down. But FEMA only give the guy $5,000, and the guys home owner insurance did not cover flooding. So this poor guy lost more then everything, he is in the hole for $10,000 plus lost everything he owned. FEMA's is going broke trying to deal with it all, they don't have the funds to deal with the way they should. All this is no ivory tower I'm in, it's real and people keep trying to say it's not happening.

Here is what happen when they said global cooling, could be a problem back in the 1970's. From news week, it tells what happen back then.

Remember Global Cooling?



Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2007
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The difference between now and before is that the earth has warmed more in the last 30 years than it ever did in any 1000 year period before. The co2 caused by the burning of fossil fuels in the last 100 years or so is the cause of it. Its pure and simple facts....even a cave man could understand it, lol :)


Wow, I didn't realize there were daily high/low temp records going back thousands of years for all world regions. Oh I know, tree rings and sediment layer analysis right. Educated guesses that are used to make even more educated guesses.


DNF Newbie
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 27, 2006
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Even if you do not agree that Global Warming is real you should think of it like "insurance" because the risks and devestation if it is real are so devestating...ie - an unlivable planet...

We take out insurance on house in the small chance it will burn down, or be hit by a tornado.

So even if you think it is all poppycock you should do the things that the scientists need done to "stop" global warming just as insurance in case YOu are wrong with your theories and they are right.

I am amazed that anyone would really think that 99% of the scientist who study this are wrong. Your future descendants are going to look back on you with disgust that you did nothing to protect them when they have to live in a world that is coming to an end.

It has only been a hundred years or so that man has affected the earth in a serious way.... What the heck will it look like in 1000 or 2000 years...


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2007
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Here is what happen when they said global cooling, could be a problem back in the 1970's. From news week, it tells what happen back then.

Remember Global Cooling?


This is exactly what I am talking about. Thirty years ago, renowned scientists of the day calculated, speculated, (guessed!) that the planet is going to cool very soon. This is the same time frame dmtalk claims the planet has warmed the most in thousands of years. Why should I believe any of it? Doom and Gloom, I've heard it all before and will hear it again. What happened to the flu pandemic that was so speculated about for this year? Well maybe it will happen this century. Has everyone forgotten the Y2K scare? We couldn't even decide what was going to happen to the things we created ourselves.

Tomorrow there will be new information saying we are cooling, warming, getting darker, getting lighter, too much UV, too little UV, drying out, getting wet, more earthquakes, more tsunamis, more ice, less ice, too little of this, too much of that, you name it. A monster solar flare or an increase in sun spots and it all changes. A bunch of volcanic eruptions and it all changes. Then all the theories change and we have a new crisis.

Want to talk about big money? Most of these academics financially thrive off this stuff. That is the big money that we should be more skeptical of. The more gloom and doom, the more they get research grants by the billions to study it.

As for FEMA and their mess, that is another topic. Want better survivability in a storm? Improve building codes. That's what really helps with earthquakes and fires. We can build houses that survive hurricanes, but few want to pay for it yet.

Even if you do not agree that Global Warming is real you should think of it like "insurance" because the risks and devestation if it is real are so devestating...ie - an unlivable planet...

We take out insurance on house in the small chance it will burn down, or be hit by a tornado.

So even if you think it is all poppycock you should do the things that the scientists need done to "stop" global warming just as insurance in case YOu are wrong with your theories and they are right.

I am amazed that anyone would really think that 99% of the scientist who study this are wrong. Your future descendants are going to look back on you with disgust that you did nothing to protect them when they have to live in a world that is coming to an end.

It has only been a hundred years or so that man has affected the earth in a serious way.... What the heck will it look like in 1000 or 2000 years...

Global Warming as an observation is simply that. The theories and politics behind it is what I question. Just because I don't buy into it doesn't mean I don't believe it is important to be responsible with the planet. But the chicken little sales job is not the way to do it. If, no WHEN, we have an ice age again would you propose humanity take all effort to warm the planet? Well, the theory goes that more CO2 will do the job so we should simply burn massive amounts of petroleum products and forests and generate a gazilion tons of methane gas to warm the planet then. Sounds stupid but it is the same logic.

Our geologic history reveals that this planet has gone through so much change and none of it has anything to do with humanity. We have learned so little but think we know so much.


We all have our rights to our beliefs and I believe that within a very few years, if that long, most all of us will be in agreement that humans are causing global warming with the burning of fossil fuels for energy and we MUST stop it or at the very least slow it down considerably in order to save our planet. Wait and see....you will be a believer before its over.

In the mean time our government, as well as other countries all over the world, will be working on this problem. Most, if not all of them are already convinced global warming caused by humans is a real problem and must be confronted and overcome before its too late.



Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2007
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We all have our rights to our beliefs and I believe that within a very few years, if that long, most all of us will be in agreement that humans are causing global warming with the burning of fossil fuels for energy and we MUST stop it or at the very least slow it down considerably in order to save our planet. Wait and see....you will be a believer before its over.

In the mean time our government, as well as other countries all over the world, will be working on this problem. Most, if not all of them are already convinced global warming caused by humans is a real problem and must be confronted and overcome before its too late.


Less pollution is a laudable goal in its own right. I'm tired of the science fiction planetary damnation theories to try and do it. Is eminent doom the only motive to live better? So when the temps stop rising for whatever the reason, the scientists will be out of work and find the next global crisis to extract research money from a scared public.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 15, 2006
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There's no such thing as Global Warming... its only by chance we had the warmest December ever in Boston, broke the heat recordat 63 degrees today (which is the average in early May) and we are poised to break the record again tomorrow at 66 degrees....

So Global Warming? Nah...


NBC nightly news with Brian Williams will have a special report on global warming tonight (1/5/07) at 6:30pm eastern time. He announced that yesterday on his nightly news program.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2007
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There's no such thing as Global Warming... its only by chance we had the warmest December ever in Boston, broke the heat recordat 63 degrees today (which is the average in early May) and we are poised to break the record again tomorrow at 66 degrees....

So Global Warming? Nah...
When talking about long term climate change you don't get to play that game. If so, then the October 2005 snow storm that hit New York with the most October Snowfall since the weather service started recording it over 130 years ago would be one easy rebuttal to your "proof".

The info I have heard is the increase is about 1 degree F (+/- 0.4) in the past 100 years. So at worst, about 1.4 degrees or at best 0.6 degrees of global change in a century. I don't dispute the data, I trust that after 12 years of primary education, 4 years of undergraduate studies and 4 plus years of graduate work that our renowned scientists are capable of reading a thermometer. What I question are the conclusions. As mentioned before, the best data of the day led many renowned scientists to conclude 30 years ago that we were headed for an ice age. In ten years there will be new data showing how the earth is dealing with the CO2 on its own. Lets see, it is getting warmer and there is more plant food (CO2)...hmm, maybe more plants and longer growing seasons in what are now cooler temps will consume the "extra" CO2 and thrust us into another ice age. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. All because of those @#%% big oil companies.

Remember that we didn't create the carbon, it was here before you were a twinkle in your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great granddaddies eye.

Read all the Global Warming gloom and doom and you will never read it "will happen" from any credible source. All you see is "might happen" or "data suggests". Scientists are never wrong, they just find new data and change all their conclusions.

NBC nightly news with Brian Williams will have a special report on global warming tonight (1/5/07) at 6:30pm eastern time. He announced that yesterday on his nightly news program.

Oh, the great scientist of our time, Brian Williams. Fear sells.

And the Exxon Alaska Valdez Oil spill is a myth. No truth to that.;)

And this relates how? Oh yea, this is really all about getting back at those @#$%@#$ big oil companies.

On a completely different note, I love how this forum auto merges multiple posts. Way cool.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 7, 2004
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Scandiman, I dunno if your serious or not but I can tell you that, here in France, winters are warmer and warmer.
As dmtalk said, the difference between now and before is that the earth has warmed more in the last 30 years than it ever did in any 1000 year period before.

Got it ?

domain newbie

Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Mar 13, 2005
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warmth is good, whats wrong with that - better then freeze
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