Check this story out about coal to super clean fuel oil, much greener and cleaner then normal oil as well. They are set to build a plant here in PA, only the people that own the plant also own the coal mines.
The USA has the largest amount of coal, we could replace all import oil with super clean fuel oil. We would only need to use, just short of double what is being used right now to do that. So we could replace all import oil, with a super clean fuel oil that works with everything right now. And plus still use all the coal that is being used right now, for everything else and have a 125 year supply of it.
We got way more coal fuel oil, then normal dirty oil right now. OPEC is pretty dumb, seeing how we will be doing this and with tech will cut what we use as well. And other means of greener fuels, soon we will not need their terrorist fueling oil. This is very good news, it will even force big oil to make their fuels much cleaner and greener. They should of invested that over a trillion bucks, in ways to make cleaner burning fuels, and keeping prices low instead of getting more oil.
They seem to think, they can rise the prices as high as they want. But they was to dumb, and counting all that money they are getting from us. That they did not seem to see this coming at all, lets see them buy their way out of this. They can not stop it now, OPEC is well on their way to losing their biggest oil buyer. And that ace they thought they had in china, got the 2nd most coal in the world.
The plant they are going to build here, already got every barrel they can make sold. And once the money starts rolling in, I'm sure many more plants will be started. This is not the only thing being done, sun power and wind power plants are being built as well. Other tech is going to reduce the need for fuel, and reduce the out put of CO2 as well. And this time, it gives us all the time we need to get a replacement. That will not run out, and will not damage the earth at all.
And if big oil see it now, and trys to take us hostage to stop it. Well then the gov't, will step in and take them over so they can't even stop it that way. Holding us hostage with oil, is a act of war and they know it. So there is no way they can stop it now, we are not there yet but it's well under way right now. The auto makers are under pressure as well, the states have started taking them to court already.
And everyone with in a few years, will know the truth about global warming. Bush was already forced to admit this stuff last month, he can not even stop his own people from telling the truth about it now. Bush said we have to move away from oil, and to greener options like bio fuels and other techs. He was called on it by a news guy, and could not lie or act as if we could not do anything about it. Watch closerly the hearings, that are going to be taking place soon.
The experts know for a fact, this is well beyond anything that could be normal in this short of time frame. Yes it got hot and cold before many times, but it always took way more time then it's happen now. They know what the CO2 does, and they know what levels there are. And how much they are going up, and also know the lines from human fuel usage CO2 out put, and the lines of global warming match 100%. As I said it was guessing before, but it is no longer guessing at all it's real.
AT no other time has so many experts, from some many different fields agree on anything. But yet 90% of them agree, that humans are indeed a big part of the global warming. So some of it may well be normal, but we are pushing it now as it's well beyond anything that could be normal. And all of the data, all points to the same thing. And also NASA's super computers, projected this weather and this would happen if it was global warming.
Here in northeast PA all night, it's has been 60% and it's Jan 6 in the dead of winter. Keep in mind, that we have always got very cold winters with snow way before this. If you have not heard about the coal story, then it is a must read for sure.