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Dr Nump

Call me Doc !
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 2, 2006
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Yes , I agree to Cashcows . But this far-seer company seem to need more workers to run a long way ahead.
Matt , do you need to hire some ?


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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"Any company needs to make a profit and pay expenses, they dont operate out of pocket"
That is personal or small business economics, in the real world and big business things don't work that way.

Since when do companies need to make a profit right off the bat?

In fact for tax reasons it's better if they don't for the first 3 years and take a loss.,,, Netscape, Youtube didn't not make profit for the first several years (please correct me if I am wrong on that) They now make a profit (except youtube)

What is doing in my opinion is going after market share once they have a large part of the parking market they have many options to then make a profit at that point (which I am not going to go into becuase I am not being paid to consult.)

The only people that have to make a profit are those that depend on the money to pay their bills. If Bodis is working off of Venture Capital or Angel money they do not need to make anything at this point which is why they can give it all to us. And they said they were going to only extend this offer for a few months.

What Bodis is doing is very smart business and will pay off in the long run if they can keep it going. Being that is has been a one man show, I'd say they are early in getting the VC or Investors. Things will speed up as things move along.

Well stated. That is why a start up needs a 1 year, 3 year, and a 5 year plan. This is a working model that one would normally take to the bank or SBA for financing reasons.

And as a fledgling company and one that just launched, seems like a great many on here are expecting overnight results.

I think it is fine to ask questions but it appears many are on here to chastise and ridicule rather than support the effort.

I could care less if he is taking a dime a day from my account or from each domain. The craziness and the ups and downs that I have seen at Sedo is enough of a reason to pull out. For the past three days I have one domain that gets hundreds of clicks a day but no shows ZERO and not a damn link is working on the lander.

Now try contacting Sedo on a weekend and having them answer an email. At the earliest I can expect to hear back on Tuesday, no doubt. In the mean time, that domain has been placed on Bodis.

And I see a great deal of members on here just recently posting and whining about Parked revenue being up and down and off it's mark for a couple of weeks.

It is very apparent to me that a large number of members bitch for the sake of bitching just to have something to bitch about and jump in a thread they have no damn interest in to begin with just to stir up shit...look at any .mobi thread, political, money matters involving two individuals (not 30)...and on and on. It seems like it becomes a great opportunity to attack and go after someone.

Instead of criticizing all the time, try this...

Matt, what can I do to help?


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Since when do companies need to make a profit right off the bat?

With all due respect to you Cashcows, Most everything in your post concerning Bodis is speculative, yet informative which I appreciate.

Forum members have asked the same questions I have concerning the revenue share, and Bodis has NOT been very forthcoming in providing answers, if he is doing as you say, why is he not the one telling us?

Based on my revenue stats, Bodis is without a doubt earning a profit...A profit which I have NO problem with BTW, However, claiming that were earning 100% revenue share, receiving full credit for all legit clicks, they operate at a loss and earn no profit, That I have a problem with, others may not mind being deceived, but I do.

It is very apparent to me that a large number of members bitch for the sake of bitching just to have something to bitch about and jump in a thread they have no damn interest in to begin with just to stir up shit...look at any .mobi thread, political, money matters involving two individuals (not 30)...and on and on. It seems like it becomes a great opportunity to attack and go after someone.

Oh Jeez, Do you really think by questioning the 100% rev share is bitching?, If you do, I think its you who is guilty of meaningless bitching.

Jumping in a thread with no interest just to stir up shit? Where do you get this stuff from? Any member with a active Bodis account has a right to question anything, Period! Do we have to show our Bodis ID before we can post here?, or do we need your permission first?

it appears many are on here to chastise and ridicule rather than support the effort

Yes, it was not too long ago that two guys chastised and ridiculed "Parked" get a load of these two. :rolleyes:


Lost @Space
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 6, 2007
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Forum members have asked the same questions I have concerning the revenue share, and Bodis has NOT been very forthcoming in providing answers, if he is doing as you say, why is he not the one telling us?

HE did, in the very first post in the very first thread where he presented Bodis:

I'd like to point out a few more things. The lifetime of 100% revenue share is applicable to anybody that applies within the next 1-2 years. The revenue share may decrease after that only for new clients. Right now Bodis, LLC has the budget to keep itself afoot with 100% revenue share for another 1-2 years time.

At later times he has on several occasions stated the same thing, that the 100% revenue share is for clients who sign up the first year or so, and that it may decrease later, but only for new clients.
He has also stated on several occasions that he has an add-on service or something like that coming, which also will generate revenue.
If you just read what he has written in the different threads, it's quite clear.



Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Oh Jeez, Do you really think by questioning the 100% rev share is bitching?, If you do, I think its you who is guilty of meaningless bitching.

Jumping in a thread with no interest just to stir up shit? Where do you get this stuff from? Any member with a active Bodis account has a right to question anything, Period! Do we have to show our Bodis ID before we can post here?, or do we need your permission first?

There you go, in typical fashion you take a piece of the pie and consider it the whole and go from there.

Just like you jumping into a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with or your domains or your money and yet you feel compelled to comment on every thing under the sun and go after certain members.

The comments of jumping into a thread were not directed towards you per se but were in fact generalized comments but if you feel they were, then so be it.

Question 100% revenue share? What part of "FOR A LIMITED TIME" did you not get when you signed up? I would say for a limited time has a time limit.

Where do I get this stuff from? From comments posted on this very forum and subforums. Come on, you want to play games here? Where do I get it from? I get it from the very words and spats and bullshit that take place on this forum. That is where I get it from.

And you are damn right I ridiculed and chastised parked and it's rep here, Donny. Legitimate clicks and revenue totally wiped out and a different answer each time for the same question. Posting of false and erroneous information by the rep and failure to substantiate his claims. And when he was caught on those false claims, then it was a whole heap of backtracking.

And if I am not mistaken you jumped all over that one also.

Stick to defending the Bush administration as they need all the support they can get.

And if you want to start a DOC is a piece of shit thread, have at it. This is fast becoming a forum so far from domaining that it is absurd. So why not start another POS thread and start an opinion poll.

Me? I've got more important things to do.

My God, it may take a lifetime to look up all your comments.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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It's funny there's so many parallels between Bodis and .mobi. It's no wonder Doc Com is pro both of them. :)


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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It's funny there's so many parallels between Bodis and .mobi. It's no wonder Doc Com is pro both of them. :)
I've got a great idea.

Let's leave this thread as is about bodis. Let bodis have their thread.

If you want to doc com, circa1850 or Gerry thread, start it.

Raider, if you think those comments were directed at you or you feel guilty in any way, can't help it. Start another thread.

My parallel was between comparisons of my experiences with Sedo and Bodis and other members comments of Parked and Bodis. Why you want to bring up a dead issue that I have put behind me and I am sure Donnie has put behind him is beyond me.

I think it is fine to ask questions but it appears many are on here to chastise and ridicule rather than support the effort.

It is very apparent to me that a large number of members bitch for the sake of bitching just to have something to bitch about and jump in a thread they have no damn interest in to begin with just to stir up shit...look at any .mobi thread, political, money matters involving two individuals (not 30)...and on and on. It seems like it becomes a great opportunity to attack and go after someone.

Instead of criticizing all the time, try this...

Matt, what can I do to help?
And as predicted the usual suspects start appearing.

So where do I get this stuff from?

So every one have a great Sunday, I have a porch to finish, hope your NFL team wins, and leave the bodis thread to bodis.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Just like you jumping into a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with or your domains or your money and yet you feel compelled to comment on every thing under the sun and go after certain members.

What thread are you talking about? I told you that I have a Bodis account, they have domains in them, MY domains, I also have MONEY in my account, Do I need to a complete a Doc Com application to prove interest before posting here?

And if I am not mistaken you jumped all over that one also.

I didn't ridicule and chastise Donny, I raised legitimate questions about banned accounts and where the money goes. You complain about members chastising and ridiculing, but you have no problem doing it yourself, and now you have the audacity to bitch about others doing it here....An act of a true hypocrite.

My God, it may take a lifetime to look up all your comments.

So what are you going to do Doc? Lookup all of Raiders comments that have NOTHING to do with Bodis and post them here, so you can win the argument? OMG. I'm not the one that posted this nonsense, acting like a drama queen. :drama:

It's funny there's so many parallels between Bodis and .mobi. It's no wonder Doc Com is pro both of them. :)

The motto here is;

Say only good things about Bodis and .Mobi, Anything short of that were going to burn you up a stake!


Lost @Space
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
The motto here is;

Say only good things about Bodis and .Mobi, Anything short of that were going to burn you up a stake!

Not really. But how about reading what Matt has actually written about how Bodis will make money, and basic business economics for new businesses, before claiming he is lying?


Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 30, 2004
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Not really. But how about reading what Matt has actually written about how Bodis will make money, and basic business economics for new businesses, before claiming he is lying?


Please don't "burn me at the stake", but I've been talking to Matt and I don't believe he is lying or trying to hide something...ANYONE should know, especially on this forum of "professionals", that ANY business should not expect profit in the beginning...if you're making more than with another parking company then just be happy with that for now.
My biggest issue, personally, is the amount of time between payments...but maybe that will change in the future :smilewinkgrin:
So, let's give Bodis the "test of time" and see how far it goes and whether it stays...I don't think Matt will be asking for extra help now as he has his family helping out somewhat.
Good Luck to All in your parking adventures! :)
What a GREAT business! :yes:


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Not really. But how about reading what Matt has actually written about how Bodis will make money, and basic business economics for new businesses, before claiming he is lying?


I did read and this is all I could find;

In a few weeks we are releasing a service on that will run along side the parking. That is how we will profit.

But the service depends on a large user base. We are trying to increase our user base and domain database by giving 100% revenue share - which is working. This way, we can release our next service and be sure that it is successful.

I would like to share the details of the future of this parking program, but unfortunately we have too many competitors trying to take the idea before we'd even implement it.

All I can say is that this additional service will be optional and will be what generates the real revenue for the parking program and which relies heavily on building a client database at this exact time now.

Thank you. :)

This has no specifics, and does not answer my original question; 100% revenue share of what?

We know that Sedo credits only 1 click, how many clicks does Bodis credit? Their are a number of ways someone can claim 100% revenue share and still make a profit, its not rocket science.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 23, 2005
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With all due respect to you Cashcows, Most everything in your post concerning Bodis is speculative, yet informative which I appreciate.

Forum members have asked the same questions I have concerning the revenue share, and Bodis has NOT been very forthcoming in providing answers, if he is doing as you say, why is he not the one telling us?

Based on my revenue stats, Bodis is without a doubt earning a profit...A profit which I have NO problem with BTW, However, claiming that were earning 100% revenue share, receiving full credit for all legit clicks, they operate at a loss and earn no profit, That I have a problem with, others may not mind being deceived, but I do.

Oh Jeez, Do you really think by questioning the 100% rev share is bitching?, If you do, I think its you who is guilty of meaningless bitching.

Jumping in a thread with no interest just to stir up shit? Where do you get this stuff from? Any member with a active Bodis account has a right to question anything, Period! Do we have to show our Bodis ID before we can post here?, or do we need your permission first?

Yes, it was not too long ago that two guys chastised and ridiculed "Parked" get a load of these two. :rolleyes:

I thinks we all should question everything in life and in business especially. I was just explaining that your view of the way a company operates is not the only business model.

I do think that Matt needs to to be more active on here and answer some questions and also approve my account already so I can start using it. If they do in fact want market share we should all be approved much faster.

Why do you say "Based on my revenue stats, Bodis is without a doubt earning a profit."

There is really no way to determine that unless you have access to exactly what they are being paid and exactly what their expenses are.

Now if you mean you are in no doubt they they are taking a cut, that is a different story. But still unless you know exactly what they are being paid it's not possible just by looking at your stats.

Example # 1: If you were at parking company A and they are using a Google feed and they move to Parking Company B and they are using a Yahoo Feed, You rev in the same domain is going to be different.

Example#2: If you were at parking company A and they are using a Google feed and they move to Parking Company B and they are also using a Google Feed, Yor rev in the same domain is going might still be different.
Why? Because Parking Company A is huge and has a better deal with Google than the smaller newer parking company B. Even if they are giving you 100% of the payout they could still be paying less.

And that is not taking CTR or landers in consideration.

Also as I just stated in another thread PPC bids and payouts often change daily as advertisers adjust bids or stop biding all together? Sometimes price drops have nothing to do with Parking Companies.

Sometimes advertisers just realize they are not making what they should so they say "Ok I'll be 5th instead of 1 on the list" and stop paying $.50 a click and drop to $.30 there goes your payout, if it was the best pulling ad.

The only way to really tell would be if the companies show us what ads were clicked and then see what that ad cost really is and I doubt the providers share that (I could be wrong on this point as I really don't know)

The point is just because rev drops it does not mean that it is the parking company, it could be the ads, some days of the week are better and some times of year are better. Rev always drops in the summer.

There are many good reasons to move from a parking company, but a small drop in rev over 2-3 days is not one in my opinion.

NOTE: I am not affiliated with Bodis I don't even have an account there yet. I have just done a lot of research after using crappy companies and some not so crappy that I blamed for everything until I started realizing how all this really works.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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There is no company paying 100%, and if they are it is a doomed business plan. If you believe otherwise you are misled and need to wake up and face the reality that there are expenses involved in running a RELIABLE and sure functioning company, let alone a parking service that needs constant attention to servers, upgrades, customer service & tremendous amounts of bandwidth..this cannot be done on a hobby budget and surely cannot be a one man show or you just simply cannot manage everything. I have never for one second believed anyone was getting 100% from Bodis...maybe you get 100% of 70-80% but not's BS

Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2002
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Can we please stop this "100% earning share" and "not earning anything" rhetorics? First of all only the interest that can be earned on "net 45" is a main earning. Second, some of my domains on it is actually earning less than other PPC middlemen.



Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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I thinks we all should question everything in life and in business especially. I was just explaining that your view of the way a company operates is not the only business model.

I do think that Matt needs to to be more active on here and answer some questions and also approve my account already so I can start using it.

I could not agree more with these points, Whenever someone claims 100% revenue share and provides vague answers and statements, it throws up red flags and invites these kind of questions. When you get your Bodis account, I would appreciate if you can report back with your findings. ;)


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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me and my partner have one and it went from minimum .30/clicks to .25/clicks now down to the teens per click and the CTR is decreasing also on some that are very steady otherwise..I hope this is just coincidence and it all magically fixes itself


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 23, 2004
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maybe you get 100% of 70-80% but not's BS

Ding ding ding - we have a winner folks

You get 100% of the funds left over after expenses, salaries, bonuses, etc.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Just like donating money..there always are costs involved..

ps - MAYBE is WAS 100% to pull everyone away from other companies..a wise tactic


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 29, 2005
Reaction score
It's funny there's so many parallels between Bodis and .mobi. It's no wonder Doc Com is pro both of them. :)

HAHAHAAHAHAHA! Greg you just nailed it right on!!! LOL

Even the 1 page threads are identical, at times Gerry I really wonder if you got some special BS expander software that takes 2-3 bullet points and turns them into essays....
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