MediaHound said:
And I say that as a customer of BuyDomains, I know for a fact that buyers were willing to spend more than their published prices.
The worth of a domain is only as good as what a buyer is willing to pay. It could be $50, it could be $500m.
Many names just don't get the kind of traffic you would think. I bought a name from them over a month ago for just under $2k, and to date, it hasn't even got 1 hit. :angry: For most names, and for those even with traffic, it's all about development, and that's were the real costs are, which can run in the millions
per name (see recent $1m sale of 1,117 names and the wipo background )
Sure, there will be names that do, so go charge those buyers $100k for them.
I think there is a fine balance between business turnover and sitting on names till the day .INFO and .BIZ and other tlds become the extension of reasoned acceptance by businesses who no longer think they want to be held hostage to ridiculous pricing from old world extensions.
BD has as a policy always sold to end-users and already has raised many of their prices by 100-500% in the recent year. How high further do you think they should go?
You can chose to be greedy and wait for a buyer at
your price till you get stroke and die ten years from now, or you could set reasonable prices (not cheap) which may encourage some sales, not get the buyer running out of the door in shell shock.
There is a BIG difference between speculative greed and pragmatism.