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Cashing in on VA Shooting

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Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2006
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I have to come out about this; I think that Wired News has an incredibly biased opinion on this. Also, this is terribly hippocritical. Why?

As has been stated before and will be stated, along these lines of "incrimination," CBS, CNN, etc. would all be in jail years and years ago. Now, Wired has just crossed themselves. They manage to condemn domainers for doing what they also do. Example:

Wired knows that they gain money for each story about this posted, yet they condemn the people who apply the SAME TACTICS. If the families of the victims want to peruse legal action (John, are they allowed to under our messed up judicial system?), then they should be taking it against CNN and Wired just as much as the average Joe Domainer.



Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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So then you would be for a better screening process for advertisers claiming to be organizations? And for a potential class action lawsuit brought upon Google/Yahoo for them allowing these to exist and defraud consumers?

Don't think for one minute that the domainer will not come under scrutiny if not already happening. If there were to be a class action lawsuit, IF, I would think that there would be a sweep of these registrants. If one domain is parked and one fraud is perpetrated through that parked page, I would imagine everyone involved would be subjected to intense scrutiny and investigation. And I would not at all be surprised by the "trickle down effect". The domain owner would catch the brunt of the crap.

This may be an opinion, but the seriousness of the Virginia Tech act, the attempts to capitalize on the aftermath, and the unwanted attention to domain names being used to commit fraud (several already posted in a previous link but here it is again:
will bring a microscope down on those involved. It will be akin to the WTC and the Katrina fraud and Scams for donations. Folks are not often too smart when it comes to selecting the right channels for donations. And scammers know this and take advantage. But when the truth comes to light, there is something that is comparable to a lynching mob effect.

But this is clearly not the domainers fault nor the parking providers but the advertising provider.
It may be up to the FBI, FTC, InterPol and other law enforcement agencies worldwide to determine who is at fault if crimes are perpetrated by the use of the domain name by a criminal act. Innocently parked or not. For me, I would rather not come under investigation when someone reports that they made a donation that was never recorded or collected by the university. When asked where they made the donation, "on". They will most likely remember what they were looking and which site they were on.

The FBI has an online fraud division
or this:
Anyone with information that may be helpful to investigators of the Virginia Tech shootings can submit a tip electronically on this website or contact your local FBI office or the police agencies investigating the case.
or here:

Sorry, but I can not help for a moment but believe the domains being regged, parked, or otherwise are already coming under heavy scrutiny. And when you willingly appear on camera or give interviews to major newspapers, that 15 seconds of fame may be at a very heavy cost.

What IF VT or anyone else involved, including the shooters parents, decided to not only file with WIPO but file civil suits against those who registered domain names used in the committing of a fraudulent act and sued for damages? Several million people visiting a parked page in a matter of days is no small number. What if a judge decided to award damages based on the number of visitors or the number of claims filed that were as a result from landing on that page?

Much of this may be hypothetical. But with all the media attention shifting to this domain issue, I hardly think anyone can say it won't happen and say it with 100% certainty.

Nope, I am not a lawyer. But I sure as hell would hate to have to hire one to represent me in Local, State, or Federal court. Yeah, I'm innocent. But not the people using my domain name, your honor.

I would imagine Google and Sedo would come out fine by presenting their TOS and User Agreement as know, all that boring shit none of us read...something like my comments now.

So, if this is all a concept that can not be grasped and you still want to insist that nothing wrong was done, the domainer is innocent, the media is doing it, there is no difference, so why can't we...I choose not to have to give an interview to Federal Agents.

Trust me...this is going to happen.

I have to come out about this; I think that Wired News has an incredibly biased opinion on this. Also, this is terribly hippocritical. Why?
Jason, I understand your point and frustration. But the very media that many on this forum are pointing fingers at and blaming (the major networks) are not running feature or stories on each other. They are running prime time stories on domainers, cover and feature articles, and major network shows, ala Prime Time.

We can cry foul all we want. But this is scrutiny and the spotlight that I do not think any of us want or to even share at the moment.

There are and always will be the dumbasses who sit a home and reg shit to use as ebay fodder...and then there are the esteemed members on this forum and others who have actually placed themselves in the spotlight and have attempted to justify and validate to the world why they do what they do...'s not going to play out well on prime time and it won't play out very well on the forums.

I think we (as domainers) are all sitting behind the proverbial eight-ball at the moment.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2006
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I think that as domainers, we need to rebel. Don't get me wrong, but the way that the registrants are being protrayed/treated is just WRONG. I'm sorry, but this has to stop. This happened with Anna Nicole, and unless we do something, I think that this hypocracy will continue to no end. Why should one be allowed to do what others can not? This is not a caste system people; this is like telling one person that they can use a coupon and denying that to another person. These people are hurting our economy, and something must be done to at least try to obtain equal treatment for domainers and the media in this regard. If we can not register domains that are capitalistic, then the media should be constrained to the same proportion(s).

Freedom of speech and expression, people. What if Domainer Joe expresses himself through domain names? COME ON!



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Don't think for one minute that the domainer will not come under scrutiny if not already happening. If there were to be a class action lawsuit, IF, I would think that there would be a sweep of these registrants. If one domain is parked and one fraud is perpetrated through that parked page, I would imagine everyone involved would be subjected to intense scrutiny and investigation. And I would not at all be surprised by the "trickle down effect". The domain owner would catch the brunt of the crap.

Well then what you are essentially saying is that any domain doesn't matter if it is related to VT or not if google displays a "fake organization ad" and someone clicks and donates through a domain I have parked that that is my fault just because the domain was there. I would believe they would have to prove that I was intentionally defrauding them by getting fake organizations to appear on my parked pages. Something of which the domainer has no control over. They can provide keywords but not the content on parked pages.

I some how think that is way off or it would have happened by now with all of the domains that are parked and with TONS of people pulling scams through ppc.

I'm sure John or Brett would help shine light on this subject.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Well then what you are essentially saying is that any domain doesn't matter if it is related to VT or not if google displays a "fake organization ad" and someone clicks and donates through a domain I have parked that that is my fault just because the domain was there. I would believe they would have to prove that I was intentionally defrauding them by getting fake organizations to appear on my parked pages. Something of which the domainer has no control over. They can provide keywords but not the content on parked pages.

I some how think that is way off or it would have happened by now with all of the domains that are parked and with TONS of people pulling scams through ppc.

I'm sure John or Brett would help shine light on this subject.
I would have to question calling it a "fake organizational ad". If it actually exists, it is not fake. So determination of it being fake can only be made after the fact...when a donation is made. No crime is committed until it is actually committed. Intent, possibly. Difficult to prove in most cases.

The gist of my point is WHY call the scrutiny upon yourself. And I would suspect that YES, no matter what page you have parked...if an ad is proved to be fraudulent or criminal in nature, whether you knowingly or not approved the add or participated indirectly, YES, you may be investigated.

Guilty? Perhaps not.

Investigated? Likely so.

So why even consider this as a scenario NOT likely to happen in this case? Why even think the feds are not looking into this right at this very moment. I would imagine a task force has been created for this very issue, again...thanks to all the media attention.

5 days ago, this line of thought may indeed have seemed "way off" and wacko thinking.

I hardly think so anymore.

I can not imagine the domains, the domain owners, the registrars, or the parking companies being portrayed in a more negative manner than at this very moment. It is a vulture culture out there and like it or not, some of our colleagues have placed us at the heart of a controversy.


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Has it been said how much he has made from the domain


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Domains that are developed and used in a journalistic or informational manner are not the problem, the problem is when Domainers reg tragic domains after a horrific event such as 911, Columbine or VT, and plaster them all over the internet FOR SALE, asking price: $19 to $500,000, no content, no news, no link to a memorial fund, They put them up on Ebay until Ebay pulls them, and now out of desperation to sell, some are now showing up in the sales threads here on DNF, in which I think DNF is now reviewing there own policy. The ones that are parked earning rev, haven't gotten the news flack yet that they deserve, the practice of parking does divert visitors away from what there looking for, which is NEWS and Information about the current tragedy, just look at this one and you'll see what I mean;

and lets not forget our penis enlargements sites:

If the Media ever finds this and makes a new story out of it, were going to get SLAUGHTERED in the media!, and its NOT the media's fault, dont blame the messenger! its the tragic domainers bringing us down! I don't see how any of you can compare what these scumbags are doing to that of what News organizations have been doing every day, LONG before Al Gore invented the internet, the comparison isn't there!.

The Media has been all of this lately, look at the nightline clip if you can find it, we domainers were ALL trashed last night! I have a lot of friends that know I'm a domain speculator, it makes me wonder how many saw that nightline segment and what there thinking about me, its not about me, it effects all of us in this industry!.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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This just gave me an idea, I've been trying to tell my Husband in a subtle way to increase his size,

So many responses...hard to chose the best one.

Dave Zan

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2004
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the problem is when Domainers reg tragic domains after a horrific event such as 911, Columbine or VT, and plaster them all over the internet FOR SALE, asking price: $19 to $500,000, no content, no news, no link to a memorial fund, They put them up on Ebay until Ebay pulls them, and now out of desperation to sell, some are now showing up in the sales threads here on DNF, in which I think DNF is now reviewing there own policy. The ones that are parked earning rev, haven't gotten the news flack yet that they deserve, the practice of parking does divert visitors away from what there looking for, which is NEWS and Information about the current tragedy

That shouldn't really be a problem if people simply ignored them. They do have
a choice whether to take notice or not.

It so happens some people choose to do something. I hope they're prepared
for the possibility of someone returning the favor.

Karma goes both ways.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 18, 2006
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anyone buying names associated to the massacre should be banned on here if they publicise the fact.


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 24, 2004
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TexasGamer over at NP decided to do the "right thing" with the domain: ismailax .com
After consulting friends, family, and co-workers, and after reading countless blogs and forum posts, I have decided to make a change. The domain ismailax .com will be pointed to the official Virginia Tech website memorial fund page:

The word ismailax is bad. It is dark, ugly and forboding. I do not relish being remembered or associated with this evil name but unfortunately, I have become part of the bigger story. I wish I wasn't. But maybe I can help by shining a small beacon of light and hope upon this tragic event. By forwarding this domain, to a good and decent cause, I will have stood up and done my part for a better world. This is how I would rather be remembered. Please forgive me if I have offended anyone. I wish no harm, only peace and dignity to the victims and their families.
Please allow 24-48 hours as the DNS server need time to resolve to the Virginia Tech site



Go barefoot!
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 17, 2004
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just look at this one and you'll see what I mean;
Don't you just looove the photo of the happy young couple sitting at their laptop? :puke:

The Media has been all of this lately, look at the nightline clip if you can find it, we domainers were ALL trashed last night! I have a lot of friends that know I'm a domain speculator, it makes me wonder how many saw that nightline segment and what there thinking about me, its not about me, it effects all of us in this industry!.
Domaining is finally getting to the point where people understand what it is that we do, but all this bad press is putting a seriously negative spin on it. I try to explain about domain names and parking and reselling, and people come back with, "Oh, you're a cybersquatter! You should be hung out to dry for what you do, you scumbag."

I try explaining that I don't register TMs, typos of TMs, personal names or tragedies -- but in their mind they think that ANYONE who registers domains and doesn't develop those names into content-rich, information-laden sites, or e-commerce sites offering useful products or services, is simply "squatting" on domains that other people could be using for "better" purposes.

I say, "Well, if you want the domain so badly, make me an offer" -- and they come back with, "If you weren't just SITTING on this domain, doing NOTHING with it, adding no VALUE to it, I could get it for reg fee. Why should I pay you all that money for it when I SHOULD be able to get it for $10 or less?"



Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 11, 2006
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"If you weren't just SITTING on this domain, doing NOTHING with it, adding no VALUE to it, I could get it for reg fee. Why should I pay you all that money for it when I SHOULD be able to get it for $10 or less?"

lol, you can't argue with that


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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they think that ANYONE who registers domains and doesn't develop those names into content-rich, information-laden sites, or e-commerce sites offering useful products or services, is simply "squatting" on domains that other people could be using for "better" purposes.

I don't see this mindset ever changing. All you can do is laugh all the way to the bank.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 21, 2005
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barefoot said:
they think that ANYONE who registers domains and doesn't develop those names into content-rich, information-laden sites, or e-commerce sites offering useful products or services, is simply "squatting" on domains that other people could be using for "better" purposes.

On the way to the airport here there is undeveloped land right next to the airport. Prime real estate right? It has a for sale sign and billboards with ads.

This land is just sitting undeveloped, being monetized, while strip-malls and hotels are being built around it. Increasing it's value and profit for the owner when they finally do sell it.

I see no difference in domains.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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On the way to the airport here there is undeveloped land right next to the airport. Prime real estate right? It has a for sale sign and billboards with ads.

This land is just sitting undeveloped, being monetized, while strip-malls and hotels are being built around it. Increasing it's value and profit for the owner when they finally do sell it.

I see no difference in domains.

Well said Sarcle, good example. I also agree with Barefoot on the points he made. What's going on right now is giving us a black eye, its seems the only time we get news coverage is after a tragedy or reporting about Google and click fraud. In both cases its the bottom feeding domainers do us the most harm. I contacted DNF asking what there policy is on selling tragic domains, pretty much the same as ebay and there looking to amend the rule.

If we take away the selling venues, they have nowhere to go, most will think twice next time before registering such names, but it wont stop it, newcomers will do the same, learning the same lessons as the tragic seekers did before them.


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 21, 2004
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"If you weren't just SITTING on this domain, doing NOTHING with it, adding no VALUE to it, I could get it for reg fee. Why should I pay you all that money for it when I SHOULD be able to get it for $10 or less?"

lol, you can't argue with that

Sure you can VirtualT - easily.

Let's break-it down John Madden style...

"If you weren't just SITTING on this domain, doing NOTHING with it"
~ Someone else probably would... and sitting on a name IS doing something.

"adding no VALUE to it," ~ they appreciate in value naturally from being regged. [Aren't monopolies great?] Law of Supply and Demand.

"I could get it for reg fee." ~ just an assumption not followed when the domain was still in the wild and available for reg fee - too late now thus a moot point. Law of 1st Come 1st Served. Keyword here is 'Could', but they 'didnt'.

"Why should I pay you all that money for it when I SHOULD be able to get it for $10 or less?" ~ If they had a time machine they SHOULD go back in time and reg. it themselves, as $10 low-ball offers often do not motivate many Internet property holders to sell from what I've seen.

Individuals and small groups of righteous people SHOULD stop hurting others and the greater collective of people on the planet just for their own selfish gain - but reality so far for me has been that Greed Breeds Mean Deeds, Pre-Emptive Wars happen, Climate Change is real and Anger & Revenge is getting worse amoungst people, not better (unfortunately).

Example: Willing greediness to destroy the planet and say that Ignorance of the Laws of Nature is the excuse to why all our Human Rights have been trampled on and Earth has now been forever poisoned with pollution ~ just so that a few selfish people can line their greedy pockets while everyone else suffers.
It's short-sighted economics whereby simple logic dictates that without a planet - there is NO Economy in the 1st place! :-S DuH!

Not easy trying to live an Eternity when average lifespans are 70-80 years. This disconnect will be the end of us all yet.

In the end, and imo, violence is Not justified anymore for greed as it is for denouncing greed. It's not easy to watch as the 'herd' moves closer and closer to the 'cliff' (and commit Humanicide) when you really care for Life!

I feel for everyone whom suffer under the shackles of selfish greed and violence when as people we have the ability to make other, better choices.

Carpe Peaciem ~ Peacefully Seize the Day!

Best Success in All Your Peaceful Endeavours!


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2006
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"I could get it for reg fee."

Yeah...lets compare this to an all-you-can-eat buffet. Person A takes the last hamburger (random food...). Person A does not finish the hamburger. Does that give Person B, who was going for the same hamburger, the right to berate Person A for taking the hamburger because they would have put it to better use?

Food for thought



Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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That shouldn't really be a problem if people simply ignored them. They do have a choice whether to take notice or not.

The news media does'nt ignore them, and were portrayed as vultures, that was my point.


Domain Buyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 23, 2002
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Unless you are going to offer some resource for victims and their families, these domains are just bad karma.
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