If you look at the domains in the list, you'll see Yahoo and DMOZ as the two last columns. They're blank if the domain has no value for Yahoo or DMOZ.
The issue with overture is twofold - first, if I were to purchase the information from someone and then just pass that cost along, I'd have to work out a deal where they get paid based on my userbase using the info. That's a huge pain, and they'd probably want the right to audit me, which I'm not sure I'd be happy with.
Second, if I were to set up my own overture scraping array, it wouldn't be cost-effective unless I had enough subscribers. Just getting machines across enough IPs would most likely be too expensive to do unless I had hundreds of subscribers.
I have spoken to a number of people who can provide feeds, and many of them were cool with the idea of offering their feed to DropShark users, but the price they wanted was either outrageous (as in, "you pay me $1000 a month and sell to as many as you want") or they wanted the right to deal with my customer list.