Version 1.0.623.1 has been put at ... However ... after uploading it, I found a particularly heinous bug that's preventing 5-day downloads from working properly, though single-day works better now that it had in the past. In the process of optimizing the download process and adding a pipeline for a new feature, I broke 5-day.
I will have a fix posted tonight.
The new feature, by the way, will allow the user, if they wish, to have their watchlist uploaded to the DropShark server every time they connect. Initially, this will allow the server to signal you if the name is in any of the 5 days of lists, even if you only download one day. That is, you need not download all 5 days.
For the next version, however, we'll do one better, and alert you if the name expires at all, and then again when it goes into RGP. If it is renewed, you'll be notified of that, too. In short, DropShark will monitor the names for the entire lifecycle.
Makes you want to purchase that license now and get in on the free lifetime upgrades, doesn't it?
And, as always, many of these features are being added at the request of registered users, who get their feature requests pushed to the top of the development queue.