Few notes about Automattic (WordPress.com) domain name pricing.
The full pricing can be found here:
On the funny side, appearantly, you need to know somebody from their team (in this, case I met couple people from Automattic registrar operations at the recent NDD Camp) to be able to find this pricing table > to understand the WP domain pricing

.. the pricing is well hidden

.. I am sure they will sort this out.
Currencies: it seems unreasonable to chose EUR pricing > switch to USD > the prices seem to be the same, while the Euros are a bit more expensive than US dollars (today, 1 EUR = 1.08 USD)
This, of course, applies to all the big time domainers that have thousands of domain names.. It is almost irrelevant when you have 1 or 2 domain names, only
here is a list of the available currencies:
Don't see the currercy switcher? You can switch them in URLs:
.. and, so on
Few screenshots with different currency pricing:
British pound (today, 10 pounds = 10.60 US dollars):
I could be wrong here: it does seem to be the case that you need to have a paid wp plan to be able to buy a domain name with them > I was unable to get any further with a quick test.. the 'Continue' button keeps loading..
Do we have member here with WP's paid plan? ..
The last bit will be very important to all the domainers:
The grace period of expired domains seems to be about ten days to two weeks, only. The usual grace period you would expect is 30 days > so, be very careful here.
Have to say that people I did meet at NDD Camp from Automattic's registrar operations are super friendly and professional.
If I do remember it correctly, they have 1.3 of 1.4 million domain names under their management.
hopefully this helps, H