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Dnf Whining Thread

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Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 16, 2002
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I'v started this link so that all moans about paying for membership of the <u>glorious DNF</u> can be posted here. not on the PLATINUM link, so go ahead!
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Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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Members forwarded NameGuy PM spam to me. This is clear-cut.
Unlike email spam that can come from anywhere. Frankly, I plan to investigate the devolution email spam situation. I just have been swamped of late.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 6, 2002
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Great post Point.

This is simply a case of politics. What was the point of posting this message about nameguy, since you have banned him?

Will I be banned if I promote namepros in my signature?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2002
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Greg, forgive me, nothing personal, but the biggest problem which will keep hitting everyone in the arse is the following: you guys introduced a fee-limited system imposing it on the real system without clearly understanding implications and posting rock-solid rules. What would happen to my DNF which i coudl ahve bought or earned if i am to be banned? What if my banishment does not fall under the rules? What if i am also a paying member? How many PMs is spam? What can be advertised in a PM? What about email? - those are just examples. What we have right now is a situation which might seem clear cut but is far from it. I tried my best to help this place. I do not think i did anything wrong. It is because i liked the pale that i was upset by things that you and i both understand. I felt betrayed more then you know. That is why i left. Right now, i am not picking a fight. We are on your grounds and you can do whatever you want to do. I am trying to point out everyones mistakes and possbly solve some existing and future issues. I hope you understand, Greg.

Also, lets not drag websites into this. We are talking about Individual's actions here.


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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I didn't consider "nameguys" or any other member who sent me pm's regarding the creation of their own forums as spam.

My feelings were quite the contrary, as I felt honored that they
even thought to invite me to join their forums.

Had they paid to be a member and still decided to invite me to something they were starting, would it still be spam? Is it spam to be a paid member and advertise in the public threads that you are starting a new forum and would like others to check it out?

When I first posted a thread about "Top Ten Forums", I stated that DNFoum was #1 IMO. As the thread grew I felt some animosity building even before paid memberships had taken effect. The defense mechanisms were building.

The removable of posts by former members is poor judgement.
When you remove posts ( other than obvious violations) it destroys of the forum. This forum will never be "more than a forum" with such censorship.

Let me elaborate please.....

The posts of "Domain Name Forum" are the history of DNF.
By removing posts, you are in effect removing part of the history,and knowledge of the past contributors.
Would it be wise to remove quotes from a book, because you don't agree with that person's opinion. You would never know that one day, the very person's post that was removed, could make history in the world! You would lose the option to brag that he or she was a member of DNF,because all of their posts had been removed.
Why would private pm's be removed from my mailbox without my permission, especially when I am still a member of this forum.
Wouldn't it be more respectful to ask me or inform me prior to making these deletions. Are you reading my other PM's too?

These are the things, that in my opinion will reduce the integrity of
DNF, regardless of what you do in the future, unless you fly back thru time, and restore history as it was. Only "Superman" can acheive this task.

Do you want the history of DNF to be only as you write it?
If feel that, up until the point at which a member is still in good standing, all of his contributions should remain intact.
It reminds me of the Nazi regime, when they or anyone else trys to rob individuals of knowledge and free speech.

I hope my points are considered, in the context of the character, in which they ae written.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 27, 2002
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Little harsh and disrespectful don't you think? Comparing a domain board to Nazis is beyond extremist.

It's all quite simple. Greg owns this board and he can do with it as he pleases. Nobody is under any obligation to be here, and if they choose to be here they have to play by the forum's rules.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 6, 2002
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Gregr could learn alot from Namepopper....

That's a fact....


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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Originally posted by edisaacson
Little harsh and disrespectful don't you think? Comparing a domain board to Nazis is beyond extremist.

It's all quite simple. Greg owns this board and he can do with it as he pleases. Nobody is under any obligation to be here, and if they choose to be here they have to play by the forum's rules.

I see you took everything out of context as well


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Gregr can be a real dickhead..and he knows it...just like most of us from time to time..

dont base your decision on 1 or 2 posts that dont sit well with are thicker skinned than that and you realize you have more to gain that lose by joining DNF..

I think it's just a matter of geting use to each pearsonality..


Originally posted by Gail
well I guess that leaves the faithful and the fence-sitters. since this is the whining thread, i don't expect the faithful to post. In fact, hey GrateDomains , no fair raining on our demonstration - you told us to go somewhere else...

I am not a penny pincher and I don't mind paying for valuable resources - I am just annoyed at the way the whole thing has been handled.

Something about GregR's posts complaining about lack of gratitude has not sat well. If you wanted thanks you should have gone into medicine or maybe become a doorman. But expecting anything except higher expectations on an internet site is just unrealistic. After all, we have all come to expect to get everything for free in return for our continuing presence - even in this post-boom economy. And when things go paid we resent it, whether that is a reasonable attitude or not.

Which is not to say that I don't appreciate what GregR has done with the site, or the incredible amount of $$ it must be taking. I guess I am just immature enough to resent being told I should be greatful. :yes: And I think that this whole thing is a marketing professional's "how not to" example.

So, put me on the fence for now. I'll probably jump in, but I am just immature enough to wait until the last possible minute. :yes:



Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2002
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Originally posted by edisaacson
Little harsh and disrespectful don't you think? Comparing a domain board to Nazis is beyond extremist.

It's all quite simple. Greg owns this board and he can do with it as he pleases. Nobody is under any obligation to be here, and if they choose to be here they have to play by the forum's rules.

Not that simple. Far from it. If i purchase 20 tickets to the NY waterway ferry at $5 a ticket and a week later the prices go up to $10 a ticket, what happens? I come back and say that i do not want the tickets at $10. Now, imagine the management tells me to shove it and tells me "dont ride the ferry if you dont like it". Now i say, hey, what about the remaining 5 tickets? And i get banned, the doors are shut forever. What am i getting at here? Listen up, this is simple: If this was a free website resource, the owner could do whatever he wanted, you are right. Because this is a business and it involves monetary transactions and exchange of goods, in many cases between the business and its members/customers, the business is liable and is not in a position to make rules on the fly. Because dnForum was and is not ready for this due to a lack of legal disclamers and set rules, it is suffering from the creation of paid memberships and some management attitude (which i hope is in the past and is solved already by now). Have it been free and unlimited without any discrimination, there would have been no question as to Greg doing whatever he feels like. Nobody forced this. If this was a business plan from the start, they should have realized this. Because the public was led to believe one thing and got involved in the website having invested not only time but physical resources (like purchasing DNF bucks and selling domains for DNF), there are some complications.

I do hope steps will be taken to correct these issues and prevent future problems and think that ths website can be a valuable resource for everyone.

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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Originally posted by edisaacson
It's all quite simple. Greg owns this board and he can do with it as he pleases. Nobody is under any obligation to be here, and if they choose to be here they have to play by the forum's rules.
I have posted in another thread that is NOT exactly an open "community"; it's more like having a barbeque in gregr's backyard, if you like an analogy.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Originally posted by brn2h8



I 'm still waiting for gregs come back.. he's probably warming up his wit :laugh: :laugh:


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2002
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Originally posted by woohoo
For a dickhead to appear; almost always requires a pussy to bring it out.

Interpret that how you wish.

Completely uncalled for. maybe you would like to name things the way they are and tell us what exactly do you mean? Or do you just have to post profanity to get noticed?

Instead of calming things down, there are always people who like to pour some gasoline into the fire.

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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Originally posted by Point8T

Completely uncalled for.

To be honest - and completely fair. That is what most people are saying (and complaining) about your posts. I'm just telling you the facts - as I open my pm's and messages - so don't jump on me for being honest.

I think everybody needs to move on. Seriously. Enough already. Please.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2002
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hmm, i'm sorry for trying to clear up a problem with nameguy who was not given a chance to explain the problem himself as he was banned. I guess public slander is ok, but posting a reply is not. I explained the situation with the domain name which was purchased with DNF as nobody here was willing to look at it from the guy's side. As for my posts being uncalled for, i am just calling it how i see it. Please show me where i offend anyone in my posts. And for those sending you PMs, please tell it to my face next time, guys.

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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Point - like I just replied in the pm you sent me - 2 or 3 guys are continuing this thread. The rest of the community is moving on with their lives - and buying & selling domain names. Many of them are complaining about your posts though - and see this as complete jealousy towards Greg. I'm sorry but that's what people are saying.

Would you rather I not tell you?

I have a forum of 1400 people to look after. It seems that 2 or 3 are going to keep this thread going no matter whether I jump in or not. It's a no win situation man - and that's not fair. I am honestly at a loss for what to do - in order to solve this - and I don't say that very often.

Can everybody just move forward? WHO is this helping?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2002
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heh, thats a first lol. Jealousy towards Greg? Guys, this is my hobby. I dont do this for a living. I dont want a domain name forum. I have other websites, other projects and other things to do in my life. If i drop all my domains and never sell another one, my life will not change a bit and maybe i will ahve more free time on my hands. Have you noticed one negative post from me 'till the day all of this happened? Have you noticed that i only posted my concerns on one day - the day people were complaining? I have not posted a single thread since then, not one. I stopped posting all together. I only made my post today as i hate it when everyone is kicking a guy who is down on the ground and helpless, knowing he can not possibly reply. I felt that his side should be known. You want to see what i am about - read my other 600 posts. Will i continue this stupid thread here? No. End of story. I am done with this topic. I hope everyone is done as well.

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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I agree. For the sake of everybody here I hope this can just end now. Besides - I am getting way too many pm's today - and my head is spinning. :eek:


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 1, 2002
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Anyone who would not pay $50/yr for the knowledge gained on this forum is a fool. There are some other reasons that some good people are leaving. JBerryhill comes to mind, and that is unfortunate. I hope that Greg can find a way to get John back. With John, the issue was that he was effectively providing legal advice for free, and he was unhappy with the prospect of having Greg make a return on his posts. Those posts were made before Greg announced the fees.

Most of the other attorneys on the Legal forum say that they will stay, but John was an exceptional asset. There may be other attorneys that fall into John's situation, and I do not intend to slight them by failing to mention them here. They all provide a great resource to DNF members.

The best arguments that I see for not paying the $50 (or $15 for Gold membership) is that you either:

1. Believe that DNF will go downhill after the fees are in place.
2. Don't make enough on domains that $50 (or $15) seems like a lot of money.
3. You believe in capitalism for yourself but not for anyone who wants to charge you on the Internet.

I used to pay $2/call to phone a surfline to find out the current conditions for surfing. It was worth a couple bucks to avoid a 90 mile round trip to the ocean for nothing (like no waves). Then came Well, it was better than the phone version and it was free. How long was that going to last? They were cutting deep into their profitable phone biz. After about a year, they instituted a $50 annual membership. It is very worth it to me to have the value of the info to know if I should go to the ocean or skip it. So, I gladly pay. There are inferior free competitors available to surfline.

DNF is most valuable to newbies who learn from the experienced people. They will still be able to browse DNF for free. They will not be able to ask questions (make posts or PM) unless they come up with a wallet-busting $15.

Me, I'm signing up for Platinum. The risk that DNF will go downhill is much smaller to me than the risk that I will cut myself off from a valuable and friendly info resource. Think about it.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2002
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I truly think that this forum has a solid future. I was looking around and i think i am starting to see what Greg has in mind and its not bad at all. While i truly stand behind the idea of forums being a free resource and information to be available to everyone, i see that dnforum has a few additional features planned and looks like it is simply outgrowing the 'forum' bracket. For what its worth i too am sorry if i came off sounding like i have a grudge against this place or Greg. Wasnt my intention. I was excited to be a part of this forum and was glad i joined. I met a good number of people who became my friends. I understand Greg, but i also understand NameGuy in this situation. I hope things can be solved. This is Greg's business and i wish him luck. No need to fight, we are all in this together. We all make mistakes but that is how we learn from eachother. As for the other emerging websites, i see it as a good sign. Our comminities are growing and so are our members. Interest might be on the rise again. Domain names are taking on a new depth. I would be happy to see all the domain name communities working together, each one offering something unique. Having a choice and/or alternative information resources is good.

We have other things to worry about in these times we live in. No need to fight over this. Enjoy the day and enjoy what is given to you. Treat the guy next to you as you want to be treated by him.

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