I'm post
#44!....and I did'nt mean any harm, I don't know you Jon, but I've read this entire thread with an open mind and it's obvious your determined to come out of this the winner and at any cost, including inventing false information.
What factual basis do you have for accusing me of that?
I dont see what your trying to accomplish, If I were making 1 million off a domain name every year, my mind would not be on Berryhill or Schwartz over something so meaningless, I'd be investing some of that money in another domain so I can make another million, or buy a yacht and cruise the pacific.
I was publicly humiliated in front of an influential group of people, some of whom might now be reluctant to do business with me, based on a false picture of events provided by people who have little regard for honesty or truth. It was a stressful, depressing event that affected my already poor health and my ability to take proper care of my (other) cat in the last few months before he died. I'm quite upset about what happened and don't like seeing the people who are responsible lauded in public journals.
As for the hit for hire, Did you contact the FBI or get a police report? if you did, (which I doubt) Post the Police report number, phone and name of the reporting officer, so you can add some credibility to this wild story
It's Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Incident Number LLV061013002656, Officer R. Katona, Badge
#6703, dated 10/13/06 at 6:40 pm Pacific Time. Their phone number is 702-229-3111. I told the police I thought the call was related to comments I made on an Internet forum earlier in the week, but did not accuse or say I suspected any specific individuals of being involved. They told me they didn't expect they could do much for me but I needed to file a report to get them to trace the call.
So now we get to the real point of this thread...so Jon could point out he owns PayDayLoans.com and Rick was wrong about it 4 years ago
I brought it up to question Rick's character, Donna, just as he has questioned mine. The point is, was Rick simply wrong about what he said - the Overture numbers made it quite obvious that the domain was worth a lot more than $10,000, and Rick is not stupid - or was he simply "testing me," as I surmised at the time, or was he trying to prevent me from finding a partner so he, or one of his associates, could procure the domain? I'm not making any accusations here, just raising a question. You decide.
Jon, I am curious. Since you think it was this thread that spawned your supposed death threat call...and this thread was intitally about DNJournal and your dealings with Mr. Berryhill
It wasn't specifically about my dealings with Mr. Berryhill. I used the DNJournal article caption as an example of what I felt was uncritical reporting - and Ron Jackson was quite right in pointing out that he used the word "celebrated" in an accurate way. I responded with a clarification of what I had been trying to say, that the tone of DNJournal articles on Schwartz and TRAFFIC are simply too uncritical and adulatory considering that it is, in my opinion and based on my own experience, a somewhat destructive group where some people are treated badly and reasonable freedom of speech is not respected. That is not to say it is worthless and I have tried to be fair in the matter and not paint it in black and white terms, originally saying "While I don't deny that Schwartz and Berryhill have made valuable contributions to the domain industry..." But people get upset when "respected members of the community" upon which they depend for emotional support are criticized, and have been extremely unfair with me as a result.
why would you assume Rick to be the culprit and not Ron Jackson or John Berryhill
It's my opinion that Ron Jackson or John Berryhill would not sink that low, but Schwartz might. That's just my opinion and I have a perfect legal right to express it. That's not libel. Libel is when Schwartz says that "others" have blocked my emails because I was harrassing them, which is a completely false claim.
this whole thread smells of an agenda.
To me this thread is something of an example of why two planes slammed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. People find emotional security in being part of a group that tells them they are special, one of the few people who understand things that few people outside the group understand. They lose their ability to think for themselves, to question anything the group leaders say, and cannot be reasoned with as they don't care about honesty or truth, only defending the group which tells them that they belong. And they become capable of inhuman acts.
I am far from perfect and have probably made more mistakes in the incidents that have occurred than I am aware of. Upon retrospect I'm not sure that John Berryhill is a bad person but I do think that he misunderstood me and publicly dropped me as a client and criticized me for no good reason, and he has shown no concern that piles of insults have been heaped upon me as a result. I'm willing to discuss the matter and listen to what anyone has to say about it, but no one else involved has shown any concern for honest communication to establish the truth of what happened. Instead I was simply thrown off the board for expressing my opinion that a mob mentality was prevailing. The truth, I think, is that every cultish group needs to demonize and evict people, every so often, as that helps to maintain group cohesion, and after I was criticized by "respected member of the community" Berryhill and legions of the faithful rushing to his defense, I became a prime candidate for that.
In any event I think it is obvious that much of the of criticism I have received on Schwartz's board and here as well is not at all honorable, and if the more responsible people in the domain community are aware of it and do not comdemn it because they don't want the wrath of the mob turned on them, then they are not very responsible at all.