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DNJournal Reporting

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Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2006
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This thread needs more Canada in it.

Actually, what it needs is a single dose of locked, but i'm curious as to what will develop here, so I can't say I will be sad if it's not closed.



Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
May 12, 2002
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Amen to that Beachie, Berryhill is a true Saint in my book. No one's perfect and Berryhill has flaws like everyone, but you should judge someone by the big picture. I know from experience that John is honest, generous, and smart. There is one thing I know for a fact: Berryhill has done far more charity work as a lawyer, helping out poor domainers, than you could ever imagine. Berryhill is loved on this board. Please refrain from saying anything else bad about him or you won't have many friends here.
I don't think I've said anything bad about him in this thread other than mentioning I had a bad experience with him, which I did. I feel he got ticked off at me for no good reason and did not present the situation accurately on Schwartz's board, which led to people attacking me for no good reason, like they have here.

Jon, you are not crazy, God only knows that you may even have a legitimate point, but the keyword is that you're: overreacting.
When a man calls you at your house and flatly tells you that he's been hired to kill you, you might overreact too. I have my shades drawn and am keeping a gun by my side. But I didn't accuse Schwartz of being behind the call, I only think he's the most likely candidate and brought the matter up here so he would be reluctant to follow through on that threat if in fact it's genuine. If I felt certain that Schwartz was responsible for the call I wouldn't be talking here, I'd be on a plane.

In life, sometimes you have to take a step back to gain perspective. If Rick is as bad as you say he is, then they did you a favor by kicking you off and you should say to yourself, "Good riddence" and MOVE ON. Take that opportunity to start your own secret domain forum.
Believe me, I'm not trying to get back on Schwartz's board. I just think I have a valid point that he will be discredited, sooner or later, and thus DNJournal should not ally itself so closely with him.

By posting your gripes and publically bashing Rick, your stooping to the level you claim he is at. You have just become as bad as you say Rick is. Someone has to be the bigger person.
I notice you're not criticizing him for bashing me, in the way he did above, nor some others for the completely obnoxious comments they have made (i.e. Post #44 and quite a few others). Isn't that a bit one-sided? But there may be some truth to what you say; I will think about it.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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I'm post #44!....and I did'nt mean any harm, I don't know you Jon, but I've read this entire thread with an open mind and it's obvious your determined to come out of this the winner and at any cost, including inventing false information. I dont see what your trying to accomplish, If I were making 1 million off a domain name every year, my mind would not be on Berryhill or Schwartz over something so meaningless, I'd be investing some of that money in another domain so I can make another million, or buy a yacht and cruise the pacific.

As for the hit for hire, Did you contact the FBI or get a police report? if you did, (which I doubt) Post the Police report number, phone and name of the reporting officer, so you can add some credibility to this wild story, or just come to your senses and let it go.....


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Wow! almost 2000 views for this thread, I wonder if I can post my Google results here? :pop2:

But what keywords should I use?


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 7, 2006
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raidergirl are you trying to be like the unofficial moderator or somthing.. heh

Donna Mahony

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 6, 2002
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So now we get to the real point of this Jon could point out he owns and Rick was wrong about it 4 years ago


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 19, 2003
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Someone called me this morning and breathed heavily on the phone. I suspect it was a competitor trying to scare me off my solid stance against all things .mobi :-D

Are you telling me that I wasted my time when I called you?

Jon, you are not crazy, God only knows that you may even have a legitimate point, but the keyword is that you're: overreacting.

In life, sometimes you have to take a step back to gain perspective.

Seriously, you are overreacting.
And, it started 11 months ago.

Plus, you continue to argue your position.
Nothing is going to be changed by your continued posting.

At this point, forget about it.
And, focus on continuing to build your business.


Visit for domain forsale.
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 10, 2002
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It's like newspapers -- if you don't like the flavour of the editorial, read another one.

simple notation ... simple business approach...


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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The type-in traffic from that domain,, has earned my company about $1 million over the last two years alone.

We all wish we had a time machine. These other guys think you need medical help. Want to sell that name to pay for it? :eyebrows:

Donna Mahony

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 6, 2002
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Jon, I am curious. Since you think it was this thread that spawned your supposed death threat call...and this thread was intitally about DNJournal and your dealings with Mr. Berryhill...why would you assume Rick to be the culprit and not Ron Jackson or John Berryhill.....this whole thread smells of an agenda.


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
May 12, 2002
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I'm post #44!....and I did'nt mean any harm, I don't know you Jon, but I've read this entire thread with an open mind and it's obvious your determined to come out of this the winner and at any cost, including inventing false information.
What factual basis do you have for accusing me of that?

I dont see what your trying to accomplish, If I were making 1 million off a domain name every year, my mind would not be on Berryhill or Schwartz over something so meaningless, I'd be investing some of that money in another domain so I can make another million, or buy a yacht and cruise the pacific.
I was publicly humiliated in front of an influential group of people, some of whom might now be reluctant to do business with me, based on a false picture of events provided by people who have little regard for honesty or truth. It was a stressful, depressing event that affected my already poor health and my ability to take proper care of my (other) cat in the last few months before he died. I'm quite upset about what happened and don't like seeing the people who are responsible lauded in public journals.

As for the hit for hire, Did you contact the FBI or get a police report? if you did, (which I doubt) Post the Police report number, phone and name of the reporting officer, so you can add some credibility to this wild story
It's Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Incident Number LLV061013002656, Officer R. Katona, Badge #6703, dated 10/13/06 at 6:40 pm Pacific Time. Their phone number is 702-229-3111. I told the police I thought the call was related to comments I made on an Internet forum earlier in the week, but did not accuse or say I suspected any specific individuals of being involved. They told me they didn't expect they could do much for me but I needed to file a report to get them to trace the call.

So now we get to the real point of this Jon could point out he owns and Rick was wrong about it 4 years ago
I brought it up to question Rick's character, Donna, just as he has questioned mine. The point is, was Rick simply wrong about what he said - the Overture numbers made it quite obvious that the domain was worth a lot more than $10,000, and Rick is not stupid - or was he simply "testing me," as I surmised at the time, or was he trying to prevent me from finding a partner so he, or one of his associates, could procure the domain? I'm not making any accusations here, just raising a question. You decide.

Jon, I am curious. Since you think it was this thread that spawned your supposed death threat call...and this thread was intitally about DNJournal and your dealings with Mr. Berryhill

It wasn't specifically about my dealings with Mr. Berryhill. I used the DNJournal article caption as an example of what I felt was uncritical reporting - and Ron Jackson was quite right in pointing out that he used the word "celebrated" in an accurate way. I responded with a clarification of what I had been trying to say, that the tone of DNJournal articles on Schwartz and TRAFFIC are simply too uncritical and adulatory considering that it is, in my opinion and based on my own experience, a somewhat destructive group where some people are treated badly and reasonable freedom of speech is not respected. That is not to say it is worthless and I have tried to be fair in the matter and not paint it in black and white terms, originally saying "While I don't deny that Schwartz and Berryhill have made valuable contributions to the domain industry..." But people get upset when "respected members of the community" upon which they depend for emotional support are criticized, and have been extremely unfair with me as a result.

why would you assume Rick to be the culprit and not Ron Jackson or John Berryhill
It's my opinion that Ron Jackson or John Berryhill would not sink that low, but Schwartz might. That's just my opinion and I have a perfect legal right to express it. That's not libel. Libel is when Schwartz says that "others" have blocked my emails because I was harrassing them, which is a completely false claim.

this whole thread smells of an agenda.
To me this thread is something of an example of why two planes slammed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. People find emotional security in being part of a group that tells them they are special, one of the few people who understand things that few people outside the group understand. They lose their ability to think for themselves, to question anything the group leaders say, and cannot be reasoned with as they don't care about honesty or truth, only defending the group which tells them that they belong. And they become capable of inhuman acts.

I am far from perfect and have probably made more mistakes in the incidents that have occurred than I am aware of. Upon retrospect I'm not sure that John Berryhill is a bad person but I do think that he misunderstood me and publicly dropped me as a client and criticized me for no good reason, and he has shown no concern that piles of insults have been heaped upon me as a result. I'm willing to discuss the matter and listen to what anyone has to say about it, but no one else involved has shown any concern for honest communication to establish the truth of what happened. Instead I was simply thrown off the board for expressing my opinion that a mob mentality was prevailing. The truth, I think, is that every cultish group needs to demonize and evict people, every so often, as that helps to maintain group cohesion, and after I was criticized by "respected member of the community" Berryhill and legions of the faithful rushing to his defense, I became a prime candidate for that.

In any event I think it is obvious that much of the of criticism I have received on Schwartz's board and here as well is not at all honorable, and if the more responsible people in the domain community are aware of it and do not comdemn it because they don't want the wrath of the mob turned on them, then they are not very responsible at all.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 12, 2006
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When a man calls you at your house and flatly tells you that he's been hired to kill you, you might overreact too.

Since you admit to over reacting, perhaps you would have the decency to remove your earlier post which makes the accusation. 'Guess' or no guess, it makes you look irresponsible to say the very least.

My 'guess' is that you have a general hablt of jumping to the wrong conclusions. This appears to be the problem and the cause of the problem is probably your need to be right every time, rather than happy.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Today I received a call from a man who told me that someone (or some people, I can't remember which) had hired him to kill me

Luckily for you Jon, he's not the brightest hitman, calling the target and warning him before hand is a no no. :nono: I doubt the ICEMAN would of done it this way.


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
May 12, 2002
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Since you admit to over reacting, perhaps you would have the decency to remove your earlier post which makes the accusation. 'Guess' or no guess, it makes you look irresponsible to say the very least.
Well I don't think Schwartz has been very fair with me, but I'll say here perfectly clearly that I do not in any way shape or form know that he is responsible for the call I received. It could very well have been someone who has affection for him or one of the other people involved, and doesn't like to see them criticized.

My 'guess' is that you have a general hablt of jumping to the wrong conclusions. This appears to be the problem and the cause of the problem is probably your need to be right every time, rather than happy.
I don't fully understand myself and there may be truth in that, but as I wrote Schwartz last November in response to his presenting that argument, "Yes, being right is far from the most important thing in the world, but I would rather be right then dead wrong and unjustifiably mean as a result." And that isn't to imply that I have never been mean to anyone because I am far from perfect and I have. But I think I have been considerably nicer and fairer in this matter than the people I have criticized, and until someone presents what I feel is a valid argument to the contrary I will maintain that position.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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Jon, where there's no wood, there's no fire.

Right or wrong, just walk away and don't let the way you believe other's feel about you affect the way you feel about yourself or dictate your behaviour. I have learned that most times it is painfully obvious that our effort to right any wrong's or try and settle any scores...leads no where at all and may make things worse. Save your energy for positive application. :)


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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To me this thread is something of an example of why two planes slammed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. People find emotional security in being part of a group that tells them they are special, one of the few people who understand things that few people outside the group understand. They lose their ability to think for themselves, to question anything the group leaders say, and cannot be reasoned with as they don't care about honesty or truth, only defending the group which tells them that they belong. And they become capable of inhuman acts.

Wow, Schwartz compared to Bin Laden. That's deep.


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
May 12, 2002
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Jon, where there's no wood, there's no fire.

Right or wrong, just walk away and don't let the way you believe other's feel about you affect the way you feel about yourself or dictate your behaviour. I have learned that most times it is painfully obvious that our effort to right any wrong's or try and settle any scores...leads no where at all and may make things worse. Save your energy for positive application. :)
You may be right. Thanks.
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