Deleted member 111831
good poast radioz
From my perspective, sales and offers are way down. Nothing is selling on this forum for me and it doesn't look like much is selling here from what I can see. My Sedo offers have fallen way off and offers that might have been in 4 figures are now in lower to mid 3 figures. In general, business is down all around and it is going to be down for quite a while. There is more bad real estate news coming out and retail sales seem to have been down notably for Christmas. Domainers don't live in a magic bubble!
In our area, which is centered on a a very well off university town, several art galleries are closing and some major commercial construction projects are slowing way down or being minimized. One, a prominent 9 story 'boutique' hotel being built by a local resident (who co-founded CNET) is in danger of shutdown as he is now having money problems. A major Shakespeare theatre company in a nearby city was featured on a major local TV news piece tonight as many of their corporate sponsors have pulled back or folded completely and schools cannot afford to send students on field trips to the theatre. We are in an area where the recessions of the 70s-2002 never created this type of news. As I have understood it, Virginia is one of the less affected states in this recession but that seems to be changing quickly.
As to domains, excellent down to good names in the traditional extensions are worth holding. They are also worth buying if you have the cash to do so and can afford a long range perspective. You should be looking for only true bargain prices though. I am pretty sure that those prices will be coming. Fair and down names may not be worth holding given ever increasing registration fees allowed by a controlling body (ICANN) that is still living in a pre 'burst bubble' environment of some sort. This is definitely not the time to invest in more of those names or in the miserable 'domainer to domainer to domainer' drivel that many domainers seem to have been passing between each other in the good times ('VCVCV-#' is the next big thing! - or whatever). It is also not the time to invest in new extension domains of any sort other than the very, very best ones and I am a little afraid that you will be holding most of those for a long time unless you want to sell them cheaply.
As far as I can tell, only domainers are buying from domainers currently. End user interest, especially in the lower end of the segment has decreased considerably.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators