Raider - TonyFloyd has a domain that is in a very small market. Not many advertisers, but those that do advertise fight they fight to be the top. When you have clicks that are going for $3 to $5 a click and there are only 7 adverisers, it's easy for some to only pay for 5-10 clicks a day. I know, because one of the advertisers is a company that my uncle owns. So when there average number of clicks per day for this specific keyword is 1.5 clicks per day and they all of a suddent get 20+ clicks per day, the price will drop.
This example was just for TonyFloyd, it wasn't for anybody else unless you are getting clicks on rare keywords.
The overall problem for most of the people who are having issues is completely based on the TQ system. I do not have an exact reason why it's doing what it's doing, but if Yahoo is telling me to pay you $50, that's what we are doing. The same as we have since day one.
We still don't know exactly what caused 30% of our people to start getting paid more and 20% to get paid less. We are even thinking about changing out estimation system on Friday if the numbers don't start looking more accurate. We are doing wht we can, I know for some of you it may not seem like it, but we really are doing whatever we possibly can.