Cool, but...
I see potential in terms of what I see it could become or what I believe others can see what it could become - its Vision - potential(s) seen through the eyes of the beholder. This means one needs to have some 'Hello' on it or at least an interest in it for it to even mean anything to them. If one has no clue about it then it is totally worthless to them.
My point with the more specific 'Electronics Prototyping' vs 'Electronics' was in searching of the information on 'Electronics Prototyping'. For me and I think most people, they search for what they are looking for - not wanting to waste their time just 'window shopping'. I do some 'window shopping' type research at times but most of the time, I am interested in finding specifically what I am looking for! It is annoying to me to search and have to go through a bunch of non-related stuff because it was put in there for me to have to mull through for someone to get PPC type revenue, searching stats or whatever! is a GREAT name but not for what my intended use would be for! And yes it would command HUGE bucks also and by far a more valuable name based on its stats and intrinsic value! I have developed a new electronics prototyping technology that has some Great applications and I only want those to go the website that would want to see the information! I do not want my Website clogged up with those who would just be mulling around and maybe be annoyed by going where they had not intended to go! If I had PPC ads or the like then I would not care where the traffic came from, it would hopefully would bring in more income.
But for a bunch of Engineers, Technicians and High School kids, etc. looking specifically for 'Electronics Prototyping' information and kits and updates, etc., it would be a REAL easy Website to remember - its name is what it is - Its Domain - Name!
How about these Domain Names:
PostCombat - A lot of Vets coming back from Combat type of experiences - could be a 'Help' type Website!
Nanomagnetic - Tons of new research and Technologies being developed - HUGE potentials - very tight Nich DN!
ControllingEmotions - A potential 'Help' type of Website for all aspects of potential Controlling Emotions help type resources!
GenomeGelealogy - A potential Website to plug your specific inherited Genomes into and see where you may have come from and what potential cures for all types of Genome & Epigenome specific diseases!
These each could become some a really Cool websites if developed with a GREAT Vision! Without a good interest or vision on these they are also 'stuck in the mud' - until developed with a Great Vision!
But their Key words do give a hint as to their potentials - again ONLY given ones Vision!
One could have a GREAT DN but if not developed properly it could still suck big time!
Just My Opinion which is biased through my own awareness, vision and interests.