Finally, the day has come where my unit's departing for Iraq.
We depart Az tonight, land in Tx, pick up 100 Army folk, stopover in Bangor, Maine, stopover in Germany and fly into Kuwait.
Offload in Kuwait, and catch a cargo plane into Iraq.
I am not looking forward to this trip, hopefully these sleeping pills I have will knock me out the majority of it.
Not sure if internet access is reliable over there as of now, so not sure how often I'll be checking these forums.
See you all around Nov 08!
My mailing address is as follows:
SSgt Monroe, Darren K.
VMA-311 (S3 Ops)
Unit 43015
FPO AP 96426-3015
Btw I'll take care of your kidneys lol.
Devil Dog's a walking miracle as he has no kidneys.
Blow some mofo's heads off my jigga...shoot first, ask questions later! One love brother.
Whew, finally made it. We were stuck in Germany for 3 1/2 days. Plane broke down and they had to fly another one all the way from Texas. The reasoning behind that is beyond me. 100's of military jets in Germany and they had to bring one all the way from the states.
Anyway, got in today and was welcomed by a nice sand storm and thunder and lightning, gotta love it.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators