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Global Warming News

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Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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Common sense tells you it does, look at the facts and how they get them facts. Then you will know it's a fact, so people that don't believe the facts. Will be forced to see the facts, many people are tried of being told they don't know what they are talking about.

Infact at some point, there may well be war over it. No one looked at that yet, but things will change shortly no matter how much the few yell it's not true. You may well be ok, doing this to your family and letting the kids deal with it. But most people are not, and will do what they can to make it a soft as landing as they can.
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DNF Addict
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Aug 13, 2002
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Common sense tells you it does, look at the facts and how they get them facts. Then you will know it's a fact, so people that don't believe the facts. Will be forced to see the facts, many people are tried of being told they don't know what they are talking about.

Infact at some point, there may well be war over it. No one looked at that yet, but things will change shortly no matter how much the few yell it's not true. You may well be ok, doing this to your family and letting the kids deal with it. But most people are not, and will do what they can to make it a soft as landing as they can.

I'm not saying it's not true. I'm saying that no one has categorically proved that it is true. I'd believe the facts if there were any.


Please post a link that scientifically proves man-made global warming exists beyond any doubt and you will have a new convert.

Hi Ed.....here is a lot of scientific evidence that comes as close to the facts of global warming caused by humans as we can probably find anywhere. Read it and follow the links it shows and you will surely have to agree that its very, very unlikely all of these people and institutions the world over would be faking this stuff.

Scientific opinion on climate change.....

The truth of the matter is that global warming is real, its caused to a great extent by humans, and it appears from all scientific studies that it will continue to get much worse and severly damage our planet unless the world community finds another source of power (and soon) other than burning fossil fuels.

I think the Bush Administration is why many Americans are global warming sceptics. Bush has treated his people like mushrooms, i.e., he has kept them in a dark corner and fed them bullsh*t. And all for the almighty dollar. I really hope that one day he will be held to account for his actions....or in this case, his inactions as they relate to doing something about the global warming threat. I really believe he knows the threat is real but refuses to acknowledge it because of economical and financial reasons. I also believe he has powerful links to the big oil industry and that industry has much to do with his lack of action. This is, of course, my personal opinion. I have no proof but I believe the constitution still gives me the right to my personal opinion.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2006
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In Canada our fearless leaders are not denying climate change, they are just going to put off doing anything about it until 2050. That will show those damn hippies and people living in low-lying regions. Sure, it is only almost a billion people who could be displaced, but who cares right? It's not me.


The invented debate of global warming....

Green turns to gold in global warming battle....

White House to monitor 'cap-and-trade' global-warming strategy...

Climate Change & Global Warming....
Former EPA Director Carol Browner says, "I think this is the biggest public and environmental health issue the world has ever faced. I think it's an economic issue and I think it's time for action."



Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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The UN just agreed to put a fund together, to help poor countrys deal with global warming now. They said that it may well take $100 billion a year, to help them deal with the worst damages from global warming to come.

For now they are going to try and get $1 billion, these poor countrys are demanding we pay for it. Alot of it we can not be stopped now, it will happen as I said before, we can only try to make it softer for the world by cutting back now.

Edited IN:

For anyone wanted to do some thing to help now, and save money on the electric bill and on buying bulbs. And I can tell you that they are great, I got the 26 watt bulbs that out put like a 100 watt bulb.

Before they really was much darker, but GE has made them really put out as much light as any 100 watter. They are briter then the cheap 100's I used for many years, they got a 12,000 hours life as well.

You can get a 2 pack I think for less then $8 at walmart, if you get them and try them you'll never go back to normal bulbs again. How could people not like saving money, and changing out the old bulbs so much, you save on buying older 100 watt bulbs. And they save on your electric bill as well, and they are really just a little briter then normal 100 watters.

Here is a link to the bulbs at office depot, just to show you the right ones. Buy them at walmart, as they are much cheaper there then at office depot. Make sure you look for the newer 12,000 hours ones walmart has, they do have older ones like shown at office depot, but walmart has the longer 12,000 like I got.

And best of all they are much greener, 10 bulbs 26X10 = 260 watts instead of 100X10 = 1000 watts. They also burn much cooler, and light up fast as well just try them and see for your self.



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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Common sense tells you it does, look at the facts and how they get them facts. Then you will know it's a fact, so people that don't believe the facts. Will be forced to see the facts, many people are tried of being told they don't know what they are talking about.

We may have different definitions of "facts" and "common sense". On the "common sense" part, I respect your right to yours. On the "facts" part, I humbly disagree. Cause and effect is resaonable to argue on many subjects. One side will eventually be proven wrong but until they are, observations, theorys and implications should not be construed as "facts".

By the way, I use those low energy bulbs as well. I use them in the summer because they really reduce heat emisssions. I change back to regular bulbs as it gets colder and darker.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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definitions of "facts"

Well the way that works, is that when a high % of experts believe some thing to be fact. Then the world takes it as fact, and a very high % of experts from many different fields of study believe it to be fact. There for it is fact, untill the very small % that don't believe it prove it wrong.

I trust you can under stand that, as even courts go by this definitions of fact by experts. And if that small % of paid experts keep it up, they will be seen as qucks by most other experts. That is why most experts now, will not shut up anymore and are telling the truth.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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Well the way that works, is that when a high % of experts believe some thing to be fact. Then the world takes it as fact, and a very high % of experts from many different fields of study believe it to be fact. There for it is fact, untill the very small % that don't believe it prove it wrong.

Again, I politely disagree. Facts are not democratic. They are not based on majority rule. Consider the "facts" that have resulted from that idea:
The earth is flat.
The universe revolves around the earth.
The african man, or native american, has no "soul" as the white man does.

All of these were majority believed "facts" at one time or another.

Facts cannot be voted on, They are indisputable truths. And is this regard, some would philosophize that there is actually no such thing as "truth" or "fact".
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