It don't cost that much more to have a mixed fuel auto, they been making them and selling them to incs. Now why would a inc and local gov't's, buy them if they cost so much more to own. It's not what they been saying, they have said they are saving money.
I looked and my 2001 mercy sable had a counter part, mixed fuel auto and so did carvans even. E85 can easy cut 30% of the gas usage with in a short time, the porblem is gas stations don't have it. Big oil will do everything they can, to stop E85 fom being used as it cuts into gas sales then.
And no E85 will not make it to where we don't need gas, but you can add it as a part to every gallion of gas for any autos. That alone makes it worth the trouble, and auto makers have been making mixed fuel cars for some time now. So we can cut gas usage by 30% with in 2 years easy with E85, but because it can't stop gas usage some think we should not use it at all.
I'll tell you what is need to get using E85, to cut gas usage by 30% and it's not that much at all. The USA fed gov't needs to get behind it, gas stations need a new tank to hold it. And the biggest problem is, getting big oil to supply it to gas stations. That is it, auto makers only need to make more of them. The mixed fuel autos do not cost much more, and pay of them self in short order.
Even old autos that are not mixed fuel autos, can run a % of E85 mixed in the gas just fine. Mixed fuel autos can use gas or E85 or a mix of both, and it would not cost anymore then a reg gas autos, after they start pumping them out. Yes big oil rule us, we should worried about them rising the price of oil. But that is the biggest reason to start going away from oil usage, and get much greener as it will save us lots of money as well.
People saying we can not supply all the needs with E85, so we should not replace gas usage with it by 30%. Just don't work, it's a great stepping stone and gives people a choice. And it would save people money, it's a investment that gives a great return. And the mixed fuel autos, can use gas or E85 meaning people have a choice. And it's the same autos, only a little different setup is all.