( Maybe domainers need some kind of an organized union that could monitor and make sure we're being treated fairly by both google and yahoo. )
Both google, MS and yahoo will not need domainers, as they are already starting to move away from them. This is clear by how they are all putting so much money, into things like youtube and program systems. MS spent many billions on hardware networks, to serve up program that will tie into their ads and OS. They are moving to take out the middle man, that would be most domainers.
That is why web 2.0 is moving so fast, did you know MS is spending that billions and billions on hardware. And they will have the biggest hardware network bar none, they are tieing all their programs and OS's together. Microsoft has changed the way they think even, never before was microsoft able to get all teams to work together. Think free programs and services, all that tie into their very big ads system.
This is why microsoft is spending billion and billions, on a hardware network to serve up all these ads, and to be able to handle all the traffic of it all. Google is building a system with lots of programs, that are tied in with the now 6+ GB gmail. Google money service as well, what is happening is the web is finally growing up. Domainers will need to grow up with it, and find their neche with in the web moving ahead.
One thing is for sure domainers, need to start moving away from depending all on just google. And move into other ways of making money, there is still money to be made with google yes. But that is only one source of making money on domains, and I think domainers are looking at other options now. Or making changes to level the playing field better, but google, MS and yahoo don't care about domainers that is for sure.
But take what I said, with a gain of salt as this is just what I think is happening. And at this point, it's only putting together parts of stuff that has happen.