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How do you think about's finial price?

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Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 14, 2006
Reaction score
Without the fraudulent sales I would never even open my mouth. But if people rely on false numbers and get excited about these names then it takes dollars out of every other seller's pockets.

Most people take accusations of fraud very seriously.

Offer some proof or stop making accusations.

(private whois is not proof of fraud btw)


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2007
Reaction score
Boy this thread got off topic. It's hilarious, but off topic.


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 14, 2006
Reaction score
I am a newbie and do not know what will be or would be final price. But, it's a great name that I would love to have.

Looking at threads here and around about, I learned that it was not that easy to conduct a sale if you do not have much experience, even for a great name. Good luck with your sale.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 22, 2006
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I am a newbie and do not know what will be or would be final price. But, it's a great name that I would love to have.

Hi Fautebol, wow what a thread for you to make your first post in! I'm pretty new also, but let me tell you the forum isn't usually this crazy.

IGGY: At the start reading this thread, I was agreeing about being a .mobi sceptic, and it was good to read someone making their belief known even though you had much opposition. But the thread has got way crazy.

I started to feel sorry that you might get banned but you've crossed the line too far. Personally I'd think twice about even raising suspicion on people. You might be right, you might be wrong. Either way you are risking your own business. - for wrongly accusing, or for being an ass and taking something too far after you've made your point (even if you're right)...

Whether it happens on this forum or not, I wouldn't be surprised if people will hype numbers and sales, even bid on their own names. Just like people do it on ebay. But I would just use this info to make better decisions about my own transactions.

Iggy I think that on a good day you could contribute something really positive to the forum, just not today! For all those who by now really dislike iggy, don't be upset with me :undecided: I just like rooting for the underdog...

Let's all be friends... this is too much arguing ;)
This forum's generally such a positive place to learn. After reading this thread my head hurts and I feel like I've lost brain cells....

(If anyone can offer suggestions to help me decide if I should buy a for $4k for development let me know - but I guess it really should be saved for another thread :yes: - does anyone know of any developed .info's out there?)


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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Iggy (whothatdog) has proven to be a pretty good prognosticator in the past and his instincts are to be considered. I find his style to be overly aggressive and he tends to lose all restraint when he gets involved in an arguement. Probably the reason he got banned. However, he makes good points and, as I said, has better instincts than average. It's hard for me to justify that with my respect for Billbo though, he is one of the last people I would suspect of perpetrating a fraud. Finding Billbo and Predator posting in the same thread is not unusual and gives absolubtely no credibility to any kind of Tag-teaming conspiracy.

I think there is a bigger lesson available here. On the forum one should expect skepticism and be prepared for it. Don't talk about deals before they are done. If you want to talk about completed deals, be prepared for people to ask for proof of validity.


Level 3
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score
I will bet you never see the money from the "bid".

That was my first post in this thread. If you guys want to gang-up after that and call me crazy then be prepared for a response.

It was a simple statement based on experience and observation. Funny how nobody took me up on the bet. I would quit posting for a year if someone explains the sale in a way that is believable by a knowledgeable domainer. Not one other person has even commented on the fact that Billbo listed as having been sold, when in fact it was never sold. Of course, it is still pointed to the .St sales page, just like College.St was for months after the alleged sale. Whatever...I guess.

Now you have Billbo on the dotmobi team and I am not willing to babysit him all day, so you will have to watch over him yourself. I will only notice if it becomes a big Sedo auction or makes DnJournal. Other than that it is fine with me if you continue to trade amongst yourselves.

I know there are few consequences on this board for manipulating stats or fabricating sales, so go ahead and have fun with it.

Remember, if you truly believe in dotmobi, then you should want people like me to be uninterested and unimpressed with the extention (so you can accumulate at this early stage). If you can pull off a few high dollar auctions/sales in a row that don't look suspicious, then you will quiet people like me up real quick. You will get the last laugh...all the way to the bank.

Laird Mobi

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 4, 2004
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Iggy for your information i just recently sold Not a super well known phase or TM domain name, just the UK publics nickname for the Euro Millions Lottery (TM). The sale has gone through and has completed fully. I posted it for appraisal a good month or two ago and got absolutely no response at all, so is this suspicious? So for a worthless domain in the eyes of the hardcore .com'ers i got mid $xxxx for it! A nice return of my investment of $30 dont you think!


Level 3
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score
Iggy for your information i just recently sold Not a super well known phase or TM domain name, just the UK publics nickname for the Euro Millions Lottery (TM). The sale has gone through and has completed fully. I posted it for appraisal a good month or two ago and got absolutely no response at all, so is this suspicious? So for a worthless domain in the eyes of the hardcore .com'ers i got mid $xxxx for it! A nice return of my investment of $30 dont you think!

If you check one of my earlier posts I said that your name actually makes a little sense. I am more concerned with why Billbo won't explain his College.St sale a little more. He could shut me up real quick. After all, DN Journal supposedly verified that it was an transaction, so Billbo will have the information in his past history in his As long as the information with the buyer matches up with the Whois information, and he offers a reasonable explanation why the name was pointed the the .St registry until I brought it up, then that will likely be enough to shut me up for good. Since Billbo lives in the UK, and the alleged buyer lives in the Unites States then it is likely the buyer contacted him by email first. There should be some correspondence there.

If I am wrong about then maybe I have lost my touch. You can see for certain that Billbo claimed to have sold when in fact it was never sold...just check out his threads. He won't be able to make any changes without an edit showing up in his post (or a Whois edit, so he is a liar when it comes to that). People who lie in order to promote extentions can be presumed to be capable of pulling off a false sale as well. At least where I come from.

Laird Mobi

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 4, 2004
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At the end of the day Iggy it's really none of your business what sells and what doesn't, if you believe it's a fraud then just laugh out loud and move on unless it directly affects you. I'm sure Pred and Billbo aren't conspiring against anyone as they are respected members of this forum. I was in hospital just before the weekend and Pred was a very helpful chap and kept me updated with any inportant information (as i could not get to dnforum on the hospital internet system), this he did not have to do, but he did it. He has also assisted me by ensuring any names that i have missed have been pointed out to me in case i lose out! Now i'd trust him fully since he could have regged them without my knowlege and gained financially from them! But he didn't, so he is not an underhand sneaky bugger like some on this forum! I honestly can't comment on Billbo as i've never really been in contact with him, but if Pred values him as a friend then i do too.


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
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Right i want to say a few things as you are trying to drag my name (my respected name i like to think) into your dispute with Billbo.
I have stood up for Billbo as i know him as a nice bloke around the forum like i know a lot of nice people around the forum.
We have a laugh on threads etc, as i do with Laird mobi, 3dgeek etc etc
That's pretty much it.
All i have seen you do is run down an extension i think a lot of, cast dispursions on a member who i think is a good egg. Cast dispursions on a another member (Ron/Duke) who is also a good egg. Cast dispursions on Dnjournal, which i can't believe as it is one of the most respected websites & record of aftermarket sales imo.
Now. My sales records are top notch. I love dnjournal as i mentioned. I was lucky enough to be mentioned on there a couple of months ago:
Here's the link:
I sold to Thistle hotels
Now i had to confirm with sedo & Ron i wanted the sale published & i think they checked with Thistle too. I can only see professionalism.
This domain was sold on sedo auction.
To mention i 'tagteam' on a dnjournal liking thread is ridiculous.
I love dnjournal, no question.
Now we all see domains on sedo where we think noones going to buy that or how did they get that bid. I agree sometimes. We have been very vocal on this forum trying to get sedo to tighten up as we all hate non-paying buyers etc. Luckily they recently introduced this system of verification (a start, not enough though). You're not the only one who has these views.
Sedo are a pain at times we all know that.
Now whatever issues you have with Billbo, you need to sort. From the points you make , some clarification obviously needs to be made by Billbo.
I haven't looked at in any detail but obviously the mods will etc
I am sure Billbo will want to make some comments, as he needs to clear himself of your accusations.
I would like to think he is clear as like to think the best of people.
To get back on topic as the poor guy who owns has had his thread hijacked for too long.......
I too will be interested to see the outcome of the sale.
It is possible it may sell for $10k.
It is also possible the bidding may increase substantially.
Sedo only report the sale at the bottom right of the homepage & dnjournal too if the deal has been done. Call me naive, but i have confidence in them in this area.
One thing i will say about the sportsbook sale is if it is not pointed to or mirrored. Or a fully established site is not up & running within say 9 months i will agree something is not right.
Let's take the sale when everyone said he was mad. He had the benefit of traffic & had it paid off in 2 years. At the moment .mobi's don't get traffic so that is not an option.

Bill Roy

Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 5, 2005
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You are right in what you say. So as I respect your views here are my comments.

The member 'Iggy' (or should I say 'WhoDatDog' or 'Sonny') has constantly made statements against me, these were and are libelous, of this there is no question.

The sale of College.St was initiated by the buyer approaching me. The buyer used a go-between so that I would not know their identity (I of course was unaware of this at the time). Negotiations lasted less than 2 weeks at the end of which the purchase price was obviously agreed. Payment was made in full via by the buyer, I then arranged the transfer of the domain via to the purchaser (or agent/go-between as I subsequently found out). Upon receipt of the domain released the funds to me. Ron Jackson was informed of the sale by my 'then' domain broker '', Ron wanted proof of the sale, in the end he approached the owner of to confirm the transaction as it was the first time .St had made it onto the top leader board. The transaction was confirmed by Ron published the sale in DNJournal on 29th August last year, it was the 5th largest sale of the week on the leader board and is placed as the 57th largest public reported ccTLD sale of last year.

Within a week of the sale the member WhoDatDog started with his campaign. He was warned by the moderators on the Forum and given a temporary ban, at the end of this temporary ban (September) he immediately started again and for his troubles was permanently banned (that is what I was told). In October WhoDatDog rejoined the Forum under the name 'Sonny', started again and his account was terminated as a banned member. In November it seems he joined again under the name 'Iggy', and guess what, when I challenged his views and pointed out for him to be careful what he said as members can get banned for libel he admitted that he was 'WhoDatDog'.

Now I am accused that '' is 'my' site, it is not and has never been my site, I did use the brokerage site as my broker for some considerable time last year, however, I terminated the agreement with the brokerage site due to differences in valuation policy of domains (I actually thought domains should be valued much lower and therefore produce buyers).

I have jumped the gun in the past, taking a mans word that he would buy a domain only to be let down by them and never hear from them again. This has even happened in the past month and will no doubt continue to occur in the future. This is an unfortunate fact of the business we are in. I no longer publish any details of a sale, except to announce the withdrawal of a domain from the market or unless ist is via a public sales area like Sedo.

My philosophy of domaining is 'understand the public and the domains will sell'. We refer to end-users as the businesses who develop websites on domains, but the real end-user is Joe-Public. Understanding them and how they think is the key to prolonged domaining success, I happen to believe that the public easily remember 2 letter suffixes (even a chicken can remember 3 things), and the more relevent the 2 letter suffix is the more memorable it is. I am in the aftermarket business, I register/purchase domain names for re-sale. Unfortunately WhoDatDog latched onto me. With his libelous statements he has directly harmed my business and my family's income. He has caused people to doubt my word and my honour with false and totally unfounded allegations.

This is old history to many. The above is not properly structured grammatically, but I am to say the least, totally fed-up with being hounded by such a total idiot and for his posts to remain on these forum boards. Last year I sought legal advice and was advised that if I wanted recourse through the courts I would have to sue both WhoDatDog and indeed DNForum as the publisher. I was against such a move, for a start WhoDatDog most probably hasn't even got the money to pay the legal costs involved and to sue Adam for what someone else says seems idiotic as Adam and the mods/admins had to my knowledge removed the offending posts.

Now we are here again, and such a magnaminous jesture being made by WhoDatDog that he will impose a ban on himself if I make public the details of the negotiations for College.St. Why have I to do anything like this, Ron Jackson double checked everything and he is totally above reproach as far as I am aware. But I will come back to that in a moment.

I contacted yesterday both Biggedon and DCG (Adam) and informed them of the situation, obviously nothing has been done about it. So it would seem that a banned member can come on this forum not once but twice under different names and libel other members with impunity. This is a sorry state of affairs.

Now I will accept the offer made by WhoDatDog/Sonny/Iggy referred to above with one slight alteration. I will make available to Adam (DCG) the email correspondance concerning the sale of College.St, and if he is then satisfied that the sale was legitimate then WhoDatDog/Sonny/Iggy or any other name he may actually have here now or in the future accepts that he has been talking a load of b*ll*cks and accepts he is a total anal oriface and accepts his ban and never to return.

Adam I will PM you now asking that you accept this onorus duty to look into this sale and declare publicly whether you are satisfied the sale of College.St in August last year for the sum of $11,750 was legitimate or not. (Any body feel like challenging the impartiality of Adam really does need their head examined!)

'WhoDatDog/Sonny/Iggy' do you accept these terms?

Finally I must state that back in September WhoDatDog was asked by the mods to pass on any information he had to back up his accusations, that of course was prior to him being banned!

Bill Roy


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
Reaction score
Billbo, I dont think you need to justify yourself to the likes of this Gimp Iggy, he is a nobody. No doubt some trailer park trash who has some paranoid dillusions that the world is out to get him. I honestly believe that he would question his own sales. He shows lack of integrity, and has some serious insecurities.

I for one am sick to the back teeth of these little gimps with hidden agendas, this board is becoming like the UK, they appear to be letting anyone in and allowing them to stay despite their crimes.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score
I wonder where you guys find all this time to write and read all that.....I got no time to check lists and time for my do you do that?


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
I wonder where you guys find all this time to write and read all that.....I got no time to check lists and time for my do you do that?

That is a very good point :yes: I sometimes wonder that myself :lol:

... surely theres more to life than just sitting on the internet ??? :uhoh:

Peace :approve:


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
Reaction score
whats life? i dont know that word.

Do you mean


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2007
Reaction score
I will bet you never see the money from the "bid".
That was my first post in this thread. If you guys want to gang-up after that and call me crazy then be prepared for a response.

It was a simple statement based on experience and observation. Funny how nobody took me up on the bet.
It wasn't a simple statement, it was a derogatory one, and the friendly wagering occurred before you joined the thread.

Your 2nd post escalated the flames with:
It seems stupid to me that if you actually had a bid for 10k on a name that cost you $20 just a few months ago that you would risk it by drawing attention to it in this way.

Followed by your 3rd gem:

I realize a lot of things. I also realize that companies with no earnings were worth as much as General Motors in the late 90's. There are many examples of crap product that have had buying frenzies in the past. In Holland they had Tulips. We've had pet rocks, beanie babies, elmo dolls, and many others.

The dust always settles, so if you are the last one out make sure you turn off the lights.

It's really not a big deal. It's a useless and crappy extention that has attracted a bunch of novices who are cluttering up the message boards with their crap. It's time to flush the toilet. Some experienced domainers have even gotten into the game, but they are smarter than most....they understand that there is money to be made trading crap...for a while.

Go wander around in the street somewhere and ask people if they have ever heard of dotmobi. When you find someone who has then get back to me.

If there weren't domain message boards would you know that this extention exists? Answer is no. Good luck to Pinky's Army.

So I'll paraphrase your first 3 posts:
-You'll never see the money because the bid is a fake
-The seller is stupid is useless and is to be compared to the 17th century tulip mania.

You then continue with this:

I am glad many people invest in useless extentions. Go to the mall on Saturday and ask 1,000 people if they have heard of dotmobi. If you get one person to say "yes" then I will quit posting. If you feel that you can overcome those odds then go ahead and put your lifesavings in it.

Followed by this: was worth zero three months ago and it it worth zero today? What would anyone use the name for? It doesn't make any sense. He asked for thoughts on the name and my thought is that I wouldn't register the name for $8. That is why it was available when he registered it.

You then escalate further to making demands:

Please tell us what the initial offer was from the "buyer". Did he contact you directly first, or did he just bid a nice even number of 10K at Sedo. You know, they take 10 percent so you just gave away $1,000 on this name.

Did the buyer not contact you first? How did the negotiations go? Will you apologize in two weeks when I resurect the thread and ask you how the "sale" went.

Followed by more demands and insults:

When you find out who the owner of is then please let me know. is a useless name as well. make a bit of sense, as do the bottom two.

If they are fools then they might just find greater fools (except for and two "sales" stink)

I don't expect you to like my names, and you will never see me touting them, either. When you have the goods, you accumulate more goods.

It goes against common sense to be sitting on a speculative investment and then constantly pound the table before it even takes off. Most of you wouldn't understand what I am saying, but if you truly had a worthwhile piece of property you woudn't be gasping for air in defense of your crap. You would be buying more crap for cheap prices so you could sell when the extention actually has a use (which will be never).

You will be wrong every step of the way. Most of you probably believe that these high publicity sales are legit...that is because you want to believe it. You are all trying to sell your worst names while holding on to you best. Your best dotmobi names aren't even worth registering.

That's my opinion. If you want to hog up every domain name message board in the world with your garbage names then you should actually be happy that you have less competition....since I will never buy one. You are free to accumulate as many as you want.

After tossing all those hand grenades you then try and hide behind:

We will have to disagree.

Then you return to disparage others who don't have the resources to bid on a $10k auction, followed by more slander:

If you think that is such a great name then go ahead and place a bid. You will be able to get it for $10,001 (or whatever the next bid is).

Bottom line is that the buyer will disappear and the funds will not be transfered...

In this business there are no consequences for fake sales and fake bids. Until people have to pay the price for their frauds it will just have to continue.

Then you start to portray yourself as the victim:

I got banned because I questioned the sale of It showed up on DnJournal for $11,750 last summer. I asked simple questions......

I don't know your past here on DNF but your posts in this thread speak volumes to your character. You slander people you don't know or have any history with, you insult people who disagree with you, you demand documents that are none of your business and you have no right to review, and question the honesty and integrity of those who put their professional reputations on the line to validate transactions.

I doubt any questions you asked got you banned, rather I expect it was your virulent and impudent tone.

You have hijacked this thread which I am surprised has been tolerated by the moderators but I am not in charge and ultimately I must respect their judgment. Something which you apparently have yet to learn.

You have disparaged the domain name for asinine and unsubstantiated reasons, in spite of the early market strength of this tld and the extremely strong stats of the keyword involved. I understand you missed the boat, but it is so sad that you can't let others enjoy the ride.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
I wonder where you guys find all this time to write and read all that.....I got no time to check lists and time for my do you do that?


I have to sneak around at work to read this stuff! :lol:


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 14, 2006
Reaction score
I'm still waiting for PROOF from Iggy. All I see are lies and slander. Stating everything as fact then saying "It's just my opinion" does not make it just an opinion. You already presented your statments as facts!

Iggy has no right to make a bunch of outright lies about a deal then demand to see the private email of that deal to prove the persons innocence.

I hate to see Bill practically blackmailed into giving up private information just to shut this guy up.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2007
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I'm still waiting for PROOF from Iggy. All I see are lies and slander. Stating everything as fact then saying "It's just my opinion" does not make it just an opinion. You already presented your statments as facts!

Iggy has no right to make a bunch of outright lies about a deal then demand to see the private email of that deal to prove the persons innocence.

I hate to see Bill practically blackmailed into giving up private information just to shut this guy up.

There is no amount of evidence that would be considered adequate for someone consumed with conspiracies. Providing him any will simply fuel his torment and add another layer to his perceptions of deceit. Banishment is the only method to silence his vitriol.


Level 3
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score

You are right in what you say. So as I respect your views here are my comments.

The member 'Iggy' (or should I say 'WhoDatDog' or 'Sonny') has constantly made statements against me, these were and are libelous, of this there is no question.

The sale of College.St was initiated by the buyer approaching me. The buyer used a go-between so that I would not know their identity (I of course was unaware of this at the time). Negotiations lasted less than 2 weeks at the end of which the purchase price was obviously agreed. Payment was made in full via by the buyer, I then arranged the transfer of the domain via to the purchaser (or agent/go-between as I subsequently found out). Upon receipt of the domain released the funds to me. Ron Jackson was informed of the sale by my 'then' domain broker '', Ron wanted proof of the sale, in the end he approached the owner of to confirm the transaction as it was the first time .St had made it onto the top leader board. The transaction was confirmed by Ron published the sale in DNJournal on 22nd August last year, it was the 5th largest sale of the week on the leader board and is placed as the 57th largest public reported ccTLD sale of last year.

Within a week of the sale the member WhoDatDog started with his campaign. He was warned by the moderators on the Forum and given a temporary ban, at the end of this temporary ban (September) he immediately started again and for his troubles was permanently banned (that is what I was told). In October WhoDatDog rejoined the Forum under the name 'Sonny', started again and his account was terminated as a banned member. In November it seems he joined again under the name 'Iggy', and guess what, when I challenged his views and pointed out for him to be careful what he said as members can get banned for libel he admitted that he was 'WhoDatDog'.

Now I am accused that '' is 'my' site, it is not and has never been my site, I did use the brokerage site as my broker for some considerable time last year, however, I terminated the agreement with the brokerage site due to differences in valuation policy of domains (I actually thought domains should be valued much lower and therefore produce buyers).

I have jumped the gun in the past, taking a mans word that he would buy a domain only to be let down by them and never hear from them again. This has even happened in the past month and will no doubt continue to occur in the future. This is an unfortunate fact of the business we are in. I no longer publish any details of a sale, except to announce the withdrawal of a domain from the market or unless ist is via a public sales area like Sedo.

My philosophy of domaining is 'understand the public and the domains will sell'. We refer to end-users as the businesses who develop websites on domains, but the real end-user is Joe-Public. Understanding them and how they think is the key to prolonged domaining success, I happen to believe that the public easily remember 2 letter suffixes (even a chicken can remember 3 things), and the more relevent the 2 letter suffix is the more memorable it is. I am in the aftermarket business, I register/purchase domain names for re-sale. Unfortunately WhoDatDog latched onto me. With his libelous statements he has directly harmed my business and my family's income. He has caused people to doubt my word and my honour with false and totally unfounded allegations.

This is old history to many. The above is not properly structured grammatically, but I am to say the least, totally fed-up with being hounded by such a total idiot and for his posts to remain on these forum boards. Last year I sought legal advice and was advised that if I wanted recourse through the courts I would have to sue both WhoDatDog and indeed DNForum as the publisher. I was against such a move, for a start WhoDatDog most probably hasn't even got the money to pay the legal costs involved and to sue Adam for what someone else says seems idiotic as Adam and the mods/admins had to my knowledge removed the offending posts.

Now we are here again, and such a magnaminous jesture being made by WhoDatDog that he will impose a ban on himself if I make public the details of the negotiations for College.St. Why have I to do anything like this, Ron Jackson double checked everything and he is totally above reproach as far as I am aware. But I will come back to that in a moment.

I contacted yesterday both Biggedon and DCG (Adam) and informed them of the situation, obviously nothing has been done about it. So it would seem that a banned member can come on this forum not once but twice under different names and libel other members with impunity. This is a sorry state of affairs.

Now I will accept the offer made by WhoDatDog/Sonny/Iggy referred to above with one slight alteration. I will make available to Adam (DCG) the email correspondance concerning the sale of College.St, and if he is then satisfied that the sale was legitimate then WhoDatDog/Sonny/Iggy or any other name he may actually have here now or in the future accepts that he has been talking a load of b*ll*cks and accepts he is a total anal oriface and accepts his ban and never to return.

Adam I will PM you now asking that you accept this onorus duty to look into this sale and declare publicly whether you are satisfied the sale of College.St in August last year for the sum of $11,750 was legitimate or not. (Any body feel like challenging the impartiality of Adam really does need their head examined!)

'WhoDatDog/Sonny/Iggy' do you accept these terms?

Finally I must state that back in September WhoDatDog was asked by the mods to pass on any information he had to back up his accusations, that of course was prior to him being banned!

Bill Roy

Thanks for clearing up that you have no idea who bought off of you. Thank you for also clearing up that the name that you said sold in the quickest time was never sold ( You never bothered to update the sales thread or even try to sell it again.

Now you are saying that you aren't involved in, when the DN Journal article said that is where you were from.

Congrats on being the best. Who is this third party broker of .st names that pulled off this wonderful sale of They must be pretty good.

Why did the buyer point the name to the .St sales registry for months? After all, that is where your name is pointed to right now.

Did you have a straight face as you were typing this? If the transaction was an arms-length transaction then I will never post again. Just tell us who owns the darn thing, because the initial Whois info listed a person who does not even offially exist as far as I know. She didn't even have an email address, but she was smart enough to pay $11,750 for and then point it to the .St registry until I brought it up. Just show me that it was a legitimate sale and I will go away forever.
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