Dear Customers,
Recently our main site was unavailable for a little over 2 days. What happened was that faulty hardware corrupted the superblock of one of our file systems, corrupting it beyond repair. Webhosting, dns servers, website forwarding, parking, and email forwarding were not affected.
Although we had prepared for such a situation by using redundant hardware and performing frequent backups, when it actually happened it took us longer than expected to recover. During this time I was 100% focused on getting the site back up, and neglected to inform you, our customers, what was going on. Those of you who were upset about this lack of communication are completely justified, and I apologize.
This is the first major hardware failure we have ever experienced in our 6 years in business, and we have learned some good lessons. In the coming months we plan to redesign our infrastructure to further increase the fault tolerance of our systems. Secondly, we plan to develop "" to be a system status website hosted at a different data center. This site will have alternative ways to contact us, and a frequently updated blog if our systems ever go down again.
When you run as many servers as we do, and are growing as fast as we are, hardware problems become a "when" rather than a "if". We promise to improve our handling of these situations from now on.
Best Regards,
Todd Han