bladex5k said:
How do you keep track of them all? How the hell do you maintain them all? lol
1. Put them all into one registrar. eNom is great for this. All you need to do is to remember the number of domains you have, say 10,345, and instantly see if the number has gone down for some strange reason.
2. Use that Godaddy domain monitor service on all your important names. It email alerts you within 24hr of any changes to your whois.
3. Check to see all names are auto-renew and registrar locked. Make sure your credit card details is valid of course. Better still, make sure your eNom account has loads of credit all the time.
4. Pay someone in a third world country to manual check the whois of all your names every week and give you a report.
5. Renew all your names for 10 years, then make a screenshot of the whois of each and file them away with your lawyer.
6. Use software like WMDP or DWD and just get your wife or servant to run them every week to check them for you.
7. Give me all your names so you don't have to watch them LOL