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How powerful is a developed domain? Ask Marchex...Owner of 200,000+ developed domains

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Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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How powerful is a developed keyword domain name? Just ask Marchex... Proud owner of 200,000+ developed domains!

Marchex has hundreds of thousands of domains and many of them are developed... Well, semi-developed. Marchex acquired one of the best domain portfolio's ever assembled from Yun Ye for $164 million back in 2005. Yun Ye of Name Development had been snatching up the best keyword domains for years and had a nice payday. It was one of the largest and best domain portfolios. Definitely top five. Marchex has also acquired many other smaller portfolios.

It was very fitting that about a year or two later Marchex begins to develop the domains... They buy it from "Name Development" and begin to develop most of the domains. Sweet! They didn't do it manually. They didn't spend millions of dollars on hiring web design teams or any other developers. What they did was find the technology, data and match it up with their domains. Marchex made a few more acquisitions and one of those was OpenList, a local information service. Marchex uses OpenList's data to syndicate it across the 200,000+ local and vertical websites that have been setup on their targeted keyword domain names. Marchex has also teamed up with Yelp.com and Localeze.com to acquire even more content and have the best and most relevant data for each and every website.

You see, it is all about partnerships when it comes to mass development. No way could they pull this off without getting the proprietary technology and partnerships with other third parties... It would be very difficult. Most domain developers simply don't know where to get the content for their websites. It is simple to spend $50 or $100 to have an article written for you by some copywriter but you need dozens and hundreds of them for each website if you are in it longterm. The costs add up. Development is pretty expensive. Just to start up a decent website would cost a few thousand dollars. Then you need to promote it.. Blah blah. It is anything but easy running a website.

Marchex spent $13 million on OpenList back in 2006 when they bought out that company and I am sure they pay a lot of money each and every month as well to all of the other partners they turn to for content such as mentioned above, Yelp and Localeze, plus whoever else they syndicate data off of... But is it worth it? Of course. They have made their investment in OpenList many times over and will continue to make money off it. Domain developers need to seek out partnerships. If you are serious about domain mass development you need to put together a business plan and shop it around for partners. Some will do a revenue share... Some will offer you a really nice deal and offer you all this content at minimum cost.

Many of Marchex keyword domains are ranking over at Google and Yahoo. Take MiamiMotels.com for example --- it ranks top 5 over at Yahoo.com for "Miami Motels". The keyword gets 10,000+ searches per month over at Yahoo... That is some nice free and organic traffic, don't you think? How about "Detroit Resorts" over at Yahoo?? A few thousand searches per month... They have their website DetroitResorts.com ranking at the top spot. Marchex has a lot of targeted and premium keyword domains across many verticals --- most of the ones that are developed and setup with local data have free and organic search traffic.

Now, if only Marchex did a better job of optimizing their domains... They could generate anywhere from 10x to 100x more traffic than what they currently are. Most of their domains are ranking between 10 - 20 over at Google... It isn't easy ranking at Google. With Yahoo, it's a different story. Sure, they still rank top five for many of the less popular domains such as "Detroit Resort" over at Google.com for their domain name "DetroitResort.com" but you see... If you put in the hard work, it will pay off big time. Marchex started development over 2 years ago... But they have not improved on their setup. When and if they do --- earnings will explode.

Currently Marchex doesn't even want the search engines to index all of the content on their web sites... They only let Google and Yahoo index and crawl their main page. Only one page! You see the results... Even one page, the main page, ranking and pulling in traffic. You don't really need dozens of pages, once again, I say --- you don't need a ton of content. All you need is relevant and unique content on your domain name. Having the targeted keyword domain name has done 50% of the SEO work for you. All you gotta do is figure out how to mass develop.

So, Marchex has figured out how to mass develop hundreds of thousands of domains and rank both at Google and Yahoo... Cities Unlimited figured out how to mass develop approximately 20,000 US city names and rank both at Google and Yahoo... Thousands of other businesses that do business online have networks of many whitelabel sites setup. It is nothing new. It can be done and the results are nothing short of amazing. Minimum up front investment but big returns. It isn't done overnight... But you need to believe and know that it will happen.

If you build it, they will come... All of them. Visitors, advertisers, press, etc. This will be the title and focus of one of my next write ups. I'll explain how I hand registered approximately 3,000 specific keyword domain names, mass developed them and each and every one of the websites was profitable less than 60 days after being launched...and within 24 month's time the entire operation was pulling in well into 7 figures. Millions of visitors each and every month. Advertisers up my ass wanting to setup deals and long term contracts.

You see it every day... Other people are doing it. Why don't you do it too? It's impossible you think?? It's too hard?? It's not gonna work??? Ha... Well, if you are thinking like that... Of course it will never work. You see, if somebody did it --- it can be replicated. Follow other peoples successes. Don't copy them exactly but put your own little tweaks to the operation and do it your own way. A better way. Heck, this is how I got started in the mass development game. From there on.. The rest is history. I've owned at least 5 niches... What is owning a niche mean? It is when you dominate it and have more market share than pretty much all of your competitors combined together. More than 50% market share.

So anyways... Go and dig up some networks, study them and go from there. You start planning by researching your competition. Everything you need to know about running a business you can learn from your competition who is already successful. On the internet, you can find out everything and anything once you set your mind to it... How determined are you to make it?? How badly do you want it?!? Well, it's up for grabs... Tons of opportunities --- find em and work em... It's out there just waiting. Gold mines.
Domain Summit 2024


Level 10
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 28, 2007
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With enough money anyone can have an impressive portfolio of developed domains.


Domain Lover
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2005
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They buy it from "Name Development" and begin to develop most of the domains.



Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Marchex development = glorified parking page.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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Yun Ye's company = Name Development

that is the company name.. get it ? :yes:

Marchex development = glorified parking page.

who cares what it is or isn't

marchex developed domains = make much more $$$ thanks to all the free search engine traffic they pull

they are laughing all the way to the bank


are you just jealous and upset that your parked domains can't do the same?


it is so obvious

you are jealous and upset

please don't throw a fit here

grow up...

keep parking with Sedo --- you are quiet good at that

and keep complaining every month about the ups and downs of parking and that Sedo didn't do this and that... etc

one of the best --- you rock at this stuff
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Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Mike, cut the BS already. We talked about this in the thread you conveniently asked the mods to close after you were asked numerous times to show us your developed domains and you provided none. You need to check your attitude at the domain door.

As for Marchex's web sites, I don't call this development. They pipe their ads through a database of resorts, but that's nothing other than a glorified parking page for VIPs. I don't plan to become Marchex and if yourself have such aspirations you probably suffer from Napoleon's syndrome.

And Mike, don't forget to take another look at how many thousands of posts I have and make snotty comments about it.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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Mike, cut the BS already. We talked about this in the thread you conveniently asked the mods to close after you were asked numerous times to show us your developed domains and you provided none. You need to check your attitude at the domain door.

^--- the thread was closed by the mods because of YOU -- it got off topic, i did not request it be closed for the record ;)

As for Marchex's web sites, I don't call this development. They pipe their ads through a database of resorts, but that's nothing other than a glorified parking page for VIPs

^--- who gives a rats ass what u think ;)

u are a nobody

...they make millions thanks to mass developed websites :yes:

And Mike, don't forget to take another look at how many thousands of posts I have and make snotty comments about it

you have too many...

your post in this thread was not required

but of course --- you pop up and try to turn this into something negative

now where is Focus... on vacation ?

i am one of the most positive and optimistic ppl in the domain industry, always have and will be

i can back everything up 100%

every lil thing i say

every word i write

U just talk talk talk... u are good at it

tens of thousands of posts

we get it already... get over yourself

Keyboard Cowboy

Positioning / Publishing
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 14, 2004
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mike031, could you post a select few domains of one of the niches you "own"?



Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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LOL what a douchebag :D

You're so full of bologna that it's not even funny. The other thread was 100% pure spam like all of your "content" posts. They all sound like a damn infomercial without any substance and lots of icing.

Everyone is telling you that you're spamming with inane ramblings, you provide no samples of "development" and now you're telling me I am a nobody because I am not Marchex.

Get off your high-legged pony already and learn how to spell because 6th grade grammar is not in style anymore.
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Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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LOL what a douchebag :D

you are.

You're so full of bologna that it's not even funny,

you are full to the max

which every post u just show it more and more --- the real loser siting behind the screen that is shallow

Everyone is telling you that you're spamming with inane ramblings, you provide no samples of "development" and now you're telling me I am a nobody because I am not Marchex.

it is quiet evident and beyond obvious that you have no clue about domain development or mass development and that you are a very bitter person

you are jealous and upset at other peoples success

marchex has increased their traffic and earnings mass developing their domains

go dig up their quarterly statements


Get off your high-legged pony already and learn to spell because 6th grade grammar is not in style anymore.

real mature making more personal attacks

here is some advice:

get a life...

you seriously have problems


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Looks like you have your pants in a knot.

Please, for the 20th time: post a few of your developed sites. Oh wait, here's one http://www.ispbronx.com


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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Looks like you have your pants in a knot.

Please, for the 20th time: post a few of your developed sites. Oh wait, here's one http://www.ispbronx.com

looks like everything i said is 100% true :yes:

thanks for confirming

check check check...

sure, that is one of the domains we've mass developed for a client

it is not my personal domain

so what?? what is the point that you are trying to make... ?


Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 17, 2004
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Mike, cut the BS already. We talked about this in the thread you conveniently asked the mods to close after you were asked numerous times to show us your developed domains and you provided none.

Theo, I asked him the same question on the other board, and got nothing but PM's telling me how much bigger, greater, more amazing he is than me. But no tangible websites developed. Odd, no? :lol:

Keyboard Cowboy

Positioning / Publishing
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 14, 2004
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mike031, could you go ahead and post a select few names of one of the niches you "own" or have "owned"?

Thank you


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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why should i share my SUCCESS with random people who i don't know or care about who are in essence my COMPETITION

LOL :lol::lol::lol::lol:

your provokations are not going to work... EVER

oh, and i have nothing to prove to you Cameron because your generic domains i would never want to mass develop even if u paid me 5x or 10x what i normally charge

generic 1 word keyword domains => it's a ***** developing em and making em work ;)

you keep parking em

i am sure you already know this, mister know it all ;)

mike031, could you go ahead and post a select few names of one of the niches you "own" or have "owned"?

Thank you

cowboy i dont intend to share anything on a public forum for obvious reasons

i only share examples of my works / portfolio with:

1) affiliates / advertisers

2) potential clients


read the last paragraph

So if you like what you have read so far and interested in getting some of your domains mass developed or need anymore information about anything else... Go ahead and contact me at <email removed> for a free no hassle consultation. I promise not to waste your time so please don't waste mine. Try to include a list of the domains that you are inquiring about and be specific with what you are trying to accomplish by developing your domain names into functional websites with information or services, short term goals as well as long term, etc... The more information you provide, the easier it will be for me to understand where you are coming from as well as explain to you everything that needs to be covered. Very simple... I look forward to hearing from you and maybe even working together on your next big project.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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Personally I don't see any problems with Mike's article posting...even if someone just finds one tip they have been helped. Sure don't want to see people discouraged from sharing potentially profitable advice here and have to say that I would hate offering free advice only to be met with people asking me to expose my network/sites...


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Will Marchex survive the recession?
I bet we gonna see some large DN portfolios collapse just like Mr Madoff's portfoilio :smilewinkgrin:


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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Increased it so much that they laid off 10% of their staff?


good job for learning how to copy and paste

u are a genius

EVERYBODY IS CUTTING BACK... even the most profitable SEARCH companies in the world

google cut back jobs.... yahoo cut back jobs

what is your point?

go thru Marchex quarterly reports before the domains were developed and from there on after and see that their traffic and revenues have increased

you see, in the search business it is all about EYE BALLS

marchex is growing their business organically, they made the investmenets years ago... the growth is there, every minute, every hour, every day... 24/7/365 non stop

there is constant organic traffic increases to developed domains

slowly but surely they are growing their search business with the help of 100,000s of domains

proven fact

there is absolutely nothing noteworthy as far as growth goes for parked domains

makes sense ?

i hope ;)

Personally I don't see any problems with Mike's article posting...even if someone just finds one tip they have been helped. Sure don't want to see people discouraged from sharing potentially profitable advice here and have to say that I would hate offering free advice only to be met with people asking me to expose my network/sites...

here is a guy who makes sense...


ppl expect u to hold their hand, and reply to their email and each and every psot and if u dont provide them what they want they will throw a fit and get upset and god forbid start posting negative stuff about u..u have to meet their demands.... except that it doesnt work with ME that way, never has and never will


do i look like i consult newbie developers for a hobby on my spare time ?? do i have nothing better to do ??>

seriously, Acro, Cameron and whoever is interested in personal attacks and scenes --- think twice before u speak, especially if u know nothing about development or have anything constructive to add, stay out of this discussions.... u cant carry on with civil convos with decency, it is obvious

dont put other ppl down

dont ruin it for others...
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