Mr. Deleted said:
that is 107 WIPO disputes just from the UltSearch porfilio not to mention the others
Domainers with large portfolios like NameAdmin, FMA, Marchex, eCorp and the rest are under daily and constant threat of having their very good names yanked away from them by reverse cyberjacking companies with huge and savvy legal resources.
To even suggest that they are willing to "sell" their domains publicly is legal naivity. Lawyers can easily use these underhanded 'I want to buy your domain, state your price!' to feel out the soft underbelly of domain portfolio owners.
The signals are clear that in the coming months and years, companies will be taking their Internet IP rights more seriously and willing to activate high power lawyers to rub your nose into the sand for the most trivial of reasons.
I agree with stoc on his observation of both the good and bad apples in this so-called "industry", and why it is high time to do something seriously about this. Because of 20% of what's bad, the WHOLe so-called "domain industry" can and will be known as thieves, pirates, profiteering leeches, white-collar criminals, ruthless hijackers and scums that systematically scavage one of the Web's most important navigational resources to be doomed into a pathetic life of PPC weed farm slavery.