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I'm Not seeling my .mobi for another 6-10 years.

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Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2004
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I'm sure those keywords would probably sell in any new extenstion created now or in the least until domainers and big biz get tired of buying all the same keywords! :)

False Biggedon.

Those words may sell, but for $xxx & $x,xxx (i.e. aint selling for $101,000)

Do research and show us some proof to back up your weak assertion.

I think Steve Jobs ruined the hopes of many .mobi speculators when the iphone came out and it had a .com site on the phone, rather than .mobi

had it been the other way around....who knows

hmmmm ...around 3,500,000,000 (3.5 billion mobilephones on Earth)

and around 1,000,000 (1 million are iPhones)

less than .0002857% penetration of the mobile phone market by the iPhone.

Look Apple is showcasing dotMobi sites at

Here are a few of the many examples of Apple featuring dotMobi sites at

Moreover, last weekend at the Apple store in Boca Raton I was thrilled when a service representative demonstrated the iPhone functionality by showing me



Now showing : .info
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 20, 2004
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if we seriously think about .mobi and its future, I get .com into my mind(The TLD world is so fond of) and if you sit in front of your PC and search for a great .com you can register at least 10 a day that will have no fewer than 10 typein's a day or even more if you get lucky. They are out for 18 years or so now :) still growing strong...

Again back to .mobi only the super keyword domains will be getting more appreciation now and in future. If we even wait for 20 years from now a moderate .mobi domain will still be sold for $xx like some of the .com's are sold even today.

Can .mobi take the position of .com in future? I think no... just because I don't have the requirement to visit a .mobi site, my PDA has large screen and I can visit any domain with any extension and feel good about it, at the same time I still visit, etc they are good you know :)


Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 16, 2004
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There are two types of domainers:
1)Type A - they invested in .mobi's and they praise them anywhere they have a chance - I even suspect false reports to DNJ, just to create a "buzz" and to lure other "victims"
2) Type B - they either missed the .mobi landrush (or just ignored .mobi's) and they either looking with a great deal of jealousy, or they wear a smile watching the posts created by Type A domainers.

I personally believe .mobi will fail even worse than .biz - as nametrader says, my cellphone (manufactured in early 2005!) is able to display any site I want, via the Opera Mini browser - .mobi is living it's best days, and if you think the prices will rise for a long time, you're in for a surprise.
If you want do invest, don't spend 100k on, but rather buy for the same amount or add more $$$ and get the .com.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 18, 2007
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There are two types of domainers:
1)Type A - they invested in .mobi's and they praise them anywhere they have a chance - I even suspect false reports to DNJ, just to create a "buzz" and to lure other "victims"

I very much doubt this. There are very few private mobi sales reported to DNJ. Most come from sedo and moniker. Accusing moniker or mtld or faking auction sales to create a buzz is a pretty big accusation.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 16, 2004
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I very much doubt this. There are very few private mobi sales reported to DNJ. Most come from sedo and moniker. Accusing moniker or mtld or faking auction sales to create a buzz is a pretty big accusation.
I'm not accusing anyone. but you should know that not all reports are accurate.
in one case, where I was the buyer, the seller reported to DNJ a different amount - and Duke in can't verify the info.
I'm sure other domainers have similar experiences.
When reported by sedo or moniker, I consider the values more accurate than when they are reported by one of the two private parties involved.
BUT this is another discussion.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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The sale of premium keywords that exist in every TLD - which has been turned into a form of art by the usual landrush "pioneers" - has a density of sales which becomes higher with each new TLD introduced; simply because there is money to be made in such landrush-acquired items.

This has the side-effect of exhausting the premium keywords much faster as well. If the original 3 TLD's took a decade to accumulate commercial value (Vision's little drivel on the date being 1985 is inaccurate, due to the commercialization occurring in fact in 1995) then the 13 months of .mobi antics have pretty much exhausted the sales worthy of any mentioning.

COM/NET/ORG's will continue to appreciate in value indefinitely; the new TLD's outside of the usual pool of premium keywords offer no means to sustain this pace.

Conclusion: holding onto non-premium .mobi names with a 6-10 year window in mind is a great way to lose money.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 18, 2007
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I'm not accusing anyone. but you should know that not all reports are accurate.
in one case, where I was the buyer, the seller reported to DNJ a different amount - and Duke in can't verify the info.
I'm sure other domainers have similar experiences.
When reported by sedo or moniker, I consider the values more accurate than when they are reported by one of the two private parties involved.
BUT this is another discussion.
If DNJ just goes by the seller/buyer being honest...well another way to verify should be put in place.


Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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I personally believe .mobi will fail even worse than .biz - as nametrader says, my cellphone (manufactured in early 2005!) is able to display any site I want, via the Opera Mini browser - .mobi is living it's best days, and if you think the prices will rise for a long time, you're in for a surprise.
If you want do invest, don't spend 100k on, but rather buy for the same amount or add more $$$ and get the .com.
Fully agree this.
Now one thing everyone could agree with is that marketing from mtld has been smart :)

Domain names in major extensions tend to gain value over time but .mobi is not one of them. .mobi is an extension that is thriving on hype and I don't see any real future. I would suggest to dump them while you still can.
.info is a much better TLD and it's here to stay while .mobi better compares with .biz or .name.
Buying .mobi right now is high-risk, keeping them is taking a gamble.
Good luck whatever you do :smilewinkgrin:


** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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I made this choice from the 1st day, when i decided to invest into .mobi... that i would not sell for at least 8-10 years...
I made a choice to NOT invest in another .mobi for at least 8-10 years. So when you're ready, let me know. Prices should be cheaper by then. I already have a couple dozen "premium" .mobis and have no intention of selling those either. I expect they'll just be dropped assuming I don't have them on auto renew. Better go check right away. What was I thinking?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 18, 2007
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because .info is more generic than .mobi, I am always looking for info on different topics, not looking for mobi on anything :D easy I am just sarcastic.

Hehe, well mobi is only about 10% of my domain investments (rest is .com)..I don't consider myself a mobi fanatic but I can't think for the life of me any major corps that have a .info. From what i've seen over the years .info was mainly used by spammers because they were so cheap. Someone better tell all those .com sites to move all "information" to the .info domain, its the only way people will search for it.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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What I find most humorous is this debate seems to play out with domainers.

Step back a minute and be the consumer.

Pretend you know nothing about domains, domaining, domain extensions, or how things work at all.

You have a cellphone, you are a teenager, you want to visit a website.

Do you think a 13 year old is going to say, "WTF! This isn't a .com!"

The majority of users thus far have been the 13-25 year olds. Mobile Internet is THEIR internet, not mom's or dad's internet.

I'm still going with the 4:1 odds that mobi will succeed. But why anyone would have all their domains in one niche or on extension is beyond me.

Give 6th and 7th graders a little more credit than domainers give each other.

Again back to .mobi only the super keyword domains will be getting more appreciation now and in future.
Hmm...type in English, write in English, speak in English.

Must be a domain for only the English speakers of the planet.

#1 Chinese Mandarin
#2 Spanish
#3 English
#4 Hindi
#5 Portuguese
#6 Bengali
#7 Russian
#8 Japanese
#9 German
#10 Chinese Wu

I very much doubt this. There are very few private mobi sales reported to DNJ. Most come from sedo and moniker. Accusing moniker or mtld or faking auction sales to create a buzz is a pretty big accusation.
Not to mention grounds for litigation.

Wonder who Jay will get to represent him in court?


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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It won't die. Domainers are the only ones debating it.


Level 10
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2005
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Well, well, well......

I come back from work, and here we have individuals again posting their negative coments on our thread. It's my fault, this was not a place for dispute about .mobi... I wanted to get some feedback from .mobi investors and not critics.....

Next time Ill post about dot mobi, Ill just make it very CLEAR... NO CRITICS, only DOT MOBI INVESTORS...

Seriously GROW Up... who cares if dotmobi is not going to win or lose... just stay away from .mobi threads... if you dont like the idea of owning .mobi domains

Is that too much to ask?

WOW and you call yourself domainers? Any smart domainer would tell you that .mobi is the first mobile extension... its not a .org, .info, etc... its a new market that only focuses on mobile users.

Let's focus on the fact that majority of us who invested pennies into .mobi have nothing to lose... I spend 1k, and it will cost me another 2-3k to renew my domains for the next 3-5 years. A total of 4-5k... I have received 3 offers on 2 domains, each above 5k... if i was stupid.. i would have sold the two domains. Made some extra cash.. but im not interested... as a domainer... my focus is long term. For now Im making good money with my .com portfolio... so what if .mobi fails.. i dont lose... my portfolio paid for it. I started in this business with $30 US dollars. I operate 300+ .com domains, I've made over 50K US. It all started with 30 dollars, just like you few critics... i was told my .com domains will not sell. Well guess what, if I did listen to you.. I would not be here to dicuss this with you.

If you dont like to gamble with your money, fine! Keep your thoughts to yourself! I did not ask you to post that .mobi is a flop? Can you please point it out if I did?

So why is it, that you have again violated our thread? Did we not make it clear that we are not interested in your negative comments, in our last thread? were i declared "I REST MY CASE"

was my thread not posted in .mobi category?

As you can read, we are a group of domainers who have decided to invest our pennies into .mobi - so why don't you and your group leave us and let us discuss our ideas....

you have another 20+ sections on this forum to dicuss your investments, ideas, etc. And if I like what your discussing, I will jump into it and chat with you.

Let's just make it clear, we have dot mobi investors who are also members of this forum... so next time you decide to read our topics about dot mobi.. either be positive or dont reply... I will speack on our behalf for the last time and ask you not to post your negative comments about our investments.

If dot mobi fails, so what? Your not spending money, so why are you posting your comments here? Is that fair to us?

Now, I just got back from a 16 hour work day, its time to sleep. Got to be back at work in 6 hours.

So please dont... dont... dont... dont.... be nEgAtIvE


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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By stating in your title your not selling your .mobi's for another 10 years, YOU invited the question of "Investment" suggesting the value will increase in 10 years.

Many of us shared our opinions and its our right to do so. I don't understand why you and others have such a problem with that, Everyone here is entitled to their opinion on the subject whether you agree with it or not.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 23, 2007
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I've been on the fence regarding .mobi

But then, I got the iPod Touch.

Its got an amazing browser, and a nice little button on the on-screen keyboard for ".com" - meaning, I just type in Google and press the ".com" button to take me to
Which means that the iPod Touch/iPhone has officially embraced .com (just like everyone else)
And dont tell me that you can modify the iPhone to change the .com button to .mobi. The average user wouldn't even care

And to those who say that the iPhone makes up just 0.3% or whatever of the mobile market, I ask you: do you really see Nokia and Motorola coming out with the same dull and boring phones 10 years into the future?

The iPhone has clearly set a new standard which Nokia and Motorola will have to match or better. The iPhone type phones are the thing of the future...the current breed of Motorola Razrs and Sidekicks will all phase out in the next 5-10 years. I can bet all my money on that. Technology is always supposed to progress, and the iPhone is the next generation (it has its flaws, but they can and will be bettered, and it'll be cheaper too)

So does the lame browsing experience on tiny screens with ugly graphics really the future? I would rather have the full version of with all the pictures and videos and content than see a tiny scrolling page at It simply makes for better user experience and I'm sure noone can deny that.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 5, 2004
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Do you know guys what is "creme de la creme" of domains ?
.mobi IDN's


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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I would rather have the full version of with all the pictures and videos and content than see a tiny scrolling page at It simply makes for better user experience and I'm sure noone can deny that.
Gonna need some mighty big pockets to fit that in.

And to those who say that the iPhone makes up just 0.3% or whatever of the mobile market, I ask you: do you really see Nokia and Motorola coming out with the same dull and boring phones 10 years into the future?
Ooo, ouch. You may want to go back months and months at previous threads regarding the iPhone.

Seems like the touch screen is not a big deal. Seems like it has been in use for a couple of years now in Japan and the Far East. So you may want to speak with your Japanese and Korean brethren on this forum regarding technological advances here borrowed from what has been in use there for a year or two.

Its got an amazing browser, and a nice little button on the on-screen keyboard for ".com" - meaning, I just type in Google and press the ".com" button to take me to
Which means that the iPod Touch/iPhone has officially embraced .com (just like everyone else)
And dont tell me that you can modify the iPhone to change the .com button to .mobi. The average user wouldn't even care
Okay, I won't tell you.

The iPod/iPhone has officially embraced .com? That is why they opened it up to third party apps and have now got .mobi specific iPhone sites and even promoting .mobi on some of their (apple's) sites?

See,,,,,,, being promoted and featured by Apple. And there are plenty more to come. And a few select individuals on this forum are members of this endeavor...coding mobi and mobile sites for Apple.

Why? Because .mobi is iPhone friendly.

So ain't that a real kick in the crack on the "officially" embraced theory?

Looks like someone needs to be embracing something else. :eek:
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