Hey tee, with each passing month, you see to be able to articulate the advantages of .info even better. Thanks for crystalizing those thoughts.
.info can be a very meaningful name to webmasters. Provides the site with a psychological high ground in specific topics.
I have always believed that the .info address in search engines give an advantage. People do scan the URL before they type.
Here in advertising world, we do (still) believe that the name carries a lot of brand value and meaning and goodwill. I am not debunking the merits of dotcom and its traffic potential. I just feel dotcom carries with it a lot of broken dreams, lost jobs, sick business models, and geeks that wore t-shirts to work and played foosball all day.
As a brand, dotocm seems to have lost the magical value it had to the world in 1999.
Just my humble opinion of course.
.info can be a very meaningful name to webmasters. Provides the site with a psychological high ground in specific topics.
I have always believed that the .info address in search engines give an advantage. People do scan the URL before they type.
Here in advertising world, we do (still) believe that the name carries a lot of brand value and meaning and goodwill. I am not debunking the merits of dotcom and its traffic potential. I just feel dotcom carries with it a lot of broken dreams, lost jobs, sick business models, and geeks that wore t-shirts to work and played foosball all day.
As a brand, dotocm seems to have lost the magical value it had to the world in 1999.
Just my humble opinion of course.