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.info LR2 registrars

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Hey tee, with each passing month, you see to be able to articulate the advantages of .info even better. Thanks for crystalizing those thoughts.

.info can be a very meaningful name to webmasters. Provides the site with a psychological high ground in specific topics.

I have always believed that the .info address in search engines give an advantage. People do scan the URL before they type.

Here in advertising world, we do (still) believe that the name carries a lot of brand value and meaning and goodwill. I am not debunking the merits of dotcom and its traffic potential. I just feel dotcom carries with it a lot of broken dreams, lost jobs, sick business models, and geeks that wore t-shirts to work and played foosball all day.

As a brand, dotocm seems to have lost the magical value it had to the world in 1999.

Just my humble opinion of course.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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My list:
.COM : will rule forever
.US : will become stronger
.REST : will go down the toilet

Why should there ever change anything,when a potential buyer of .info and such in the back of his mind wishes he had the .com version? At least that means .info&co will always be waaay below .com in terms of resale value.
.US might be the only extension that has a potential to get anywhere near .com - but it might also go down the toilet.
And as i start to believe nowadays development instead of resale is the key,.com is still the only way,really.Cuz if you go for development and monthly revenue,you want to profit from potential typein as well.


Originally posted by beatz
And as i start to believe nowadays development instead of resale is the key,.com is still the only way,really.Cuz if you go for development and monthly revenue,you want to profit from potential typein as well.

If you develop, any extension will do. The search engines will find good content with a little bit of prompting. One of the great lessons learnt in the dotcom crash was - it's not whether people visit your site, but whether they buy (ie pay you profit) from your site, and more importantly, whether they will be repeat customers, and recommend you to their friends.

This traffic for money manipulation that is going on now on the WWW sickens me. Provides an extremely poor user experience. No wonder why people are surfing less and just consistently going back to the sites they trust.


Originally posted by beatz
My list:
.COM : will rule forever
.US : will become stronger
.REST : will go down the toilet

Reminds me of the Chinese soda syndrome :rolleyes: Once you go mainstream, you compete with the millions. Entreprenuers don't - they take risks, before the toad-in-the-well masses wake up to the dawn.

I believe the Romans once thought the same :) . Except today, change is lightspeed. Thanks to globalisation.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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"If you develop, any extension will do".

True if you want to rely only on SE and link traffic.
Not true if you also want to profit from typein traffic - which can be significant.


Because beatz, .com was built up through an association, through massive advertising. If .info is used it will get some advertising, although I admit, nowhere near as strong as .com was advertised.
However, where .com is basically a nonsense word in terms of it doesn't mean anything in and of itself separate from the "branding" it underwent as the .internet extension through massive advertising, .info does mean something, and something utterly particularly relevant to the internet, in addition to the very core of our lives (lol). Information!

Like safesys suggested, if it all started over again, and you had choice, which would you pick, .com .or .info?

The answer to that question is the root of infos strength, and one which merely needs a little water or exposure to cement its itself. Scarcity and relevance are what will help info.

You see, .info is prebranded. Its already much better than .com. People just have to discover it and they will through efforts of those who see the relevance and have been impacted by the scarcity.

And once they do discover it, up will go the typeins, usage, and value and speculation. And down willl go.....?


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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"Entreprenuers don't - they take risks, before the toad-in-the-well masses wake up to the dawn. "

There is nothing enterpreneural or inventional about believing in every new extension that is released every other month.For most people it's just the hope that THIS time they will get a piece of the cake as well ,as they weren't around when it was 1996.

But that's called wishful thinking.

It's made for sheeps that are too easily willing to believe the next new extension is gonna produce another goldrush in resale value terms.But that won't happen for logical reasons like as stated in my previous post any potential buyer wishes he had the .com version.

Now,you may call a potential buyer smallminded not giving it the risk to launch with a .info - but hey, if the potential buyer would want a .chicken, that's what you wanna have to offer as a seller if you want to MAKE MONEY.

The BUYER/MARKET rules, not the SELLER.

Just wasted time to believe there will come a time when all companies/startups/buyers suddenly will be adventurous,risktaking,ahead-of-their-time enterprenuers.
Companies that launch have already enough risk on their shoulders - they don't wanna take any more risk than necessary.

So feel free to call 90% of todays companies mainstream - they have the money you want them to put in YOUR pocket and so you better give them what THEY want.If that happens to be .com - well then that's what they want.

And they have good reasons to want .com - Just because it's the most common extension on the planet.Period.And to change that,it will take more than one generation and more than some speculators that hope for a next .com rush.

Bottom line : If you want to make money,look what the buyer/market demands.Easy.


To be honest with you beatz, I think most of the new extensions we have seen are garbage. Especially the cc's hyped as something else. But I think .info will be different. Very different.

I could be wrong.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Tee - it doesn't matter what the extension is called or if it would be logical or decent sounding.The only logic there is is the market demand.If it was .assfart what the masses(buyers) ask for,then i'd give them .assfart.But it's called .com.At least for another 10 years i bet.


Originally posted by beatz
But it's called .com.At least for another 10 years i bet.

beatz, I don't know what industry you are in, but in my industry which is not even IT, I have seen the carnage that dotcom has brought to many of my close, and not so close, friends.

I handled 3 dotcom clients at its peak. Today, the business proposition involving dotcom smells like cancer. Many of the benefits that dotcom enjoys today was from the billions lost in promoting it. But the withdrawals from the bank is fast diminishing.

The dotcom euphoria was funded primarily by companies that materialised from nothing. For every and that survived the carnage, thousands upon thousands died.

Now you ask me to prove if dotcom has a smell of putrid cancer to investors, I can't. hmmm...


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Mole - could it be you confuse .com with dotcom ?!
Dotcom is nothing more than a common synonym for an internet startup,ecommerce company maybe and such.
.com is an extension.People rarely connect the Dotcom fall to the extension .com and sure nobody thinks the fall is caused by the .com ext.
Neither have i heard that people don't like the .com cause it reminds them of the dotcom fall?! LOL What's that?
Again : don't confuse the extension with the term please :)



Depends on which league you are playing beatz.

At the highest tier, its the investors putting serious money into online ventures.

At the lowest tier, its the resellers, and new small businesses trying to make a mark on the internet.

Perhaps you are right.

I have read some of the poster's opinion about info LR2. I have to admit that I would prefer instead of If you have no and have a slim chance of getting a good .com related to law, then is a gem!! So I cant agree with one of the posters sying that there is no potential or no need to hassle for LR2. Other than that info could be very logical with some areas. Think when you sit in front of PC, what information you need then go those areas. I have put some requests for info. I hope I can get them and read them to some end-users with a profit.



Good luck hero!

Don't forget to submit with too. They worked well for me, and they don't cheat your money.
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