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Is .mobi dead?

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Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 23, 2007
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Last week I sold my first .mobi to an end user. He planned to use it for text updates and something to do with GPS.

Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 6, 2006
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Since there are 6 million threads like this, I won't elaborate...

There are some .mobi sites that have SOME value, and always will.

Example: is a great site.

If the .mobi idea never pans out, at least the owner of this site has branded the name

(in the same way one would brand or .org etc.)

The .mobi owners just sitting on their names hoping for a pay day, are probably missing out...

Those of us that focus on development and
are attempting to build a recognizeable brand(name),
will still have "some" value in the projects.

Just my opinion.

(build a brand as opposed to the "sit and wait for a pay day" method) :)


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 26, 2004
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this thread should be dead...just like it's friend .mobi! I have to admit I own a few, but they blow.

Sonny Banks

<span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 18, 2008
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.mobi dead?
.Mobi never born from my point of view.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
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Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2003
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just heard the news also ... mtld is shutting down and cancelling the million or so domains names that are currently registered


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 15, 2006
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:in Yoda voice: These young padawans learn they must from Jedis when said ".mobi is the way to darkside".

Haiku: The sunrise period brought .mobi
Beautiful the eyes that never saw, but now
Sees it's sunset.

Jerk: Haha told you so!!! LOL


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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I hope you all keep preaching this sermon on the mount.

Any one care to play Taps? .mobie is History
She is a ****ing douchebag and a money monger.

She calls herself an SEO expert. She and her co-hort claims the mobile internet is a hoax and that the mobile internet does not even exist, let alone anything to do with .mobi.

Seriously, she is making a buck by managing and arranging seminars.

Since the release of that article she has time and time been made a fool of especially in person at an San Fran seminar.

Not a person in their right mind would even assume that the mobile internet does not exist.

She is desperately trying to keep a customer base tied to PC's.

There is a very archaic think-speak here in the US thanks to Madison Avenue Ad types that is an absolute infection getting ready to fester and burst - just like the auto industry.

It is not business as usual, you can not practice business as usual, and you can not pretend you know what is best for the consumer any more.

Do you think perhaps Detroit relied a little too much on the American Advertising model to use outdated research and surveys and consulting groups? And then relied on those same ad exec to beef up their business? And were spending billions of dollars a year in print and tv ads, naming stadiums after themselves, buying sports teams, billing events instead of putting money into a Real product that the consumer really wanted?

And do you think those same ad execs convinced Detroit that they can not survive without them? That the ad agencies not only knows what is best for Detroit but also the consumer?

See ya, Detroit. See ya, billion dollar ad agencies. See ya, 19th and 20th Century business models.

See ya archiac domaining think/speak.

See ya, Ms Lieb.

See ya PC and Laptop continued sales and profitability.

Welcome everyone to the 21st century.

And that mount that you speak from?

That is mounting each others back.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 15, 2006
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You're too deep for me sometimes DOC... buuuut can't agree with you on this one DOC... the mobile internet is no"hoax" as you put it however, it is not endemic to the success of .mobi. My smartphone (Treo 800w) and all smart phones doesn't need a lick from .mobi to view content. With speed increase G3, G4, G5 Networks speed... big screens like an iPhone... and unlimited internet.... why they heck would I care for stupid lil .mobi knocking on the door of a 500 pound gorrilla and and hollering... "look at me, I'm suppose to be the next big thing"... perhaps between 2000-2003 maybe... but its time in the sun is pass... I hope you don't have a lot of worthless .mobi domains in your portfolio DOC. And I fail to see why Lieb is a duche... she plainly advocates for a "mobile/traditonal-hybrid" approach in site design/redesign?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 18, 2007
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You're too deep for me sometimes DOC... buuuut can't agree with you on this one DOC... the mobile internet is no"hoax" as you put it however, it is not endemic to the success of .mobi. My smartphone (Treo 800w) and all smart phones doesn't need a lick from .mobi to view content. With speed increase G3, G4, G5 Networks speed... big screens like an iPhone... and unlimited internet.... why they heck would I care for stupid lil .mobi knocking on the door of a 500 pound gorrilla and and hollering... "look at me, I'm suppose to be the next big thing"... perhaps between 2000-2003 maybe... but its time in the sun is pass... I hope you don't have a lot of worthless .mobi domains in your portfolio DOC. And I fail to see why Lieb is a duche... she plainly advocates for a "mobile/traditonal-hybrid" approach in site design/redesign?
4 inches by 3 inches is big? Regardless, I think you'll find plenty of businesses using .mobi in the future. Will everyone? No, but as the mobile web grows there will be a number of sites that are exclusively for mobiles and using a .mobi would be a perfect fit for them.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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You're too deep for me sometimes DOC... buuuut can't agree with you on this one DOC... the mobile internet is no"hoax" as you put it however, it is not endemic to the success of .mobi. My smartphone (Treo 800w) and all smart phones doesn't need a lick from .mobi to view content. With speed increase G3, G4, G5 Networks speed... big screens like an iPhone... and unlimited internet.... why they heck would I care for stupid lil .mobi knocking on the door of a 500 pound gorrilla and and hollering... "look at me, I'm suppose to be the next big thing"... perhaps between 2000-2003 maybe... but its time in the sun is pass... I hope you don't have a lot of worthless .mobi domains in your portfolio DOC. And I fail to see why Lieb is a duche... she plainly advocates for a "mobile/traditonal-hybrid" approach in site design/redesign?
Well, read more of Ms. Lieb.

And it was her who claimed that the mobile internet is a hoax, not me, and claimed that it is not needed as it is counter to the "one internet" idea.


Yup, while everyone else was saying otherwise, she said nope.

Think your treo is all that?

Go to on your treo. Spend some time on it.

Then go to on your treo. Click on the button for the mobile version fo click Z.

And then tell which is better and best for your treo and your eyes.

Then tell me with your treo everything you are missing by the auto detect deciding FOR YOU what you will see and don't see.

Tell me which loaded faster, tell me which navigated better, and tell me which was easier to read. Screen size is screen size so that is not an issue.

The auto detect decides...the browser decides...not the site, not the webmaster, not the programmer...what you see.

A simple mobi compliant site. That is all it took. And guess what? Now miss douche can be seen in all her glory, you can read her full story and by line, and read all her previous articles. You will see that Ms Lieb is selling herself, her seminars, and her business model. Nothing more.

You have the option of seeing the images, or not see the images.

Want to read the full site of every site? Carry your charger with you.

Smartphones will never be smarter than people. Only smarter than v1, v2 etc. Smart Phones will never be able to decide for people what content they want and do not want to see.

Remember that watered down internet everyone was talking about? There it is. All the bullshit, fluff, and flash omitted, deleted, and now you are strait into the content.

And the addition of an "m" prefix solves all that nonsense? NONSENSE.

Welcome to the 21st century and web 3.0.

Welcome to the 5th media.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 15, 2006
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4 inches by 3 inches is big? Regardless, I think you'll find plenty of businesses using .mobi in the future. Will everyone? No, but as the mobile web grows there will be a number of sites that are exclusively for mobiles and using a .mobi would be a perfect fit for them.

You do realize sites can automatically tell if someone is accessing via a mobile phone and simply display a mobile version of their site right? Try on your mobile phone (I asked them to change it a few months ago though so it may not change). But it defaults to a mobile version.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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4 inches by 3 inches is big? Regardless, I think you'll find plenty of businesses using .mobi in the future. Will everyone? No, but as the mobile web grows there will be a number of sites that are exclusively for mobiles and using a .mobi would be a perfect fit for them.
The big issue is this...

I do not think auto detect as it is presently works (and the browser) takes the full PC site and strips it down and shows you only what it decides what you see.

There are currently more than 260 domain extensions in the world. Thanks to ICANNt's ineptness and money grab, you are getting ready to see hundreds more.

Add in the IDN push.

Get ready to see literally thousands of domain extensions.

Not a damn person can agree on how to access the internet.

And the smart phone will never be smarter than people.

Adding an m. in front of all those extensions and sites is the answer? Who's answer? No one can agree on shit in the domain world. Domainers do not dictate trends, consumer use, and what the consumer needs...domainers just wish they did.

So until someone can create the perfect one system that does all, says all, accesses all, and reads all minds...what one extension says THIS SITE IS MOBILE better than .mobi?

You do realize sites can automatically tell if someone is accessing via a mobile phone and simply display a mobile version of their site right? Try on your mobile phone (I asked them to change it a few months ago though so it may not change). But it defaults to a mobile version.
try my little challenge and test above. And tell me which works best on your treo, iPhone, iTouch.

That I find is the biggest road block...western culture is so engrained that this is how it is done and the business models for decades and centuries have embedded itself into our mindset.

VERY VERY FEW PEOPLE on this site and others have compared a non-mobi or and a mobi of the EXACT SAME SITE to even know the difference.

Invest in .mobi? You betcha.

Also invested heavily in .com, .net, waterfront property, antiques, acreage tracts, lots located at ski resorts, historic homes and properties...lots of investments.

Do my own research, don't have anyone sell me on anything, make an informed decision for myself, not afraid to try something for myself, if I don't know or want to know more about something I will investigate it myself, if I want to do something and don't know how it, I teach myself.

I am reliant upon myself. If I relied on forums like this for advice and guiding me, I would have never bought all those L-L.coms for a couple hundred dollars a few years ago, some for about 80 bucks or so.

I am very open minded about many things, many cultures, many technologies. Many technologies you have in your home and in your hands were tried in hospitals and in the military years before released to public.

That is where I am and that is what I am all about. Not afraid to get my feet wet, take a few lumps and failures but learn from them, and have built a very solid knowledge of many industries and professions over the years thanks to formal and informal education.

Not here to win any popularity contests. But tired of all the close mined think/speak I see on these domain forums and have for more than 5 or 6 years even before I joined. Used to laugh at what I read as a prying eyes.

I am sure many are laughing at me. Have no issue with that at all.

Been hearing this same argument about mobi not one, not two, not three, not four, but nearly 5 Years Ago on this forum.

Yes! Since 2004! I have those threads saved somewhere on one of my computers.

And remember? The advice pertaining to ALL domains from that time period?

No Numbers
No Hyphens
Nothing more than 7 letters
English only
Only .com

Where would many of the members on the forum today be having followed those strict rules?

Gotta run...

Teaching myself how to cook like a real chef having my wife assist me.


Hand made pasta noodles to make an authentic green lasagna with all homemade and homegrown ingredients and homemade nocchi

Forgive me Carter and mi Italiano amicos if I don't have access to the same spinich, sausage, etc. I'll have plenty of that when I return to italy one day :)


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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Domainers do not dictate trends, consumer use, and what the consumer needs.

Consumers don't know moby exists and in 5 years they still won't know moby exists. Ask Rick how much of the $200K he spent on he's recovered.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Consumers don't know moby exists and in 5 years they still won't know moby exists.
Spoken like a true domainer, not a consumer or marketer.

Guess you are a little late to the board meeting of CocaCola and Microsoft who just released .mobi sites. You would have had your chance to voice your opposition.

Then again, those same board members read this forum on a daily basis.

Preach on, brother, preach on.

And to think, calling us the mobievangelists. Recently I have been reading the MobiPhiles do all the preaching as if the false prophet would say, The End is Nigh, The End is Nigh!

In early 2007 when the news of the iPhone hit, your were one of the many who announced and elated at the Prophecy of the "Final Nail in the Coffin".

Hell Greg, when will that bastard child die?


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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Guess you are a little late to the board meeting of CocaCola and Microsoft who just released .mobi sites.

Unless you own or you're shiat outta luck.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Unless you own or you're shiat outta luck.
Um, sure. What ever you say.

After all, you are the expert of .mobi with your, what was the cybersquatterd brand you owned?

Oh, yeah...iPhones wasn't it?

So a brand and the TM in the wrong hands did what for you? Allowed you to post how worthless mobi is because you paid $600 for it and had a hell of a time selling it.

And you single handedly convinced the masses that mobi was worthless because you parked it and no one came to your party (aka, parked site).

That, compadre, was one of the most baffling riskiest "throw the book at me, your honor" regs and purchases and bragging I had ever personally witnessed - hands down!

And for all that effort, STILL DAMMIT - COKE, MS, BB&T, AMEX AND MORE STILL launched mobi sites in late November and early December 2008.

Even after you warned everyone.

It is quite evident that anything outside your "safe zone" is bad mojo for you and the world.

Quite humorous.

That is why I like reading your threads.

Your famous mobi is dead from 2 years ago will go in the books with "don't vote for Obama cause he smokes and said he quit."

The best damn intellectual minds and think tank in the globe can sometimes be found right here.

In the meantime, preach your sermon from the highest mount.
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