When the acceptable time comes to monetize or sell, the traffic and buyers will all be gone, sellers know this, they also know the best time to capitalize is on the first day of the tragedy, that's why these auctions went up on ebay in less than 4 hours after the shooting.
I'm never glad when somebody dies, but in this case I am glad the killer took his own life, if he didn't, the suffering would continue for these families years on end, much like the Oklahoma bombing. And the debate would continue on over the morality issue while owners of tragic domains reap the click revenue.
Actually I have to disagree again. This is the single largest, single day, killing spree since the "Clock Tower" incident. Even I know all about that incident right down to the rifle Whitman was using when we took pot shots at unsuspecting victims and this is WAY before my era. In fact, just checked, Cho is already on Whitman's biography on
This will not be forgotten for a long long time.
First, if it was your job...a whole new debate.
I believe it can be anyone's job to write a story or script getting this person's background and life independent of the news media, be it a hobbyist that enjoys cataloging criminal behavior (and there are ton's of them) or someone that wants to tell their version of how a single story affected them and it's their right to do so and make money off of it at the same time. "The News" doesn't have "Carte Blanche" over everything and everyone.
And I park the hell out of domains. But I am also not attempting to capitalize on sensationalism
Nah, and neither does the news. :smilewinkgrin: When is that blurry line crossed? Between reporting and cashing in on the side of the media? It happens, but where is the line in the sand?
But in regards to CNN or any other major media like MSN, FOX, BBC, etc, let's not forget that they exist to report the news. That is their job, task, duty, and reason for being. They are serving a function.
I have no problem with this. NONE whatsoever. But what I have a problem with is if we are getting down on someone for serving "commercial" ads to capitalize on sensationalism then who has the greater power to do so? A domainer or the NEWS?
There is no reason why they on something such as terrible as this couldn't have replaced those ads with links to the schools donation, or other public services. But they didn't.
The registering of Ismailax.com...did it facilitate (fulfill) getting the message out? Or did it hinder? It redirected the viewer to a NameDrive landing page that contained no content whatsoever on the meaning or the signifigance of the term. It clearly disrupted the flow of information and created a divergence away from the legitimate news providers. It did nothing to benefit anyone with the exception of the registrant.
Again this is just speculation. What you say is true it did go to a parking page and still does resolve to parking servers. But who's to say that advertisers wont bring in more money for the victims fund than a link straight to the schools donation? When most of the surfers looking for this term are just trying to figure out what the hell it means. They already know the story that's why they know the term. And what he is going to do with that money is still just SPECULATION.
From what I'm hearing on the news, News sources are going to drastically reduce using the killers name and images, for obvious reasons.
It wouldn't or couldn't possibly be that they are catching flack for sensationalizing and profiteering off the greatest single day shooting since the '60's now would it?