Another misinformed post from yet another noncustomer. There are issues but the majority are "the sky is falling" rumors. Why people seem to get a nut off of other peoples problems is beyond me. You may want to check site which was the source of most misinformation for the most recent update that the sky isn't actually falling.
And you can very well bet that between Registerfly, eNom, Verisign, and ICANN it all gets worked out because they ALL have skeletons in their closets on this matter and many, many more. This isn't just about one guy living it up or one company this is about all of these organizations dropping the ball and not doing what they were paid to do.
JMJ I'm not sure how this can be downplayed. Do you realize that Registerfly now has NO security certificate! That tens of thousands of domains have already been lost! Man that's pretty serious stuff. Not like one guy lost a couple names this is a big f'ing deal!
I lost 3 names in this debacle however I paid for all 3. All 3 were supposed to have been renewed. All 3 were not.
My fourth domain which was renewed twice was almost lost. I was one of the lucky ones. I was able to actually unlock it before losing it and my contact at enom was able to get it out.
Of the names I lost none were worth more than a few hundred bucks but imagine if it was one of my ecommerce sites? My lively hood and the lively hood of many of my employees?
ICANN office of the Ombudsman - "70% of the non-jurisdictional contacts my office has received have concerned registerfly"
70%! and that is with tons and tons of customers who are not domainers still in the dark.
I don't know how this can be spun into just some minor problem. This is a catastrophe for many.
Here is a good video of what many are experieincing right now:
Regfly video