This might be the time to tell us the name of the mysterious program that causes one to be in posession of stolen domains.
I have looked into the push process @ godaddy.
I know I was supposed to receive an email directly from godaddy.
Instead, Grant had the email sent to him.
He has now sent me an email asking me to retrieve the codes and transaction ID from a URL belonging to him.
Therefore, the codes and transaction ID which should be known only to me are now also known to him.
This situation is not satisfactory.
I would appreciate it if anyone here could correct me if I'm wrong.
Grant, please cancel that push and initiate another one correctly with the info I sent you.
The clock is ticking and my patience is running out.
Pasted below is the email he sent to me.
You may proceed to removed by request to retrieve the transaction ID and security code needed for the account change.
If you have any question, please feel free to reply to this email.
Your Team
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 10:44 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Change of Registrant Pending
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Dear donnacha costello,
The registrant of the following domain name(s):
has initiated a process by which you will become the registrant of the domain name(s).
You may be asked to log in to your account. To safely log in:
1. Go to the home page and select "My Account."
2. Create an account if you do not already have one, or enter your log in name (or customer number) and password. Then, click "Secure Login."
3. Select "Pending Account Changes" located in the "My Account" box.
4. Select "Accept Account Change" (upper right-hand corner), then provide the following information:
5. After you enter the Transaction ID and Security Code, please proceed through the shopping cart to complete the free transaction.
If the Change of Account is not completed within 10 days, the
transaction ID and the security code will expire.
If for any reason this information is incorrect or you feel this change of registrant request was made in error, please contact us within 15 days at mailto:[email protected].
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Copyright 2007 All rights reserved.
>>just accept the domain already
As the original recipient of the godaddy mail and codes etc he could subsequently file a complaint with them and attempt to take the domain back.
quoting godaddy:
If for any reason this information is incorrect or you feel this change of registrant request was made in error, please contact us within 15 days at mailto:[email protected].
So, he could attempt to take it back any time in the next 15 days.
That's unacceptable as far as I'm concerned.
It is a website in a foreign language. Using Google Translator I got the following info:
The bottom of the page says "Domain name hunters, all rights reserved"
The main page consists only of the banner and navigation bar. There are only 3 links on the navigation bar. 1. Register domains(with affiliate link to 2. Virtual host(with affiliate link to and 3. "Rush Violence"
When I click on "Rush Violence" I go to a page with 2 input boxes.
The translator gave me this:
Please enter the domain name (the only support system. Com domain name, do not import http://) :
---input box---
Enter Email Address to prevent accidental dropping (optional) :
---input box ---
Then there is what seems to be a submit button and under it the following text: "System will first check if the fact the fact feasibility of a high success rate, and you must prepare credit cards without credit cards, Do not click on the next step"
I follow the instructions and enter a domain name and an email address, which gets me to a page with the following message:
Domain Name success rate is too low! Possible reasons for an error
1, not in the domain name registration Network Solutions
2. time is not on the domain name expired five days before
3, of the domain name registration information is not open
4, domain name format is not correct
5, Our service providers do not support the input you please re-enter the domain name after the other try. Thank you!
The first thing that strikes me is that they want you to enter a domain name and an email(to prevent accidental dropping as they say) and then they check the feasibility of catching that name.
According to the message I got at the end, an important criterion for a high success rate is that the domain name must be registered with NETSOL
The other thing they possibly check is if the email address is free, which will also increase the success rate if they are indeed hijacking the domains.
Will look into it more tomorrow, no more time today
>>just accept the domain already
As the original recipient of the godaddy mail and codes etc he could subsequently file a complaint with them and attempt to take the domain back.
quoting godaddy:
If for any reason this information is incorrect or you feel this change of registrant request was made in error, please contact us within 15 days at mailto:[email protected].
So, he could attempt to take it back any time in the next 15 days.
That's unacceptable as far as I'm concerned.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators