I know biggedon didn't vote for Obama, because he's against all change
Don is a nice guy but every time someone makes an observation regarding adjusting, improving or expanding the rules to suit e.g. new market conditions or trends, biggedon's off the cuff response is "no". Don, it's not 2002 anymore and DNForum is probably 25 times as big, so change is necessary with a lot of things. To achieve "high standards" as you profess, you personally need to refrain from running the show like Fidel Castro did. Rules are necessary but common sense is needed even more when you have the privilege of being a moderator, especially when you're setting forth a claim of bias by identifying a number of active and potentially outspoken or energized users as a "group of complainers, whiners, and wannabe intimidators."
if i wasn't exercising good judgement and showing a common sense approach to assisting with managing this forum, then Adam probably would have let me go long time ago.
but just to repeat again, i don't run the show and i don't make the rules.
the show/forum runs itself
we just try to make sure the production is in line with the scripts.
sure each actor may ad-lib on his/her lines occasionally, but basically all are required to stick to the script.
only the Executive Producer (Adam) or Director (Admin) can change the scripts in this show.
mods (script supervisors)only give their opinion, just like you and others.
i didn't set forth any claims, only responding to claims made by others and have every right to defend my actions when they are being attacked by members who's past actions caused them to be banned more than once.
i'm very active, highly energized and quite outspoken by nature, but i've never been banned from "any domain forum" and none of my threads have been closed.
how many members have reported my posts since i've been a member here?
how many times have i received warning points or infractions in that time?
if members make suggestions and i respond, then i want them to illustrate how a change or suggestion will benefit the forum as a whole, not just to serve their special interests.
if they can't do that, then in many instances i won't/don't feel the need to support that change.
when members can show how a change will benefit the forum, in a logical, respectful manner....then i'm all ears.