A bit of "Mob Mentality" here it seems.
Definitely, there has been a screw up on Monikers part. Unfortunately, when the parking companies make themselves accessible to the masses here on DNForum, more often then not, it's just asking for trouble it seems.
The old adage of "Bad news spreads 3x as fast as Good news" seems to be applicable here.
I don't think they (the parking reps) have accounts and post here, to give people an outlet to bash them. What they do however, is give the customers a chance to get faster support, more detailed questions and sometimes, diplomatically bring up differences.
But that seems to rarely happen. And my guess is, if it continues, they will just go the way of Sedo and "stop responding". Go ahead, make a dozen threads about them in the Parking Forum. They won't care anymore, they aren't going to even read it, but they will keep taking your money unless you do something more then whine, and move out your domains.
I think it's good most issues are brought up on DNForum to educate others, but I dislike the Mob Mentality that goes on. Whether you choose to acknowledge this or not, Reps of Parking companies posting here, is a PRIVLEDGE to all of us.
Don't believe me? GoDaddy doesn't do much active support here and that doesn't seem to stop anyone from giving them money.
I don't want to ruin a good thing, That's all. If you are upset, and I mean, very upset, take it off the public board. If you have a problem you think should be brought to light, then go ahead and post it here, it probably needs to be seen.
There IS a difference between the two.