I am Broker of Real Estate in the USA, Connecticut, very expensive state, stay away if you can. LOL. This whole Buyer beware, "Caveat emptor", is bad business for the industry. Years ago, the real estate industry dealt with this issue and the Realtor organization issued rules for it's membership, ethics laid out plain and simple. Most professional organizations has such rules that guide them, lawyers, realtors, physcians, etc... Let's not mince words here. While the buyer may have to do his/her own research that is something we all agree on but that does not in any way limit the seller's responsiblity to DISCLOSE ALL MATERIAL FACTS including knowledge of potentail decline in traffic. Let's say this was a house for sale, if I was going to sell the house and the state said we might put a highway near the house and if I knew this or even if I don't it is my job to know this and tell all potential buyers that the state MIGHT put up a hightway. Now, that state might never put up a highway, so do I have to tell the buyers? Or do I tell them to do their own research. WHAT? That's absurd, you have to tell the buyers even of the potenial. So, in best practice we would all be better off in here to be ethically 100% pure and disclose ALL the fact that may affect traffic or may not affect traffic. Otherwise we run the risk of being a shady underground organization and we will never be in the mainstream business world with shady ethics and standards for our members. Once the seller has disclosed all fasts THEN it is the buyer's resonsiblity to assume the risk WITH FULL DISCLOSURE of all facts NOT before. I will not comment this entire incident but I will say most of us have tried to drop deadweight domains, the question is how we do it. If your Realtor sold you a house with a highway in the future you would sue him/her, why is it different for domains. Adam and the mods here can demand that sales thread achieve a higher ethical standard by the Seller, in my opinion it is not optional, if we don't require our members to do right then we cannot expect outside business people to take the domain industry or DNforum seriously and we're all a bunch of kiddies playing in the sandbox. I expect more from all of us, I think we're all decent folks in here and we can demand the best from ourselves, let's raise the bar, let's lift the standards of our membership and be above the fray so that no one on the outside can question our intent. Cheers,